PC Meeting Report November 2020
PC Meeting Report November 2020
Table of Contents
Report of the Parish Council online meeting held on Tuesday 3 November 2020 via ZOOM.
The 2021/22 draft budget and updates on local planning issues were the main items for discussion.
County & District Councillor’s Report
Councillor Warwick reported that household waste recycling centres, country parks and libraries will remain open during lockdown; and a significant amount of finance has come from the government to support district authorities as part of this lockdown. Councillor Warwick is supportive of the Hampshire Green belt and is pleased that Councillor Strange and the other parish councils in the ward have submitted plans. She reported that there is a significant amount of support put through for school meals and Hampshire County Council (HCC) has put forward funding to support all families whether they are at school or not.
Councillor Williams advised that there is CIL money available but due to COVID-19 people are not applying for the funding, so the Councillor wants to encourage groups to put themselves forward for funding.
Public Session
A member of the public who grew up in Compton and whose mother until recently lived at The Chequers on Compton Street, spoke. She needs to decide the future of The Chequers and she wanted to ask the Parish Council what they would like to see there and if they can give her some feedback. Parts of the house date back to the 1700s so Councillor Strange suggested that she work with the member of the public to look at the historic value of the property. A parishioner spoke about setting up a community orchard in Shawford and wanted to gauge if there was interest from the Council. The idea for the orchard came out of lockdown and it was proposed that residents would purchase the trees and maintain the orchard at their own cost. This was discussed under Highways and Public Transport as it was on Councillor M Bell’s report.
Councillor Strange reported that due to the planning changes that may happen with the government, she and Councillor Bell may need to redo both the Village Design Statement and the Local Area Design Statement. Councillor Strange also confirmed that she had responded to the Government White Paper on planning/housing numbers on behalf of the Council. A paper has also been put together for WCC to support the Winchester District Green Belt to protect from urban sprawl. District Councillor E Bell reiterated that there is no planning application in for the area south of Hursley, as was stated in last month’s Parish magazine. Councillor E Bell also mentioned, in reference to the Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA), that it would be helpful for the Parish to look at not only areas they want to refuse but also areas that they may want to propose development or redevelopment, including areas not on the SHELAA.
Council Wheeler and Councillor M Bell are working on a Memorial Bench/Tree policy and will present a proposal at the next meeting. The request for a community orchard was discussed and the Council agreed that they can’t support the proposed location of the orchard, the land that is potentially earmarked for the station car park, as it would rule out the potential of the car park and the Council isn’t convinced that this would have full parish support. The Council agreed that the idea of a community orchard is positive, and they would be happy to look at other locations that can be used. Concern was expressed over the speed of cars coming down Compton Street. The Council has agreed to speak to HCC about getting a survey to monitor average speeds and then come up with a proposal.
Playing Fields Management, Footpaths, and the Environment
Councillor Wilkinson noted the replacement Compton Place and the new Compton Lock signs have been installed. The rope ladder on the QEII multiplay area is broken and is being repaired. Councillor Wilkinson stated that after many years ‘Footpath Only’ signs with a no cycling symbol have now appeared on the Towpath. The Council has received bin keys from WCC so the bins at the MPF and QEII can now be emptied regularly.
Lengthsman & Tree Warden
Councillor Hunt noted that the Lengthsman has been given 3 tasks for the coming month; cleaning the footpath from Hurdle Way down to Compton Street, cutting back the hedging on the MPF on the south side, and cutting back the vegetation at the upper carpark on Shawford down. Councillor Hunt reported that there have been a few non-controversial requests for trimming TPO trees and one felling. There have also been 8 trees on Southdown Road subjected to provisional TPOs.
Finance and Administration
The Council discussed the 2020/21 draft budget and noted increases in finance expenditure, due to an increase in yearly insurance cost. The only other area there was a proposed increase in spending was the subscriptions & training budget line, where money was added for training the new Clerk. The proposed budget and precept will be agreed at the January Parish Council meeting.
Community Infrastructure Levy
The current CIL balance is £20,008.11 with a new remittance from 21/10/20 of £4170.53. There have not been any recent requests.
Councillor Wilkinson reported that CASCA have had to close the Parish Hall again but that they are keeping up with all COVID guidelines. They are working towards having an on-line booking system in the future. They will be having an AGM on the 9th December at 7pm via Zoom.
Date and Venue of Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 5 January 2021 via ZOOM.
Gwen Heywood-Waddington, Clerk
- The minutes of the 3 November 2020 meeting will be available (as a draft until approved by the Council) on the Minutes page.
- The authority to hold remote meetings was announced in by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in their Letter to Councils About Local Authority Meetings and Postponement of Elections which said:
Councils may hold meetings remotely including via telephone conferencing, video conferencing, live webchat and live streaming. Remote attendance by members counts for other purposes such as the six month rule on attendance, and for allowances. Members of the public and press may also access meetings remotely rather than in person.