
Itchen Navigation Towpath breach

Itchen Navigation Towpath breach - Take Care
Twyford Information Emails Twyford Parish Council

Itchen Navigation Towpath breach – Take Care

I would like to draw your attention to the Itchen Navigation towpath breach between the Bridge Inn and Compton Lock.

As you are aware the path has been fairly uneven in places for some time owing to its deteriorating state and it is likely to have suffered badly after last month’s extensive rainfall. To make matters worse the surge of water in the Canal led to the bank being severely breached at one point and particular care must be taken when walking here.

Repairing this breach and restoring the bank properly will probably be led by the Environment Agency, but this is highly unlikely to happen for some months. Once the weather has improved and the water level reduced, Twyford Parish Council will investigate whether it is possible to undertake a temporary repair. Meanwhile please take care when walking along the path.

Waine Lawton
Chairman, Twyford Parish Council

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Twyford Parish Council
Parish Clerk – Jo Nicholson, PO Box 741, Winchester. SO23 3QA

With thanks to the Twyford Parish Clerk for permission to reprint Twyford Information emails

Photos provided by our webmaster.


General Itchen Navigation links

(not about the current breach)