PC Meeting Agenda 3 July 2012

Compton & Shawford Parish Council logoMembers of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend
a meeting of 
Compton and Shawford Parish Council

at 7.30pm Tuesday 3 July 2012
in the Compton Room at Shawford Parish Hall



1.         Apologies for absence.

2.         Police report.

3.         Minutes.

– To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8 May 2012.

4.         Matters arising and outstanding actions.

– From minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.


  • The Meeting will be suspended for fifteen minutes to permit statements, observations, and questions from members of the public.


5.         County & District Councillors’ reports.

6.         Playing Fields Management Committee.

            – Convenor’s report.

            Compton Street Playing Field & Play Area: Renaming as Queen Elizabeth II Field.

– Compton Street Playing Field: Fencing contracts.

– MPF: Trees, Barbecue, Benches, Petanque & Goal Posts.

7.         Footpaths & Environment.

            – Representative’s report.

            – Shawford Down: Presence of Highland Cattle.

8.         Planning Committee.

            – Convenor’s report.

– Exception sites.

– Bushfield Camp: Village green status.

9.         Highways & Transport.

– Convenor’s report.

– Horse riding on Otterbourne Road.

– Lengthsman.

– Hurdle Way: Dog Bins?

10.       Finance and Administration.

– Convenor’s report.

            – Note payments made since 8 May 2012.

– Financial statement.

– Candidates for co-option.

– Code of Conduct.

11.       Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

            – Legacy.

12.       CASCA           

13.       Date & Venue of Next Meeting.

David Drake
26 June 2012