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Event reminders

Event Reminders for upcoming activities and deadlines

Event reminders for Parish Council election nominations, free dog microchipping, Police Beat Surgeries and changed refuse collection date

Friday 1 April 10:00 to 16:00 Dog Microchipping at Mole Country Store, Winnall

dog microchipping event 1 April 2016
Did you know that your dog must be microchipped by law before 6 April this year according to the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015? Failure to comply could lead to a £500 fine.

You can go to a vet to have your pet microchipped, but why not come to Winchester City Council’s free session on April 1? The event will last from 10am to 2pm at Mole Country Stores, Easton Lane, Winnall, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 7RU. There’s no need to book; just turn up with your dog.

Wednesday 6 April 1pm Deadline for PC nomination papers

Would you like to help make a difference to the community?
The Parish Council always welcomes new candidates.

ballot boxThis year it’s particularly important, because three councillors have already said that they will not be standing for re-election in May.

The role is not particularly onerous.

Much of the business is done by email these days, so you can fit it around your other commitments.

If you are thinking of standing and want to find more, any of the current councillors would be happy to talk to you.

You’ll need to download and complete the forms in the nomination pack,  and ask a proposer and seconder to add their signatures.

If you drop the completed forms off at the Parish Hall caretaker’s cottage by 1pm Wednesday 6 April, the clerk will take them along to the City Council for you.

Saturday 2 April Changed refuse collection date

Because of this week’s Bank Holiday, refuse collections are a day later this week.

Most parts of our parish have their refuse collection on Fridays: this week’s collection will be on Saturday.

Friday 8 April Beat Surgeries with PCSO Michelle Wilkinson

If you have any Policing concerns or matters you wish to discuss, please pop along.

11:30 – 12:00 in Attwoods Drove

12:15 – 12:45 in Shawford Parish Hall

PCSO 15075 Michelle Wilkinson

Winchester Rural North Neighbourhood Policing Team
Alresford Police Office / 101 / Hampshire Constabulary.

Follow us on Twitter: @WinchesterCops