
2021 Parish Council Election Results

2021 Parish Council Election Results

When nominations closed at 4pm on Thursday 8 April, six valid nominations had been received for the nine seats on the Parish Council.

All the nominees were therefore declared elected unopposed.

Parish Council elections are held every four years. This year’s Parish Council elections were postponed from 2020 because of Coronavirus. But the four-year cycle is not permanently changed, so the next Parish Council elections will be held in 2024.

The first meeting of the new Parish Council is at 7:30pm on Tuesday 11th May by Zoom.

At its May meeting every year, the Parish Council has to elect its chair, vice-chair and decide on the makeup of its committees. It will also be able to consider filling the vacant seats by co-option.

The official results were posted on the City Council website soon after nominations closed, and are reproduced below for ease of reference: