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News Roundup 2 – Feb 2019

News Roundup 2 – Feb 2019

Affordable Housing

A short illustrated presentation will be made at the Parish Hall on March 5th at 7pm, prior to the Parish Council meeting.

Footstep Living are experienced providers of affordable housing units, and they will be showing some ideas for a development on a small part of the land at Compton Nursery. They would welcome comments from interested local residents both as to the need for such accommodation, and the suitability of the proposed site.

Priority Outcomes Fund 2019-2022Priority Outcome Fund

Priority Outcome Fund now open for application – Deadline:  noon 7 March

The City Council’s grant funding programme is aimed at supporting voluntary and not-for-profit groups and organisations in the District that can clearly demonstrate how their services and projects help deliver a cohesive, sustainable, resilient community.

Can you help the Council support peoples & communities needs by providing local services?

This is a competitive fund for applications up to a maximum of £15,000 per annum. Applications should cover a minimum of one and a maximum of three financial years. If an applicant applies for a single year funding they can not apply for the same costs and activities the following year. This should form part of a multi-year agreement.

We would like to support as many organisations as possible and therefore expect a range of applications between £5,000-£10,000 per year. Only in exceptional circumstances would we grant the full award of £15,000 per year.

Organisations can apply for core running costs that enable services to be delivered that meet the outcomes required.

At this point in time, we do not anticipate awarding any further Priority Outcome funding until 2022, unless new funds become available.

As this is a new fund, all organisations will be viewed as first-time applicants and will, therefore, need to provide all information requested.

You will be unable to submit any additional information after the closing date. Any incomplete applications will be rejected.

Deadline: noon 7 March, decisions to be advised by 1 April 2019

Further information: https://www.winchester.gov.uk/grants/priority-outcomes-fund

Online application via Flexigrant: https://winchesterflexigrant.com/startapplication.aspx?id=3719&farea=1089

Crime and Fraud Alerts

Hampshire Alert: Nottingham Knockers Update


Recent Hampshire Alerts include:

Door to Door Sales

Several people have complained complaining about door to door salesmen unduly pressurising residents into buying goods. Under the Pedlars Act of 1871 (!) it is an offence to act as a pedlar without a certificate, however this is an offence best dealt with at the time of the offence. The police encourage you to contact them on 101 to report these matters. You should call 999 only if a crime is in progress.

Nottingham Knockers Update

Residents reported the “Nottingham Knockers” that were going around in the Shawford, Otterbourne and Chandler’s Ford area. The police have been able to identify the people in question and have them leave the area.

News Roundup 2 – Feb 2019Roadworks in Compton Village

Road works in Compton Street and Attwoods Drove are due to take place starting Sunday 24 February 2019.

The works are planned to last for three days, between the hours of 07:30 and 18:00.

Presumably the works will be repairs to the marked potholes and damaged road surface.