
September 2011

Table of Contents


Councillor Bell advised the council that he had followed up with those local organisations that had responded to the initial Blueprint consultation. His response to Winchester City Council (WCC) was short and generally supportive of the policies proposing larger settlement developments, greater use of the towns and supporting modest development in other areas. However, he noted that it is proposed to remove settlement boundaries, which is contrary to local wishes, as manifested in the Village Design Statement (VDS). Following discussion, the council agreed that it should proceed with the Village Design Statement, as currently drafted, and not to take into consideration the government?s draft National Planning Policy Framework, which is likely to be altered as it proceeds through parliament.

Councillor Beckett noted that the core strategy paper would be presented to WCC in October. It included many of the comments/recommendations submitted by organisations and residents of the parish. He also noted that most rural parishes (in which Compton and Shawford are included) were in favour of only limited development. He added that, as a result of changes to the housing revenue account, WCC intends to take out a loan of £160 million to purchase all council houses within the district. This will mean that rental income will remain with WCC and, unlike today, no funds will be returned to central government to be distributed as the government thinks fit.

Councillor Evans expressed concern that since Hampshire County Council (HCC) considers the land to the north of Martins Fields to be a “specialist farm” it cannot be released for use as affordable housing. She also wondered why there had been no action on the redevelopment of the old post office building in Compton. Councillor Beckett agreed to investigate both issues.

July 2011


Councillor Bell advised the council that he was currently preparing a response to Winchester City Council’s “Plans for Places…after Blueprint consultation”. Councillor Beckett noted that the planners had incorporated most of the parish’s recommendations in their core strategy for the next 25 years and hoped that the council’s response would be positive. Councillor Bell agreed and advised the council that he would consult all the local organisations that had submitted proposals to WCC, as part of the Blueprint process.

Councillor Bell added that the council had received an invitation from the South Downs National Part Authority asking whether it wanted to become involved in the creation of policy and the planning application process. Although only a small part of the parish is located within the national park, it was agreed that Councillor Bell should monitor SDNPA’s activities and to comment, when necessary.

Councillor Southgate reported that he understood the large sign outside the Bridge Public House would be removed by the end of July and replaced with flower beds/planters.

June 2011

Planning Committee

Councillor Wilkinson reported that several parishioners had expressed concern about the size of the sign outside the Bridge Hotel. Both she and Councillor Southgate believed that it did not meet the planning conditions approved by Winchester City Council in the summer of 2009. Both had raised the issued with the manager, who was keen to cooperate. It was agreed that the clerk should write to the manager expressing concern about the sign not meeting planning conditions.

May 2011

Planning Committee

The chairman reported that she had still to receive a reply from R&W about the establishment of a liaison panel to consider the impact of future development on Four Dell Farm. It was agreed that the clerk should telephone the managing director to try to elicit a response to the chairman’s letters.

The council discussed how it should respond to the letter, from the head of Winchester City Council’s Planning Department, Simon Finch, explaining why the reduction in the number of parking spaces at the residential home, on the site of the Captain Barnard public house, had been treated as a non material amendment (NMA). As a direct consequence, an issue of some concern to parishioners had not been referred to the Parish Council for comment. Councillor Martin Bell noted that there appeared to be a substantial loophole in planning procedures where changes to planning applications can be established through the NMA process, without the need to seek wider consultation. Councillor Southgate agreed. He believed that, while domestic property NMAs were unlikely to be a cause of concern, those relating to commercial properties should be considered more widely, especially those where concerns about the scope of the development had been expressed at the time of the initial application. It was subsequently agreed that Councillor Martin Bell should draft a reply to Simon Finch, expressing the council’s concern at the way NMAs are currently being processed by WCC planning officers.

April 2011

Local Development and Planning

District Councillor E Bell reported that Winchester City Council (WCC) was currently producing a draft ‘core strategy’ based upon Blueprint submissions. This should be ready for submission to the WCC cabinet in early June. Once approved it would be circulated to towns and parishes for comment. Councillor Beckett added that many of the Blueprint submissions were similar to those included in the Local Development Framework (LDF). He suggested that the council should consider contacting neighbouring parishes to see whether they have similar concerns to those of submitted by organisations within Compton & Shawford. Following discussion, the chairman, Councillor Stevens, agreed to include a short briefing on the subject in her address to the Annual Parish Meeting.

