Bus Station Closure 10th July 2017
Bus Station Closure 10th July
The City Council purchased the bus station in April 2017 and intend to carry out interim works over the Summer months of 2017 following planning. The City Council intends to make improvements to the site in the short-term and to propose changes that will improve the flow of buses through the town and increase pedestrian safety. In the longer-term, the purchase will bring new opportunities and have significant benefits for the regeneration of central Winchester and the continuing provision of bus services.
Bus Station Temporary Closure from Monday 10th July 2017
The bus station will be closing for improvement works on Monday 10th July for approximately 8 weeks. The improvement works will create a safer environment for pedestrians and bus users and install significant improvements to real-time bus information
For those 8 weeks, all buses that use the bus station will be temporarily located on The Broadway. Extra bus stops have been installed outside the Guildhall and near King Alfred Statue. All parking will be suspended in The Broadway for this time and the taxi ranks will be relocated on the northern side of The Broadway either side of the bus station entrance.
Information locating each individual bus route will be displayed in The Broadway and on the bus stops during next week. The bus stops are numbered 1 to 10.

Please cascade this information to your clients, service users and networks.
Kind regards
Nicola Lawrence
Health & Wellbeing Officer
Winchester City Council
City Offices, Colebrook Street
Winchester, SO23 9LJ
01962 848083 ext. 2083
See also: WCC Press release: Improvements planned for bus station
and New Winchester bus routes in operation from next week