
New Parliamentary Constituency boundary proposals – chance to comment

Parliamentary Constituency boundary proposals

Constituency Boundary Proposals
Constituency Boundary Initial Proposal

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is conducting a review of parliamentary constituencies.

Their initial proposal was published on 13 September 2016.

This review follows the recent reviews by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England into our district ward boundaries and our county division boundaries.

If you follow these matters, you may remember that, because the number of District Councillors was reduced from 57 to 45, since May 2016 we have been part of a larger ward. We are one of five parishes that make the new Badger Farm and Olivers Battery Ward. See New Ward Boundaries Published.

The sections below are a very short summary of the 2018 Review FAQs on the BCE website.

Why are they doing this?

BCE must review all constituencies regularly.

For this year’s review, Parliament has decided that the number of parliamentary constituencies must be cut to 600.

As a result

  • The number of constituencies in the South East region must reduce from 84 to 83
  • By law, every constituency they propose must contain between 71,031 and 78,507 electors

In addition

  • BCE largely uses local government wards as the building blocks for proposed constituencies.
    They have to use the ward boundaries which existed at the review date of 1 December 2015.  So they cannot take into account our new ward boundary which came into effect in May 2016
  • BCE tries to retain existing constituencies where possible
  • BCE also tries to have regard to geographic factors

What do the changes mean for us?

Compton & Shawford would become part of Test Valley constituency

Under the initial proposal, our parish, with the rest of our previous District Ward of Compton & Otterbourne, would be removed from the Winchester constituency and transferred to Test Valley. The neighbouring ward of Twyford & Colden Common would also come under the Test Valley MP.

Do you think it would be an improvement for us if our issues on subjects such as the rail franchise and service to Waterloo via Winchester, or M3 traffic became the responsibility of the Test Valley MP rather than the Winchester MP?

How do I comment?

Preferably, use the BCE consultation website. You can also provide your comments by attending a public hearing. There will be five public hearings in the South East during October and early November. Details on the Test Valley consultation page.

When’s the deadline?

The consultation on the initial proposals will run for 12 weeks between 13 September and 5 December 2016. Then BCE will publish all comments from this consultation in early 2017 as part of the secondary consultation.

What is the Parish Council’s view?

This will be an agenda item for the Parish Council meeting on 1 November 2016. If you would like the Parish Council to take your views into account when forming its own opinion, please contact the clerk.