Councillor Bell presented the planning report. Since it included an application for the provision of hard standing for a shed and conservatory display at George Beckett Nurseries, Councillor Beckett declared an interest and offered to leave the room. Several councillors expressed concern about the manner in which the WCC Planning Department had considered the application to reduce the number of parking places at the Captain Barnard site as a ‘non-material minor amendment’. Local objections to the original plans had only been assuaged by the company’s agreement to provide more (not less) parking spaces. Despite considerable effort, Councillor M Bell reported that he had been unable to obtain a definitive reason for treating the application as such. Following a short discussion, it was agreed that the clerk should write to the Head of the Winchester City Council Planning Department to seek an explanation.

In response to an inquiry about the Compton Post Office building, Councillor Beckett offered to consult the WCC Planning Department to investigate why there was a delay in converting the building into two flats.

March 2011


The council agreed that Councillor Martin Bell should comment on the Hampshire County Council consultation on the mineral and waste plan. It also agreed that he should ask the planning officer why WCC considered the Highwood Construction application, to reduce on site parking spaces, to be a “minor amendment”. Many parishioners had raised concerns about the possibility of “off site” parking problems in the area, once the residential home is fully operative. These concerns had been conveyed to the WCC Planning Department at the time of the original application. He was also asked to seek confirmation that the latest application was not the forerunner to a bid for an additional building on the site.

February 2011

District Councillors’ Reports

Councillor E Bell reported that there would be a meeting of Hampshire County Council (HCC) and WCC case officers, on 8 February 2011, to discuss the latest planning application at Four Dell Farm.

The Regulatory Committee will meet two days later, on 10 February 2011. Councillor Beckett stated that he will attend the latter and will raise objections on behalf of the Parish Council.

Following discussion, it was agreed that, currently, there was little to be gained from accepting the offer from Steven Brine MP to host a meeting of HCC, WCC and Parish Council representatives to discuss future developments at Four Dell Farm. The chairman offered to write to Mr Brine to thank him for his offer.


The council discussed the planning application for four dwellings at Lundy, Otterbourne Road, and decided that it should object on grounds of over development.

January 2011


It was agreed that the Parish Council should aim for a limit on the number of vehicles using Four Dell Farm. Councillor Beckett noted that the inspector had dismissed the appeal against enforcement action at Woodlands Park.

December 2010


Councillor Martin Bell confirmed that the council’s Blueprint submission would be presented in time for the WCC deadline of 10 December 2010. He had also circulated a draft letter, addressed to the heads of the HCC and WCC planning departments, about the need for both organisations to coordinate on drawing up a long term planning strategy for Four Dell Farm, against which future applications could be measured. This final version would be despatched by the clerk later in the week.

District Councillor Eleanor Bell noted that the court decision in favour of Cala Homes, over the proposed development at Barton Farm, had caused problems for planning departments. Councillor Beckett added that the Cala Homes submission had been supported by the British Homes Federation but, nevertheless, he had been personally assured by the Secretary of State, the Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, that legislation overturning the previous government’s housing targets would soon be forthcoming.

November 2010


Councillor Bell confirmed that the Planning Committee would meet informally during the coming month to produce the council’s Blueprint submission on the Local Development Framework (LDF). Details would be circulated to all councillors in time for the next meeting on 7 December 2010. [The deadline for submissions is 10 December 2010.]

There was considerable discussion of the further developments at Four Dell Farm. The council agreed with Councillor Beckett’s suggestion that the company should be asked to provide a long term planning brief for the site. At the moment planning permissions were being “drip fed” into a planning system that was divided between the county and district planning departments. This was far from satisfactory.

October 2010

Local Development Framework (LDF)

Councillor Beckett briefed the council on the coalition government’s plans under which district councils will draw up their long term planning documents. They will still be called local development frameworks (LDF) but, instead of starting with national targets and requirements, they will now to start with local views about the nature and timing of development. WCC has implemented a process called “Blueprint”, which will allow local communities to have the chance to submit their views before a new draft of the LDF is produced. The chairman noted the short deadline for submissions of 10 December 2010. As a consequence the council decided that the clerk should ask WCC to provide all residents’ associations with “Blueprint packs”, as a matter of some urgency. Councillor Beckett believed that the parish council’s submission should aim to draw upon the relatively recent Parish Plan and the Village Design Statement. (For more information on Blueprint, please refer to Councillor Martin Bell’s article on Planning Matters in the November Parish Magazine.)

The clerk reported that John Lancaster, Community Action Hampshire, was in the process of producing detailed plans for social housing in the area known as “Site 5” i.e. to the north of Martins Fields.

