
Annual Parish Meeting 2024

To all parishioners

Annual Parish Meeting 2024

7:30 pm Thursday 16 May 2024
Shawford Parish Hall


  1. Welcome address by the Chair of Compton & Shawford Parish Council.
  2. Portfolio Holders’ reports – with questions and answers after each report.
    1. Finance & Administration
    2. Planning
    3. Playing fields and play areas
    4. Highways and public transport
    5. Footpaths & environment
    6. Police & Schools Liaison
  3. Topics raised by the public – anyone wishing to raise a specific topic should inform the Clerk by email so that the answer can be researched prior to the meeting. (Email contact can be found above).

Simon Willcock, Chairman
Lasiân Thomas-Scott, Parish Clerk | 7th May 2024

This is the Annual Parish Meeting for all parishioners, which every parish must hold at this time of year.   See Annual Parish Meeting.

Printable agenda