PC Meeting Report May 2022
Report on Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council
held Tuesday 3rd May 2022, 7pm at Shawford Parish Hall
One year has gone already since the new council took office in May 2021. Cllrs Frances Strange and Martin Bell were respectively reelected Chairman and vice Chairman of the Council and it was agreed that portfolio holders would carry on liaising with parishioners and reporting on Council matters as follows: finance and administration: Cllr Willcock; playing fields and play areas: Cllr Cooper; highways & public transport: Cllr Bell; planning & community: Cllr Strange; footpaths & environment: Cllr Hunt.
Financial statements along with the 2021-22 Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) were approved in readiness for the clerk’s upcoming meeting with the internal auditor. The Council also decided to rejoin the Hampshire Association of Local Councils (HALC) which will enable access to a wide range of resources, including those of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC). The annual parish meeting was discussed. In light of the scheduled replacement of some of the play equipment it was felt that parishioners’ insights should be sought. The renewal of the lengthsman scheme was finally approved.
Annual Parish Meeting, Compton and Shawford
held Thursday 12th May 2022, 7.30pm at Shawford Parish Hall
The parish meeting resumed in person after three years. Fifteen members of the public attended in addition to parish councillors, the parish hall caretaker Frank Smith and the clerk.
The meeting started with a presentation of the Three Rivers Community Rail Partnership and their work to improve railway experience and get the best out of our train stations. The Chairman then reported on the Council’s activities over the past twelve months. Each section incorporated a Q&A session to allow parishioners to interact throughout the meeting. Topics of interest included road safety, SHELAA sites, play equipment and vegetation.
The Chairman reminded the audience of the vacant positions at the Council. Compton and Shawford Community Association (CASCA) is also still looking for a new chairman. Parishioners interested in applying can get in touch with either Cllr Strange or the clerk – see page A4 of the parish magazine for the Council’s contact details. Local groups are finally encouraged to submit grant requests to the Council for projects of interest to the community.
The meeting was followed by a networking session with refreshments provided by the Women’s Institute, an opportunity for residents to get to know each other and their representatives.
By Alexandra Bond, Clerk to the Council
PC Meeting Report May 2022 – Links
- See the Minutes page for minutes of the 3 May 2022 meeting (which should be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).