WCC Shawford Road Parking Proposals
WCC Shawford Road Parking Proposals
Today, Wednesday 29 November, Winchester City Council has published proposals for revised parking restrictions on Shawford Road, Twyford.
You can find a plan and a detailed description of the proposals on the Winchester City Council website at www.winchester.gov.uk/roads-highways/traffic-regulation-orders under “Proposed Orders”.
For ease of use we have included links to the relevant documents at the bottom of this page.

The Parish Council’s policy is that
“it would not support additional parking restrictions, without greater consultation with all parties“,
“it was necessary to include not just those directly affected, including residents, but also road users and commuters“.
This position has been confirmed in a letter to the WCC Traffic Engineer, also reproduced below.
How to comment
All objections and other representations in respect of this proposal must state the grounds on which they are made, and be received by 5th January 2018.
Objections and representations may be sent to WCC
- by email to
- In writing to the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Winchester City Council, City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester SO23 9LJ