
“Simply stunning” – website review by CPALC

CPALC reviews the CSPC website

On 23 July 2013, the comprehensive reference site CPALC published a review of our website.

That review is reproduced here with their permission.


Who is CPALC?

CPALC (apparently now defunct – May 2018) was an independent organisation whose website provided a wealth of reference and other useful information to parish councillors and parish clerks.

It was also aimed at parishioners who want to understand how their parish council can and should be working.

It was ranked (by Alexa) as the leading website for information and support for communities, parishes and local councils.

Free online membership of CPALC was available, but much of the reference material was only accessible to paying members.

CPALC stands for Communities, Parishes and Local Councils.

Compton and Shawford Parish Council: an outstanding website
The CSPC website is in our opinion simply stunning … a standard to which others should aspire
Many parish council websites are drab, uninformative, neglected or just plain awful.

It is a real pleasure to find one that is enjoyable to read.

The Compton and Shawford Parish Council website is in our opinion simply stunning, setting the standards for other town and parish councils.

There are many large town councils whose websites come nowhere near the quality of this council’s website. It is informative, covering the council’s activities and a wealth of relevant community activities. Even more unusual, it is both well designed and pleasing to the eye.

Compton and Shawford Parish Council website is a testament to what a committed parish council can achieve by way of communication with its community. Even better is that the community are actively encouraged to engage with their council.

Many parish council websites are pale shadows of this council’s website, encouraged by the poor Quality Parish Council scheme. Many of those websites have fallen into disuse, unloved, neglected and uninformative.

This website clearly sets a standard to which others should aspire.


Copyright 2013 CPALC – www.cpalc.org.uk All rights reserved
This review is reprinted here by permission of CPALC.
It may not be copied, distributed or republished in any form or manner without explicit written permission.