
Affordable Housing: PC meeting with HARAH

Compton & Shawford logoReport of Affordable Housing meeting with HARAH on 18 June 2013

Here are the notes from a meeting held on 18 June 2013 between the Parish Council and HARAH. The meeting covered progress with and issues arising from the rural affordable housing initiative under consideration for Compton and Shawford.

Recommended reading

HARAH has recently published its Rural Design Guide. This would have a strong influence on any scheme developed by them in our parish or elsewhere.

Downloadable files

For ease of reference, the table below lists all the files on the website about the Affordable Housing study.  
Affordable Rural Housing: A practical guide for parish councils5.8 MB347
Review of the Rural Affordable Housing Study in Compton & Shawford Nov 2012 to Sep 2013118 KB734
CSPC and HARAH Meeting 18 June 201348 KB635
Hyde Group Review of Shortlisted Exception Sites in Compton & Shawford April 2013297 KB570
Compton Possibly Suitable New Sites429 KB537
HARAH Compton And Shawford Affordable Housing Report1.4 MB989
Affordable Housing comment sheet94 KB803
Map of possible sites in Compton472 KB733