September 2010

Statements from Members of the Public

Mrs Mason spoke on behalf of Mrs Pridham, who was concerned about the proposed development at ‘Southgate’, Crossway. Councillor Bell indicated that the council had not intended to object to the development but that he was happy to have a discussion with Mrs Pridham (and Mrs Mason) to see whether her concerns could be addressed by the planning officers at Winchester City Council.

Mrs Caffyn indicated that the Shawford Village Residents’ Association supported Councillor Southgate’s efforts to improve parking at Shawford station and expressed disappointment that the ‘kerbing’ of Pearson Lane, promised earlier in the year, had still not taken place.

June 2010

Four Dell Farm

There was considerable discussion about the requests for variations in the planning conditions at Four Dell Farm. Councillor Martin Bell confirmed that he had thanked the WCC enforcement officer, Neil March, for his prompt attention to initial concerns raised by the Parish Council. But he remained concerned that, following the clearance of the wooded areas, new areas of hard standing were being created, which might in the future be used for the storage of materials, parking of lorries or the dumping of aggregate waste from the industrial estate. Based upon recent history, councillors agreed that his concerns were well founded. The council needed to keep a very close eye on developments and to maintain pressure, on both HCC & WCC officers, to ensure that local concerns are taken into consideration, during the Four Dell Farm planning process.

May 2010


Councillor Bell reported that he had had a useful meeting with the chief planning officer about the Local Design Statement. He had emphasised the need for planning officers to consult the document, when they were considering planning applications. He believed that his concerns had been accepted but only time will tell. He would continue to monitor the situation closely. Because several parishioners appear to be unclear about the procedure for objecting to planning applications, and regulations concerning Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), it was agreed that Councillor Bell should produce an article for the parish magazine, which would provide the necessary guidance.

April 2010


In Councillor Bell’s absence, Councillor Walmsley presented the planning convenor’s report. Councillor Beckett reported that he had spoken to planning officers about the importance of referring to the Local Design Statement, when considering planning applications within the parish. The chairman added that, upon his return from holiday, Councillor Bell had arranged to meet the chief planning officer to express similar concern. Councillor Walmsley noted that John and Geoff Venn were seeking a variation of planning conditions at Silkstead Farm. However, while the farm was located within the parish, the main impact of vehicle movements would be within the parish of Otterbourne. It was agreed that Otterbourne Parish Council should be informed accordingly.

March 2010


Councillor M Bell advised the council that he had found the proposed design of the two two-bedroomed flats on the site of the old Compton Store a ‘little uninspiring’. He had also attended the planning meeting on the proposed development of ‘Lynchets’ and had been very disturbed to discover that the planning officer and his team leader had not given due regard to the guidelines contained in the Local Design Statement (LDS). He recommended that the council should write to the Chief Planning Officer expressing grave concern at this oversight and seeking reassurances that the LDS recommendations will be taken into account when future planning applications are considered. All agreed.

December 2009

Compton Post Office proposals

Mr Witt thanked the council for its efforts in speaking against the proposal to convert the Compton Post Office building into four flats. Councillor Bell He mentioned that both he and District Councillor Eleanor Bell had attended the planning committee meeting, which had rejected the plans for the Compton Post Office. He looked forward to seeing the revised plans in due course.

November 2009

Compton Post Office proposals

Mr Witt requested confirmation that the Parish Council would be represented at the planning committee meeting on 19 November at which proposals for the Old Post Office building in Attwoods Drove would be discussed. Councillor Beckett confirmed that a planning application for change of use of Compton Post Office, from commercial to four dwellings, was expected to go before the committee on 19 November. He advised that councillors should note that the City Council will then seek offers for the disposal of the property and will accept the best offer. But the eventual purchaser may seek an alternative consent and it should not be assumed that the property will be developed in line with the consent extant at the time of disposal. Councillor Bell confirmed that he will be attending the planning committee meeting on 19 November 2009.

October 2009

Public Session

In the period set aside for members of the public, Mr Andrew Witt expressed concern at Winchester City Council’s plans for the Old Post Office and stores building. He had raised objections because he considered the proposed development was inappropriate for the village and that insufficient parking spaces could result in potential parking problems in Attwoods Drove. His concerns about parking were endorsed by Mrs Wilmshurst. Following discussion amongst councillors, later in the meeting, it was agreed that the Council should object to the WCC plans for the Old Post Office Building on grounds that it was an overdevelopment of the site and because of potential parking problems.

