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2021 Annual PC Meeting postponement


As this is an election year for the Parish Council, the Council had scheduled its Annual Meeting for 11 May, the first Tuesday after the elections.

Last year, the Coronavirus Act 2020 enabled Local Council meetings to be held remotely.

This authority expired on 7 May 2021.

The High Court recently ruled that, without changes to the law, public meetings of local councils in England must take place “in person”.

The devolved authorities in Scotland and Wales have extended the authority to hold remote meetings.


In their election years, local authorities are required by law to hold their annual meeting within 21 days of the elections, which this year took place on 6 May.

Under current Covid-19 restrictions, the Annual Meeting of the PC cannot take place before 17 May.

The PC will have to make sure that the meeting location and arrangements conform to Covid-19 restrictions still in place.

The Council hopes that, during the week beginning 10 May, it will be able to announce the new date for the APCM.

What happens?

At the Annual Parish Council Meeting, the councillors must elect a chairman for the coming 12 months.

They also choose a vice-chairman, appoint portfolio holders and conduct the annual reviews of the accounts and regulations.

What about the Annual Parish Meeting?

The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Parish Council meeting. It’s more like the AGM of an organisation, where, instead of shareholders, all local residents are welcome to attend.

Every parish must have an Annual Parish Meeting, which must be held between 1 March and 1 June (both inclusive).

2021 Annual PC Meeting postponement – References