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PC Meeting Report 6 November 2018

CSPC logo for PC Meeting Report 6 November 2018PC Meeting Report 6 November 2018

Report of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 6 November 2018 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.


Concerns about the expansion of Southampton International Airport, Winchester City Council (WCC)’s Review of Planning Services and a request from the Sports Club for financial support towards improvements to the cricket and football pitches, were among the issues addressed by the Council.

Highways and Public Transport

Two members of the parish raised concerns about the noise created by aircraft movements and the potential impact on the parish by proposals to expand Southampton International Airport (SIA). Councillor Bell indicated that he had written to SIA about the possible increase in aircraft noise and requested that the Parish Council should be involved in the consultation process. The Council subsequently agreed to his recommendation that SIA should be invited to address the Council on its plans for expansion.

A member of the public also raised concerns about the possible width expansion of the M3, when the smart motorway is introduced. Councillor Hunt explained that, while the hard shoulders would be used during peak periods, the smart motorway would not increase the width of the motorway.

Following a recommendation from Councillor Bell, the Council agreed that the repairs to the wooden bus shelter, on the corner of Otterbourne Road and Compton Street should proceed at a cost of £395 and that he should continue to negotiate with Hampshire County Council (HCC) about palisading the fence either side of the bus shelter on the corner of Otterbourne road and Place Lane. The Council also noted that South Western Railways had not responded to recent communications from Councillor Bell and District Councillor Warwick about plans to improve parking near Shawford railway station.

Following a request from Councillor Wilkinson, Councillor Bell agreed to discover which company is responsible for the current roadworks in Attwoods Drove. He also agreed to inspect the bench, close to the bus stop on the south side of Otterbourne Road, which appeared to have been moved closer to the road.


Councillor Strange expressed concern about the WCC Review of Planning Services, recently undertaken by a consultant, Peter Lerner. She had circulated a ‘comments’ paper to councillors, in which she explained that, if accepted by WCC, the relationship between developers and planning officers would be extremely close and the role of parish councils and residents’ associations in the planning process would be diminished. It was agreed that Councillor Strange should forward her paper to the leader of the Council, Councillor Horrill and the WCC chief executive, Laura Taylor.

Councillor Strange confirmed that she had received reassurances from Hampshire County Council (HCC) that improvements to the farm track, from Otterbourne Road to Attwoods Drove, were to improve access for farm vehicles only. She added that, following comments from Councillors Goulding and Southgate, she would be redrafting the Village Design Statement (VDS), with the aim of providing councillors with a final draft for discussion at the meeting in January. Once agreed by the Council, it would be circulated to residents’ associations for information and then forwarded to WCC. It would be emphasised that the redraft was an update of the original VDS, nothing more.

Councillors discussed an HCC traffic engineer’s comments on a request for planning permission on Compton Down. It was accepted that, as things stood, nothing much had changed but the Council needed to monitor the situation closely.

Playing Fields, Footpaths and Environment

The Council discussed a request, from the football and cricket sections of Compton and Shawford Sports Club, for financial assistance towards improving the condition of the cricket and football pitches. A report, commissioned through the Hampshire Football Association, had indicated that the total cost of the improvements would be in the region of £4650. The two sections would attempt to raise between £2000 -£3000 but that would leave a shortfall of around £2000 – £2500. It was agreed that the Council would agree ‘in principle’ to support the improvements but would require information on other potential funding sources, the membership of the two sections and assurances that the improvements would not result in drainage problems in other parts of the Memorial Playing Field (MPF).

Councillor Wilkinson advised that the slide on the multi-play unit at the QEII Field had been repaired. The problem had been caused by someone removing a ‘secure’ bolt, which had now been replaced at a cost of £100. Pigeon spikes had also been installed on the cross beams on the swings at both play areas. She expressed concern about the condition of the play areas’ wet pour/safety surfaces. Following discussion, it was agreed that quotes should be invited for their replacement/repair.

Councillor Wilkinson advised that the lengthsman had visited the parish on 30 October 2018, when the footpath/track from Southdown to Shawford, alongside the railway line, had been cleared. It was agreed that Councillor Wilkinson should consult County Councillor Jan Warwick about ownership of the track, since it did not appear on the HCC footpaths map. Councillor Wilkinson thanked Councillor Southgate for his efforts in clearing the overhanging vegetation on the footpath on Otterbourne Road, from Highways Road, north to the bus stop.

Concern was expressed about the quality of the lengthsman’s work and the productivity of the two workers. It was agreed that Councillor Hunt, who had agreed to take over the lengthsman duties, would monitor their future performance. It was also agreed that Councillor Hunt would undertake a review of the trees on the Memorial Playing Field.

Finance and Administration

Because of pantomime rehearsals, it was agreed that the Council should hold its next meeting, on 8 January 2019, in the Jubilee Pavilion and that a final decision on the budget for 2019/20 should be deferred until that date.

The chairman, Councillor Goulding, confirmed that he would represent the Council at the wreath-laying ceremonies on Shawford Down, on Remembrance Sunday 11 November 2018.

Defibrillator Training

Councillor Webster reported that the defibrillator training in the Reeves Hall, Compton, had been very successful. Twenty-six members of the parish had attended, including several councillors. A further training session will be held in Shawford Parish Hall on 29 November 2018 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. All members of the parish are welcome to attend.


Councillor Wilkinson advised that the CASCA AGM was scheduled for 7pm Thursday 15 November 2018, when the new management team would take over. The outgoing chairman, John Griffith, confirmed that he was very willing to provide support to the new team.

Date and Venue of Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 8 January 2019, Jubilee Pavilion, Compton Down.

David Drake, Clerk


  • See the Minutes page for minutes of the 6 November 2018 meeting (available as a draft until approved by the Council).