Bushfield Camp Village Green proposal

Councillor Bell advised councillors on an application to HCC to register Bushfield as a ‘village green’. He had been informed that a decision would be made on evidence of such use alone. Following discussion it was agreed that the clerk should write to HCC emphasising that the Parish Council recognises the importance of Bushfield as a recreational area and continues to support its use for this purpose. It also wishes to remain fully engaged with Winchester City Council on its potential use, as outlined in the Local Development Framework.

September 2009


Councillor Martin Bell noted that the planning application for Sherbrooke would be going to Committee and he hoped to attend. A new application had been received for Highdown, Cliff Way, which would be assessed. The re-submission for Lynchets, Hurdle Way had received adverse comment by WCC Landscape Dept. [Parishioners may be interested to hear that, in the week following the Council meeting, WCC has submitted plans to convert the Old Post Office building in Attwoods Drove into four separate flats. Details can be found on the WCC web site under ‘planning’: reference 09/01689/FUL.]

July 2009

Compton Village old Post Office

A planning application to convert the Old Post Office building to 2 x 2 bedrooms and 2 x 1 bedroom flats was expected to issue in the week beginning 6 July. In his capacity as a District Councillor, Councillor Beckett sought the views of councillors on whether WCC should:

  • Seek a social housing partner, which would allow the Council to retain allocation rights;
  • Sell to a private developer for a potential sum of £400,000, of which £200,000 could be allocated to social housing within the district and £200,000 to the maintenance of current social housing stock; or
  • Sell the property as a commercial entity for a potential price of £300,000.

Concern was expressed that four flats could result in parking problems in Attwoods Drove but, overall, councillors expressed a desire for WCC to seek a social housing partner and to retain allocation rights.

District Councillors’ Reports

Councillor Beckett also announced that the opportunity to comment on the Core Strategy had closed on 4 July. Councillor Caffyn reported that, following consultation with councillors, Councillor M Bell had submitted a short comment supporting the principle of the development of a “science park” but with reservations concerning landscaping, screening and visual intrusion.

May 2009

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor Eleanor Bell advised the Council that the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Preferred Options paper had been accepted by Winchester City Council (WCC) on 22 April. It will now go to public consultation from 14th May to 3rd July. A series of exhibitions is planned around the district, including 9th and 13th June in Winchester, 12th June at Colden Common, and 16th June at Badger Farm. She also admitted to some disappointment that the Inspector had allowed the appeal by Highwood Developments to build a large residential nursing home plus four dwellings on the site of the Captain Barnard public house. A new application has been submitted to WCC, using the pub site only without the adjoining dwelling. The nursing home will be placed to the rear of the site and two apartments towards the road will be designed as Coach House to the home.


Councillor Martin Bell recommended, and councillors agreed, that, since the site was not suitable for holiday lets, the Council should object to the proposed development at Woodlands Park. There was a general agreement that the proposed development of Lynchets, Hurdle Way, was of an inappropriate scale for the site and Councillor M Bell was asked to advise the Planning Officers accordingly.

March 2009

Local Development Framework

Councillor Beckett briefed the Council on the potential impact of the Local Development Framework (LDF), which will contain a set of core strategies against which all future WCC decisions will need to be assessed. He also recommended that, since WCC reviewed its conservation policy every five years, the Council should consider writing to the Conservation Officer stressing the importance of retaining conservation status for Compton Street. Councillors agreed and we will be contacting the Compton Village Association shortly to agree on how best to put the case for retention.


There was considerable discussion about developments at Four Dell Farm. Councillors expressed concern at the potential increase in industrial activity at the Farm and the apparent willingness of planning officials and the Inspector to agree to each application, irrespective of concerns expressed by elected officials and members of the public. Councillor M Bell agreed to seek an explanation from the Planning Department on the circumstances that had changed since the original imposition of conditions at Four Dell Farm. He also noted that there had been one objection to the Tennis Club’s application to install new floodlights, including on Court 3. Councillor Campbell-White reported that, in his letter about tidying up the Memorial Playing Fields, he had informed neighbouring households about the application but had not received any adverse comments. Nevertheless he believed that the 9.30pm restriction on the present courts, should also apply to Court 3. Councillors agreed.

