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Affordable Housing Exhibition – report and next steps

Hamsphire Alliance for Rural Affordable HousingCompton & Shawford
Parish Council


Harah PosterPublic Exhibition 30 November in the Scout Hall

Harah ExhibitionA hundred and ten people signed the visitor sheet at the  Affordable Housing public exhibition in the Scout Hall on Friday 30 November.

The number who actually came along was probably well in excess of that, because all 120 comment forms were taken, and we had to send out for more.

Maps of the possible sites that had been identified were on display.

Representatives from Hampshire County Council, Winchester City Council and from HARAH (the Hampshire Alliance for Rural Affordable Housing) were on hand to answer questions.

Parish Councillors were there to listen to feedback.

What happens next?

All the comment sheets will be analysed by Community Action Hampshire (CAH – one of the member organisations of HARAH). They will bring a paper for discussion to the Parish Council meeting on 5 February 2013.

This meeting, like all Parish Council meetings, will be open for anyone to attend and participate in the public  Q&A session.

Can I still send in comments?

Yes – download the comment form below.

Send the completed form by post or email to Mags Wylie () Senior Rural Housing Enabler at CAH. The postal address is on the form.

The deadline for sending in comments has been extended to the close of business on Friday 4 January 2013.

You may also add comments below (subject to the PC’s comments policy).

Downloadable map and comment form


Map of possible sites in Compton
Map of possible sites in Compton
Version: Draft 3
472 KB
Affordable Housing comment sheet
Affordable Housing comment sheet
Final Compton and Shawford PC comment sheet.doc
Version: Draft 3 updated
94 KB