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7pm Thursday 15 November 2018 in the Parish Hall
Come and support CASCA
who manage this wonderful community asset for the parish.
Compton and Shawford Community Association (CASCA) is a registered charity with the objective of enhancing community facilities in the parish.
Membership is open to all members of the parish.
It was dormant for some years after the shelving of earlier plans for a Community Centre on the Memorial Playing Fields.
Then, under the leadership of Capt. Mike Matthews, CASCA drove the fund-raising for the Parish Hall modernisation project and took on the management of the Hall from August 1999.
John Griffith, who took over as CASCA chairman from Mike Matthews in 2005, is now standing down.
About the Parish Hall

Built by public subscription in 1896 for £750, the Shawford Parish Hall celebrated its centenary with two weeks of special events at the end of 1996.
Since its refurbishment and extension, it is now a handsome and popular complex with a charm all its own.
It is managed by CASCA under lease from the Parish Council.