January 2009


Councillor M Bell reported that the Inspector had allowed an appeal against the decision to refuse planning permission at Old Orchard. Councillor Beckett noted that the Inspector had considered that the conservation area “decayed” as one moved away from the nucleus of the village e.g. the church. There was also some discussion about planning conditions attached to planning consents. District Councillor E Bell reported that they do not always address the concerns of residents or parish councils. It was agreed that the chairman should seek a meeting with the Chief Planning Officer to obtain clarification of the process under which the WCC Planning Department takes such concerns into consideration.

December 2008


On planning issues a member of the public expressed concern about a proposed development in the property adjacent to his home in Otterbourne Road. An earlier proposal had been rejected by WCC and, since the latest application was very similar to the original, he hoped the Council would be prepared to support his objection. Councillor M Bell said that he had not seen the proposed plans but assured him that the Parish Council adopted a consistent approach to planning applications. There was considerable discussion on the proposed development of Woodlands Park and an application to operate a recycling facility of waste and other recycled materials at Four Dells Farm. It was agreed that Councillor M Bell would advise the Planning Department of the conditions that were applied to the original development at Woodlands Park, viz. domestic use only, and that, when commenting upon the Four Dell Farm planning application, planning officers should be asked to take into consideration the cumulative effect of HGV travel movements on Poles Lane. The chairman concluded that the Parish Council should object to the recycling plant.

November 2008

Four Dell Farm

District Councillor Eleanor Bell reported the”dispiriting” news that the Inspector had overturned the decision of HCC elected members to refuse R&W permission to use “farm buildings” for the storage of waste products. She considered that the decision effectively condoned the unauthorised and exploitive use of open farm yards and set a very unfortunate precedent. On a similar vein, a member of the public, Mr O’Neill, expressed concern about the request for a variation of the planning conditions on the use of the grain dryer at Four Dell Farm. He believed that, if permitted, it would amount to “creeping industrialisation” of the countryside. Councillor Martin Bell added that he too had concerns about a number of planning applications which, while appearing to have a “rural” use, provided opportunities for the owners to subsequently seek a change of use. This could eventually lead to the potential “industrialisation” of the countryside. His concerns were shared by all councillors.

September 2008


Councillor M Bell reported that he had noted inconsistencies in the way some planning decisions had been taken with regard to developments in Compton Street. In one the Conservation Officer’s comments had been a vital component but, in another, a decision had been taken before receipt of the Tree Officer’s views.

July 2008

Captain Barnard

Under the Statement of Community Involvement Framework adopted by the City Council in January 2007, developers are expected to consult with neighbours and the Parish Council before submitting planning applications.

Under this guideline, Nigel Shannon, representing Highwood Residential, outlined plans for the construction of a nursing home and four private dwellings on the site of the Captain Barnard public house and the adjacent property, Calvi.

In response to questions from councillors and members of the public, Mr Shannon stated that, although the number of allocated parking slots may appear small for the size of the development, it met the ‘upper end’ of WCC guidelines. He expected that staff, most of whom would be non-medical staff e.g. cleaners, cooks etc., would be recruited locally and, while there was no age restriction on the residents, most would be quite elderly. The Parish Council chairman, Councillor Campbell-White, was grateful for the comments from members of the public and indicated that the Council would be giving further consideration to the proposed development. This was done in the Planning report; the consensus was that a retirement home was preferable to another public house, but this development as proposed was too large and provided insufficient parking.

County Councillor’s Report: Bushfield Camp Village Green proposal

Councillor Bailey added that the County Council is likely to appoint an external inspector to judge the Bushfield Camp Village Green application. Councillor Martin Bell wondered whether the Parish Council would be consulted on the application, and, after discussion, agreed to give some thought on how the Council could adopt a more proactive policy.

June 2008


During the session concerning Planning issues, there was significant discussion concerning the proposal to convert the Captain Barnard, Otterbourne Road, into a residential Nursing Home. Whilst it is not Parish Council policy to allow developers to make presentations to the Parish Council on proposed Planning Applications, it was considered that an exception in this case was appropriate as the proposed residential Nursing Home could be a benefit to the community. Accordingly, a presentation of what is proposed will be given at the July Parish Council meeting where it is hoped that many members of the Public will attend. This presentation will be published on the Notice Boards and in the Parish Magazine.

December 2007


During the discussions on Planning, Councillor Adrian Walmsley outlined the recent meeting convened by County Councillor Charlotte Bailey, between Hampshire County Council, Winchester City Council and the appropriate Parishes, which discussed the numerous Planning Applications which centred on Four Dell Farm. During this very informative meeting, all parties were made aware of all the relevant Planning Applications and their current position. Whilst nothing new was revealed, the cumulative effect of the Planning Applications was realised, especially in respect of the cumulative effect of heavy lorry movements through the local Villages. Additionally, it was understood that the local Residents Association have been given leave to seek a Judicial Review over the planning consent given for a “concrete crusher” facility.

