
PC Meeting Report July 2022

Report on Compton and Shawford Council Meeting
held at 7pm Tuesday 5th July 2022 at Shawford Parish Hall

All councillors were present for the first ordinary meeting of the financial year. As a member of the public having shown interest in joining the Council Mr Jamie Robertson also attended and introduced himself during the public session as invited by the Chairman. A co-option vote is to be expected at the next meeting for applications received by the 30th August.

No resolutions were required at the meeting. The internal auditor had reviewed the accounting documents and governance procedures for the year 2021-22, and confirmed that the internal control objectives had been met in accordance with legal requirements and proper practices. The annual governance and accountability return (AGAR) was consecutively submitted for external audit.

The climbing unit at Queen Elizabeth II Fields had to be removed from the playground following the latest inspection report. The Council is considering the regeneration of the play area as a whole subject if match funding can be found. The memorial plaques (bench and tree) policy was also discussed. Hampshire Countryside are to be contacted for advice on the purchase of new benches.

Three issues had been raised at the parish meeting: the lack of signage for the cycling lane, unauthorised parking on the yellow line by the post box and the overgrown vegetation at the end of Shepherd Lane. The highways issues are to be reported to Hampshire County Council and the hedge cutting works, if not already dealt with by the lengthsmen, will be added to their worksheet for August.

By Alexandra Bond, Clerk to the Council

PC Meeting Report July 2022 – Links

  • See the Minutes page for minutes of the 5 July 2022 meeting (which should be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).