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PC Meeting Report 8 January 2019

CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report 8 January 2019PC Meeting Report 8 January 2019

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 8 January 2019 in the Jubilee Pavilion Compton Down.


The approval of the budget for the 2019/20 financial year and requests for grants from the Sports Club and Friends of Shepherds Down School were among the many issues considered by the Council.

County & District Councillors’ Reports

Councillor Warwick advised that the deadline for comments on the Winchester Movement Strategy was 13 January 2019. Councillor Bell confirmed that he had responded to the initial survey on behalf of the Council and would submit comments on the latest document.

Councillor Warwick advised that Hampshire County Council (HCC) had updated its technical guidance for visibility displays at junctions and roundabouts. Winchester City Council (WCC)’s Head of Planning was due to meet HCC officers “to understand the implications and mitigation of this in Compton and Shawford”. Councillor Bell expressed disappointment that the Parish Council had not been invited to the proposed meeting. He was also concerned that the WCC CEO and Head of Planning seemed to ignore comments from local people.

Councillor Warwick noted that the footpath from Southdown to Shawford, close to FP32, appeared to be neither in the ownership of HCC nor Network rail. Provided she had the support of the Parish Council, she would be prepared to ask HCC to register the path as a bridleway, with a view to further cycling and walking connections. The Council was in agreement and recommended that she should proceed, as proposed.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Council noted that CIL funds currently held by the Parish Council amounted to £10,620.29 and that further funding, from developments within the parish, of £11,283.40 could be expected within the next financial year.

Representatives of the Compton & Shawford Sports Club (CSSC), football and cricket sections, requested a grant towards the cost of a ‘one-off’ project to improve the condition of the football and cricket pitches: the total cost of which would be £4640. The two sections were already implementing plans to raise between £2000 – £3000. Councillor Wilkinson offered strong support for the proposal. Following a short discussion, the Council agreed to provide a grant of £2000 towards the cost of the Memorial Playing Field (MPF) pitch improvements.

The Council considered the request for a grant, from the Friends of Shepherds Down School towards the cost of replacing the adventure playground. The total cost was expected to be £50,000, for which £33,000 had already secured; other funding projects were expected to raise £15,000 leaving a shortfall of £2000. Concern was raised that responsibility for funding such projects should rest with the local authority, not the parishes. After a short discussion, the Council agreed to provide a grant from CIL of £2000.


George Beckett asked the Council to receive a small presentation on plans by Footstep Living to provide affordable housing on the site of his nursery. The chairman, Councillor Goulding, expressed a preference for having such a presentation, prior to the next Council meeting on 5 March 2019, but that, since the proposed development needed the support of the community, it should be open to members of the public. Mr Beckett indicated that he was content with the chairman’s proposal. [The presentation is scheduled for 6.30 pm Tuesday 5 March 2019 in Shawford Parish Hall – all parishioners are welcome to attend.] Councillor Strange reported that both she and Councillor Hunt had attended a Campaign for the Preservation of Rural England (CPRE) conference on Rural Affordable Housing on 6 November. Her report had been circulated to all councillors in December. Councillor Southgate said a discussion on affordable housing within the parish was long overdue.

Councillor Strange confirmed that she had forwarded her paper on the WCC Planning Review to the leader of the council, Councillor Horrill and the WCC chief executive, Laura Taylor but had received no comments. She noted that councillors had previously received copies of a document showing those areas of the parish that had been included in the WCC Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). Following a short discussion, it was agreed that, since the document was available on the WCC website, it was not necessary to publish it on the parish website.

Following a request from Councillor Bell, to include a reference to the Local Area Design Statement (LADS), the Council approved the draft revision of the Village Design Statement (VDS), which would be circulated to the residents’ associations and the authors of the original document for comment. The chairman thanked Councillor Strange for her work on revising the document.

Councillor Wilkinson advised the Council that she had received representations from several residents of Park View about the proposed development at 3 Station Terrace. She had also received representations about the design of the proposed development at Well House, Bridge Lane, which did not appear to be in keeping with those of other houses in the area. Councillor Hunt advised that the concerns about the proposed number of parking spaces at 3 Station Terrace had been raised with the WCC planning officer and been informed that the highways engineer considered there was enough space for three vehicles. Councillor Strange agreed to continue to monitor developments at the site of the former public house, Captain Barnard, which is for sale as a community/care home.

Following receipt of a planning request from the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for a new noticeboard, opposite All Saints School Compton, the Council agreed to transfer ownership of the parish noticeboard, already sited in that location, to the PCC. Noticeboards would still be available in Compton, Compton Down, Shawford, Southdown and at the parish hall.

Finance and Administration

The Council discussed the proposed budget of £34,270 for the financial year 2019/20. It noted that the Clerk anticipated a ‘balanced budget’ for the current year and that the budget represented a rise of £90 on that for 2018/19.

Councillor Webster reported that the defibrillator training session in the parish hall on 29 November 2018 had been well attended. It was agreed that a reference to defibrillators being available in Compton and Shawford villages should be included in the parish ‘Welcome Pack’.

The Council noted that Adrian Walmsley had produced a detailed report on superfast broadband within the parish, which was now available on the parish website.

Playing Fields, Footpaths and Environment

Councillor Wilkinson reported that the both children’s play areas had been inspected by the Play Inspection Company in November. All risks were quoted as ‘low’ or ‘very low’. She had also authorised Vita Play to replace a missing bolt in an item of outside gymnasium equipment and asked WCC to replace the waste bin at the MPF play area. The cost of replacing the bolt, plus installation, was £148.00. The chairman wondered whether the Council should consider using CIL funds to replace the multi-play unit at the MPF play area? Councillor Wilkinson agreed to investigate the cost of its replacement.

Highways and Public Transport

Councillor Bell was concerned that, by not replacing the missing panel, the Council was inviting further vandalism at the Southdown bus shelter. He had authorised a contractor to paint over the graffiti that had appeared in December. He advised the Council that he had received a complaint about inconsiderate parking in the vicinity of All Saints School. Councillor Strange had subsequently advised the head teacher. It was hoped that parents would respond positively to the complaint.

The Council noted that, in April, HCC will be introducing a programme where, in some areas, street lights will be switched off for a few hours during the night.

Councillor Bell advised that he had recently received an email from Southampton International Airport indicating a willingness for a senior official to address the Council on its expansion plans. It was agreed that, since it would reach a wider audience, Councillor Bell should invite SIA to make a presentation at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16 May 2019.

Tree Warden

Councillor Hunt advised that he had undertaken an initial survey of the trees surrounding the MPF. Some remedial work was required. Following discussion, it was agreed that he should contact, Chris Sparkes, Hedgerow, to obtain a quotation for the work


Councillor Wilkinson advised that the CASCA AGM on Thursday 15 November 2018 had gone well. The new management team was actively involved in the preparations for the pantomime and an improved audio loop system had been installed in the parish hall.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 5 March 2019, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

David Drake, Clerk


  • See the Minutes page for minutes of the 8 January 2019 meeting (available as a draft until approved by the Council).
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Compton & Shawford SHELAA sites
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