
Your Parish Needs You!!!!

Your Parish needs you!!!!

Ever thought of becoming a Parish Councillor and helping out your local community?

Now could be a good time. Several of our Parish Councillors are standing down after many years of service. The parish needs new Councillors with fresh ideas.

Compton & Shawford Parish Council is not political and can get things done to improve our parish.

Are you interested in standing at the elections on 5 May 2016?

If so, please contact either David Drake or Mike Southgate, as soon as possible, because nominations need to be received by Winchester City Council by 1600 Thursday 7 April 2016.

Mike Southgate

  1. for more information and to download the necessary forms, see Becoming a Councillor
  2. to save candidates a trip into Winchester to deliver their nomination papers, we’ve made arrangements for you to drop the forms off with Frank Smith, the Parish Hall caretaker. The clerk will collect any papers left at the caretaker’s cottage by 1pm on Wednesday 6 April, and deliver them to the City Council in time for the official deadline.