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Burglary Awareness in the area

Hampshire Alert: Burglary Awareness in the area

Hampshire Alert: Burglary Awareness in the area

Hampshire Alert: Burglary AwarenessAlert message sent 16/09/2020 09:32:00

Information sent on behalf of Hampshire Constabulary

Good Morning,

You may be aware that there has been a spate of Dwelling and Non Dwelling burglaries across the Winchester District over the last week.

The purpose of this message is not to frighten you, but to raise your awareness and ask you to be extra vigilant so if you see or hear anything that may cause you concern and you think during the day or night, PLEASE don’t hesitate to contact Hampshire Constabulary.

There are certain measures you can implement to reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim yourself, such as:

  • Don’t leave valuables on show through unscreened windows.
  • If you are going away, ask a neighbour or friend to check your house regularly, pulling curtains when your timer switches are due to come on.
  • Buy timer switches for lamps and radios to give the impression that someone is home.
  • Install an alarm system and ensure the alarm box is clearly visible.
  • Don’t leave keys in doors – remove them and keep them close at hand but out of sight where you can easily find them in an emergency.
  • Don’t leave your house unattended with windows open and unlocked – even for just a minute.
  • If you are in the garden or upstairs, make sure your downstairs doors and windows are closed.
  • Never leave a key under a doormat or on a string through the letterbox.

When you find yourself in need of contacting the police, do you know the best way to get in touch?

999 should only be used in emergency situations; when a life is in danger or a crime is happening right now.

To speak to the police about anything else, you should call 101 or contact us online.

Prefer to get in touch online? Go straight to the page you need: www.hampshire.police.uk

  • Report a crime
  • Report a traffic collision
  • Say thank you or make a complaint
  • Contact a specific officer
  • Contact us about something else
  • Update an existing crime report

Thank you

PCSO 13455 Sarah McCulloch

Reproduced from Hampshire Alerts;

Burglary Awareness in the area

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