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Council Vacancies – February 2017

Casual Vacancy for a CouncillorCompton and Shawford Parish Council

PO Box 565, Winchester,
Hampshire SO23 3HG
Phone: 01962 600198



  1. There are three council vacancies on Compton and Shawford Parish Council, caused by the resignations of Councillors N Sadler, Councillor M Townell and Councillor U Stevens.
  2. The Council wishes to fill these vacancies from volunteers, a process known as co-option.
  3. There are currently 6 meetings a year and an annual parish meeting.
  4. Further information on the role of a parish councillor may be obtained from the clerk, the chair or any other parish councillor. Contact details can be found on the parish website (https://comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk) or in the parish magazine.
  5. Parishioners interested in filling the vacancies should inform the clerk by:
  6. The closing date for expressions of interest is 18 February 2017.

David A Drake
1 February 2017

Council Vacancies – more information

Good Councillor's GuideFor more information see, on this website

and The Good Councillor’s Guide booklet (from the National Association of Local Councils). Here’s an extract from the Welcome section of the Guide

If you are reading this guide as a new councillor I congratulate you on joining the council and thank you for taking up a civic office that can make a real difference to the community that your council represents. Now that the excitement of being elected or co-opted has subsided you may well be wondering what you have done and perhaps feel a little daunted by the responsibility you have taken on. You are now part of the democratic framework of the country representing the interests of your community within a broad landscape of national governance. This guide will help you understand more about your role and the difference you can make.