
PC Meeting Report May 2021

Report on the Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council
held 7.00 pm Tuesday 18th May 2021 at Shawford Parish Hall

As the regulations authorising councils meeting to be held remotely had expired earlier in the month, the Annual Meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council took place in person at Shawford Parish Hall on Tuesday 18th May. Of the six elected councillors, five were present in addition to the clerk, allowing for social distancing to be respected. Two members of the public were given remote access. The meeting was short and focusing on resolutions to be passed to keep the risks of airborne contamination to a low level.

Cllr Frances Strange was elected new Chairman of the Council, generating a round of applause in the room. Cllr Martin Bell is taking the role of vice-chairman.

Declarations of acceptance of office and notifications of disclosable pecuniary interests were handed over to the clerk as it is required after an election. The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March were approved.

The clerk commented that the signage requested on Shepherds Lane was now in situ to discourage drivers from parking on the recreation fields.

Portfolio holders, liaisons and representatives were appointed as follows:

  • finance and administration: Cllr R. Webster;
  • playing fields, play areas and environment: Cllr L. Cooper;
  • trees, hedges and footpaths: Cllr T. Hunt;
  • planning: Cllr F. Strange and Cllr T. Hunt (deputy);
  • highways: Cllr M. Bell and Cllr T. Hunt (M3 sub portfolio);
  • public transport: Cllr T. Hunt;
  • web management: Cllr F. Strange and Adrian Walmsley (webmaster);
  • school and police liaison: Cllr B. Jordan;
  • village agent: Cllr F. Strange;
  • tree Warden: Cllr T. Hunt;
  • CASCA liaison: Myra Wilkinson;
  • All Saints School’s governor: Charlotte Bailey;
  • Winchester Villages Trust: Sue Down.

Of the nine seats, three are yet to be filled. Parishioners interested in becoming a councillor are asked to contact the clerk so that new members can be co-opted at the next council meeting.

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return for 2020-21 was approved. Cllr Richard Webster gave a brief overview of the information technologies used by the clerk. Bank signatories’ permissions were also discussed.

Councillors had hoped that the Annual Parish Meeting, consisting of the local government electors of the parish, could be held in person when the restrictions ease completely.

As a parish meeting must assemble between 1st March and 1st June it was agreed to hold the meeting remotely on Thursday 27th May at 7.30pm. The next Council meeting as for itself is scheduled on Tuesday 6th July 2021 at the Parish Hall.

By Alexandra Bond, Clerk to the Council

PC Meeting Report May 2021 – Links

  • See the Minutes page for minutes of the 18 May 2021 meeting (which will be available as a draft pending formal approval by the Council at its next meeting).