PC Meeting Agenda 6 September 2011

Compton & Shawford Parish Council logoMembers of Compton and Shawford Parish Council are summoned to attend
a meeting of
Compton and Shawford Parish Council
at 7.30pm Tuesday 6 September 2011
in the Compton Room, Shawford Village Hall.


1.         Apologies for absence.

2.         Correspondence

– Circulated to all members.

3.         Police Report.

4.         Minutes

– To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5 July 2011.

5.         Matters Arising and Outstanding Action Points

– From minutes and not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda.

*           The meeting will be suspended for fifteen minutes to permit statements, observations, and questions from members of the public.

6.         County & District Councillors’ Reports.

7.         Finance and Administration

– Convenor’s report.

– Approve payments made since 5 July 2011.

– Civic Service.

– Digital mapping for parish councils.

– Emergency planning.

8.         Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

– Chairman’s report.

– Hire of marquee.

9.         Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee.

– Appoint convenor.

– Compton Street resurfacing.

– Bus shelter repairs.

– Affordable housing.

– Street lighting: increase in costs.

10.       Footpaths

– Extension of Footpath 32 to Southdown Road.

– Provision of a litter bin at the end of Bridge Lane & ‘Take Your Litter Home’ signs on Itchen pathway.

– Publication of footpath maps on the PC web site and the provision of leaflets.

– Purchase of conservation work tools.

11.       Transport

12.       Playing Fields Management Committee.

– Compton Street Play Area: Boundary fencing contract.

– Independent inspections.

– MPF soil conditioning.

13.       Planning Committee.

– Convenor’s report.

14.       CASCA

15.       Date & Venue of Next Meeting.

David Drake, Clerk
30 August 2011