Winchester Local Plan launch consultation

Winchester Local Plan 2036 and related documents
Table of Contents
Winchester Local Plan launch consultation
Deadline 21 Sep 2018
Winchester City Council would welcome views from members of the public on what the review of the Local Plan should cover or indeed any matters that should be excluded. WCC has prepared an online consultation and this can be completed at
The deadline for contributions is midday on Friday 21 September 2018.
Statement of Community Involvement Consultation
The Council would also welcome views on its revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). The SCI will set out methods of engagement and communication throughout the local plan process together with how it consults on planning applications. The draft SCI can be viewed at; an online response form has been created which can be accessed at
SHELAA Methodology Consultation
The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment known as the SHELAA is a technical document which provides a register of sites submitted by landowners and agents, for potential housing, economic development, Gypsy and Travelling Showpeople, Self Build housing etc.
Early in 2018 the Council issued a ‘request for sites’; since then over 200 sites have been submitted across the District. The intention is to publish this list later in the year, however, prior to this, the Council would appreciate views on the methodology to be used to evaluate the suitability of the sites and determine their capacity. A questionnaire has been created which can be accessed at,
To summarise
- Members of the public may comment on any of the above documents.
- All consultations can be accessed online at; further details are available on our webpages