PC Meeting Agenda 3 April 2012
Members of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend
a meeting of Compton and Shawford Parish Council
at 7.30pm Tuesday 3 April 2012
in the Reeves Scout Hall, Compton.
- Apologies for absence.
- Police Report.
- Minutes.
- To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2012.
- Matters Arising and Outstanding Action Points.
- From the minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.
- * The Meeting will be suspended to permit statements, observations, and questions from members of the public.
- County & District Councillors’ Reports.
- Finance and Administration.
- Convenor’s report.
- Financial statement.
- Note payments made since 6 March 2012.
- Annual Governance Statement.
- Appointment of an Itchen Navigation representative.
- Annual Parish Meeting.
- Agenda and arrangements.
- Playing Fields.
- Convenor’s report.
- MPF tree felling and tidy up.
- Mowing machines.
- Planning.
- Convenor’s report.
- Exception sites.
- Highways, Byways and Environment.
- Convenor’s report.
- Footpaths
- Representative’s report.
- Queen’s Diamond Jubilee
- Chairman’s report.
- Date & Venue of Next Meeting.
David Drake
24 March 2012