October 2011 PC Meeting Report
October 2011
Table of Contents
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 4 October 2011
at All Saints School, Compton

This month’s meeting was attended by a particularly prickly individual. The meeting had to be suspended for ten minutes to allow Councillor Beckett to eject the hedgehog that somehow had found its way into the school! He was last seen heading for cover in the churchyard. Full details, including this photograph of the ‘offender’ by Councillor Bell, can be found on the council’s web site.
Police Report
Since there were no police officers present, the chairman drew on information contained within Sgt Hills’s report on the recent PACT meeting. The police had received a number of requests for the use of a speed data recorder, a device which is placed at the roadside for a 2 week period to discreetly record speeds. But he added that, since the criteria set by the Association of Chief Police Officers is quite prescriptive, speed traps can only be set in a particular area when the data shows speeding above a certain [unspecified] threshold.
The chairman noted that a decision on the proposal to reduce the speed limit along Otterbourne Road had been delayed until 8 November 2011, when Hampshire County Councillor M Kendall, will review the recommendations and objections. It was agreed that the Parish Council should not be represented at the meeting but this did not preclude individual councillors attending in their own right.
Ms Lorraine Ireland briefed the council on the work of the Winchester Safety Partnership, a joint organisation supported by Hampshire County Council (HCC), Hampshire Constabulary and Hampshire Fire & Rescue.
Issues raised by members of the public
Mrs Harding expressed concern about parking in Compton Street and Otterbourne Road at the beginning and end of the school day. The problem was particularly acute on Thursdays when a coach hired to take the school children to the swimming pool has been blocking the bus stop area. As consequence, the drivers of regular bus services are unable to stop to collect passengers waiting at the bus stop. Councillor Southgate agreed to consult the school management.
Councillor Bell advised the council that an apology had been received from the head of WCC’s Planning Department, Simon Finch about the department’s failure to take into consideration the council’s comments on the size of new signs proposed for the Bridge Hotel. This being the second such incident this year, Councillor Bell expressed concern that, at a time when the Government was looking to allow an expansion of settlement boundaries, the views of parish councils were being marginalised.
Councillor Beckett noted that the decision on Barton Farm by Eric Pickles MP may have significant legal and planning implications for Winchester City Council, which needs to find 4000 new homes for Winchester. It could have an impact on the outcome of Pitt Manor, for which the hearing starts on 22nd November at 10.00am (for five days) and will be based at the Guildhall. The inspector will consider the application for mixed use development comprising 200 homes, including 80 affordable dwellings, a 200 space park and ride facility with associated access roads, footways, etc.
Councillor Beckett also reported that he intended to speak to Councillor Thornber about the land to the north of Martins Fields that HCC considers to be a ‘specialist farm’ and, therefore, cannot be released for use as affordable housing. He was liaising closely with WCC Planning Department on the conversion of the Compton Post Office building into affordable housing but felt that there may be a delay until new legislation on council owned properties comes into force in the spring of 2012. Mrs Haste noted that asbestos had recently been removed from the Post Office building.
Highways & Byways
Councillor Bailey advised the council that the resurfacing of Compton Street was still scheduled to take place during half term, 24 -28 October. She was also arranging a meeting with Councillor Southgate, Peter Eade (HCC) and a resident, Steven Hunter, to discuss the next stages of kerbing in Pearson Lane. Plans for a pedestrian crossing, at the bus shelter on Otterbourne Road just south of Shawford Road, are being considered as part of the Winchester to Twyford cycle route. With regard to the latter, Councillor Beckett noted that, following discussions with HCC, sufficient funding had now been obtained to maintain the Hockley viaduct, which will become part of a north/south cycle route.
Councillor Southgate reported that had been in discussion with Mr John Wilkinson about plans to re-open the pathway alongside the railway track in Southdown. He also noted that the clerk had attended a briefing on the project to replace street lights within Hampshire. No action would be taken in the parish prior to 2014 but, before the lights are changed, there will be a six month consultation period. This was probably the best time to consult the parish population about increasing the number of street lights in Compton Street.
Following a comment from Councillor Myra Wilkinson, it was agreed that the council should make a request to WCC for a dual purpose litter bin to be sited at the end of Bridge Lane. Councillor Wilkinson agreed to produce an outline site map, which could then be forwarded to WCC together with the request.
Finally as winter approaches, it was agreed that, when grit bins require refilling, members of the public should be encouraged to inform Hampshire County Council direct (0845 603 5633).
Playing Fields
Councillor Millar reported that new fencing had been installed at the Compton Street playing field. Although the contractor’s performance had been far from perfect, the council agreed to pay the invoice of £2880. Councillor Millar added that she was extremely grateful for the support provided by Keith Evans and the chairman agreed to send him a letter of appreciation. A request for new cricket nets at the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF) was approved on the understanding that funding could be obtained from WCC’s Open Spaces Fund.
Following discussion, the council agreed that the enforcement of dog control orders at the MPF would be extremely difficult. Councillor Millar was asked to obtain an estimate for the provision of new ‘anti-fouling’ dog signs, in time for December’s meeting.
Register of Domestic Sewage Discharges
County Councillor Bailey advised the council that the Environment Agency is undertaking a joint review with the Government on the requirement to register small domestic sewage discharges in England. Details will be announced within the next few weeks. While the review is under way, the Agency will not require householders to contribute to the register of small domestic sewage discharges, including septic tanks.
The council discussed a proposal that it should hold the April 2012 meeting in the Jubilee Pavilion but agreed that, subject to the approval of the head teacher, it should meet in the school in April 2012 and in the Jubilee Pavilion in February 2012.
Since the council will not be meeting in November, Councillor Walmsley invited convenors to submit details of any known expenditure for 2012/13, over and above normal activities, to the clerk. The Finance and Administration Committee will meet on 3 November to produce a draft budget for discussion by the full council in December.
Diamond Jubilee Plans
Councillor Stevens reported that planning for The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations was going well. Councillor Millar added that the CASCA AGM would take place on 18 November 2011.
Date of the Next Meeting
7.30pm Tuesday 6 December 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.
David Drake