
New Website News

What’s it all about?

Website  news: We reported earlier that Hampshire County Council is closing its web hosting service. So we’ve had to find a new hosting provider and acquire a new address.

Updated 13 June 2016
Everyone should now be using our new website address.

For the past couple of months, anyone who’s tried to access our old site or send emails to our old address has been automatically rerouted.

From now on, if you try to access our old website or use the clerk’s old email address, you’ll get an error message politely asking you to use the new address.

Once HCC switch off their hosting service, anyone who tries to access our old site will probably just receive a standard “address not found” internet error message.

Where have we got to?

  • Our new website (this one: https://comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk/ ) is up and running
  • All the important material from our old site  has been migrated.
  • Some obsolete information has been retired and not migrated to the new site.
  • You should notice a different look and feel. Reasons for this include:
    • Better operation across different sized devices
    • To allow improved conformance with accessibility standards (we’ve used stronger, less subtle colours for improved contrast)
    • To relocate some components which slowed down the loading of the home page (traffic news feed, page catalogue)
    • To retire some WordPress plugins which are no longer being maintained
    • To introduce some usability enhancements (for example a table of contents in the right sidebar for meeting reports, improved navigation – especially on mobile devices, and a better search engine)

What next?

  • Our old website is now inaccessible.
  • Please bookmark this new site https://comptonshawford-pc.gov.uk and start using it.
  • We’d welcome comments using the form at the bottom of this page or at the Parish Website move page.
  • If you think we have failed to migrate some important content from the old site, or have any other comments, please let us know.
  • The HCC hosting service is due to be closed on 31 July 2016.

updated by CSPC Web Editor 13 June 2016