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PC Meeting Report November 2019

CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report November 2019PC Meeting Report November 2019

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2019 in the Compton Room Shawford Parish Hall.

Police Report

On behalf of PC David Fry, who was unable to attend, the Clerk introduced a report on the police investigation into the recent fires in Compton Street, which included the arson attack on play equipment at the QEII Field. PC Fry advised that the person responsible had been identified and spoken to. He is confident that the individual poses no risk to other members of the community.

The Clerk added that, because of staff changes at Alresford police station, currently, there are only two full-time officers, PC David Fry and PCSO Rhys Griffiths, supported by part-time PCSOs Kerry Croutear and Michelle Wilkinson. By January, the station should have additional support from two new PCSOs and PC Tom Harries, who will return from his CID attachment.

Shawford Station Parking

The chairman of the Shawford Village Residents’ Association (SVRA), was pleased that progress was being made towards the use of the Walcon site as a station carpark. Discussions with South Western Railways were proceeding well. While there were still some issues outstanding e.g. the level of the parking charges to be imposed and associated village parking restrictions, she was optimistic that these could be resolved. To ensure close liaison with organisations within the parish, it was agreed that a working group should be established to include two members from the SVRA and two from the Parish Council, Councillors Southgate (lead) and Bell.

Concern was raised about the condition of Shawford railway station, where some of the platform slabs were loose. Councillor Southgate advised that, while unmanned, the station was monitored by the station master at Winchester. He believed that the slabs were due to be reset. He advised that rail users can report maintenance problems through the station communication system.

M3 Diversion Routes

Councillor Southgate reported on his attendance at a meeting organised by District Councillor Brian Laming to consider potential M3 diversion routes. Most of the concerns had been raised by Otterbourne Parish Council, e.g. noise, vibration and pollution. Hampshire County Councillors (HCC) highways officers confirmed that they liaised closely with Highways England. The meeting agreed that good communication between all the organisations involved was essential. In response to a question from Councillor M Bell, DC Laming confirmed that they were no current plans to reduce the speed limit along Otterbourne Road.


Councillor Bell presented his report. He advised that he had reached agreement, with HCC, on the site of the proposed bus stop bench in Otterbourne Road. Councillor Jordan raised concerns about the number of vehicles that are being parked all day in Shepherds Lane. Many appeared to be owned by staff at Shepherds Down School (SDS). Councillor Bell agreed to contact SDS to seek clarification of the school’s parking policy.

Councillor Southgate advised that HCC was about to issue a public order confirming bridleway rights over the route adjacent to the railway line between Shawford Road and Southdown Road.


Councillor Hunt presented the planning report, prepared by Councillor Strange. The WCC Planning Officer, Lee Smith, was now requesting more evidence of public involvement in the production of the Village Design Statement (VDS). He was asking that the Local Area Design Statement (LADS) either be part of the VDS or that all items relating to Compton Down be removed and links be added to a separate document. Since this is contrary to the initial advice provided by Jenny Nell, Strategic Planning Manager, WCC, Councillor Strange is querying.

Councillor Hunt advised that the Tree Officer had visited Silkstede Cottage and Silkstede Priors, both of which had been subjected to significant tree work. Silkstede Cottage is being investigated by the Enforcement Team and the Tree Officer has indicated that he is minded not to recommend the application for further tree work at Silkstede Priors.

Playing Fields Management

Following a short discussion, Councillor Goulding moved that the Council should accept the Creative Play quotation of £13,255 for the replacement multi-play unit at the Memorial Playing Field (MPF). [The second quote from Sovereign Play was £15,664.03.] 50% of the cost to be borne by the Community Infrastructure Levy Fund.

The council noted that Councillor Wilkinson and the Clerk had undertaken an inspection of the Jubilee Pavilion in October. It was agreed to defer the ‘deep clean’ until after the football season had ended and that work was required to counter damp on the ceiling of the disabled toilet. Moss needed to be removed from the MeGA surface, but it was not considered necessary to repaint the basketball and football markings. The Lawn Tennis Club is considering whether to repair, or replace, the outdoor clock.

The chairman of the Sports Club thanked the Council for its support towards the project to improve the MPF cricket and football pitches: they had never looked better.

The Council also noted that work to repair the multi-play unit at the QEII Field, which was damaged in the arson attack, would begin shortly.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Councillor Webster reported that a payment of £2000, towards the cost of an adventure playground and approved by the council on 8 January 2019, had been made to Shepherds Down School on 21 October 2019. He advised that the current CIL balance was £9374.56, from which 50% of the cost of replacing the MPF mpu (£6627.50) will be deducted.

The Council agreed that, since it will be a community asset, the Council should take over the project to install a defibrillator at the Jubilee Pavilion at a cost of £1329.00 (+VAT). Most of the cost (£1116.80) will come from the balance of funds obtained from Big Lottery Fund for the purchase and installation of defibrillators in the former BT kiosks in Compton and Shawford villages.

The Council discussed the request for financial assistance for the proposed grass mesh car park in Church Field. It was decided that there was insufficient information to commit Council funds in support of the project. Councillors considered that it would be useful to know whether other potential sources of funding were being investigated and how the carpark will be managed. Councillor Webster undertook to contact the Church/All Saints School to obtain a formal proposal, which covered such issues.

Finance and Administration

The Council discussed the draft budget and decided to reduce the amount allocated to contingency from £1000 to £250. Councillor Webster moved that the Council accept the proposed budget for 2020/21, with a contingency of £250 and revised precept of £28,108, an increase of £285 (1%) on the current financial year. All agreed.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 7 January 2020 in the Compton Room, Shawford
Parish Hall.


David Drake, Clerk


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