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PC Meeting Report March 2021

Report of the Parish Council online meeting held on Tuesday 2 March 2021 via ZOOM.

The council meeting held on Tuesday 2nd March 2021 was the last meeting before the elections.

Current chairman Cllr Goulding as well as Cllrs Wilkinson and Lockett will not be running again and received warm thanks for their hard work over the years, with wishes of luck for the future.

Cllr Wilkinson will stay active in the parish through her involvement with Compton and Shawford Community Association. The meeting was also Mrs Heywood-Waddington’s last meeting as a clerk and an opportunity for members of the council to welcome Mrs Bond who is taking over her role and will be communicating with councillors ahead of the elections scheduled on 6th May.

The public session was marked by an intervention from Field Way Residents Association Chairman Celia Palmer, who raised the matter of damages sustained to Shepherds Lane road surfacing by the playing fields as a result of drivers going onto the grass to park on the fields. This is a concern for the association who is responsible for the upkeep and repair of the road surfacing and therefore Mrs Palmer asked that the council take action to preserve the edge of the field and discourage such practices. The matter was discussed later by councillors as part of the playing fields management and it was agreed that the council would investigate the erection of signs to direct people to where parking is. Councillors would also coordinate a site visit to discuss the best options to stop drivers going onto the grass.

Reports were received from councillors regarding finance and administration, the management of open spaces, planning and highways. Issues raised included the sports club’s lease extension and replacement of cricket nets, some tree works, signage by the riverside and play equipment.

As the council was recently contacted by Community Speed Watch it was also agreed that a workgroup would be formed to take action on matters pertaining to traffic speed.

Finally it was proposed that the Community Infrastructure Levy be used for project funding to empower the local community to implement their ideas with oversight from the parish council, to be discussed further after the elections.

The following resolutions were passed: adoption of the memorial bench policy, appointment of John Murray as internal auditor and approval of the asset register.

The next meeting is scheduled on Tuesday 11th May at 19:30.

By Alexandra Bond
C&S Parish Clerk


Councils may hold meetings remotely including via telephone conferencing, video conferencing, live webchat and live streaming. Remote attendance by members counts for other purposes such as the six month rule on attendance, and for allowances. Members of the public and press may also access meetings remotely rather than in person.