November 2007


Significant discussion took place on the numerous Planning Applications concerning Four Dell Farm and its associated entities. The Compton and Silkstead Association are to expand to create OCASSA (Otterbourne, Compton & Shawford and Silkstead Association). The intention is to seek a Judicial Review on the A.J.Blake application which will probably be heard in the spring of 2008. This new group will give the opportunity for people to give financial or other support and there will be a Public meeting in the new year. In parallel with this, County Councillor Charlotte Bailey has requested a meeting with Planning Officers and Enforcement Officers from Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council, together with representatives from each Parish Council to map out all the relevant Planning Applications submitted by Four Dell Farm and its associated entities and thereby determine precisely the current position and what actions need to be taken.

October 2007


On Planning issues, Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that it had been a quiet month. It is thought likely that the Planning Application for “Old Orchard” will be refused by the Officers and therefore will not come to Committee at Winchester City Council. With Regard to the Planning Applications concerning Ballakitch, it was considered appropriate not to pursue the objection to the Application yet to be determined as it is considered less intrusive than the earlier application which is currently the subject of an appeal.

September 2007


Councilor Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning matters, including Ballakitch, Highways Roads, Ty-Gwyn, Southdown Road, and the various issues in respect of Four Dell Farm. In respect of Four Dell Farm, a number of e-mails had been sent to the Regulatory Committee, Hampshire County Council, by individuals including the District Councilors, County Councilors and the affected Parish Councils, making clear all of the salient objections. The Parish Council does not have the automatic right to speak at the Regulatory Committee meeting on 5 September: only individuals are able to speak. Accordingly, suitable representation has been arranged.

July 2007


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Planning Applications. Some discussions took place on the Planning Application concerning 1 New Barn Cottages, which concluded there was no planning grounds upon which to formally object, despite various objections being raised by local residents. Also, discussions took place concerning the Planning Application concerning Old Orchard, Compton Street. This is a significant proposed development and it is known that many local Residents have raised objections. The result of this proposed development would put more traffic pressure on the junction of Compton Street with the Main Road, together with increasing traffic congestion in Compton Street outside of the school. The Parish Council will deliberate further on this Planning Application with a view of possibly raising an objection.

Park & Ride

Councillor Adrian Walmsley also advised that Winchester City Council had determined that “No objection be raised” in respect of the Planning Application concerning the South Winchester Park and Ride facility. Councillor Walmsley noted that it was unfortunate that Twyford Parish Council and Coldon Common have continued to raise objections as to the location of the proposed facility, this despite the proposal having gone through extensive democratic consultation processes.

June 2007


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on planning matters and it was agreed that an objection would be raised in respect of the Planning Application to develop a new 5 bedroom dwelling at Chalgrave, Otterbourne Road.

April 2007

Concrete Recycling Planning Application

There was a large representation from members of the Public at this months Parish Council meeting. The reason for this being the Planning Application for an Aggregates Recycling Facility at Four Dell Farm. This issue has caused considerable disquiet amongst Parishioners due to the anticipated increase in noise and dust pollution and the increase in heavy traffic on the roads within the Parish. It was considered that the site for this proposed facility was already being operated illegally, and the proposed increase in recycling activities will only serve to exasperate the situation.

The Parish Council noted all of the comments made by members of the Public in attendance, such comments being taken into account during their deliberations on this matter. It was noted that as this Planning Application concerns “Minerals and Waste”, Hampshire County Council are responsible for its determination. In this instance, Winchester City Council are a Consultee and as such they have called for reports on Environmental Protection, Landscaping, Environment Agency Approval, Drainage, Highways matters and conformance with the Winchester District Local Plan.

The Parish Council recognises the desire by Parishioners to object to this Planning Application. It also recognises that for any objection to be successful, such an objection must be based upon sound planning reasons. Significant work on this matter undertaken outside of this meeting, indicates that the proposed Planning Application does not conform with CE4 and CE16 of the Winchester District local Plan and therefore provides grounds for objection. In addition, the matter of additional heavy traffic on roads already proven to be in-adequate for such traffic, will be raised in the Parish Council’s objection.

January 2007


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Planning Applications, most notably the proposed developments at Red Lane House, Shawford and at Ballakitch, Highways Road. With regard to the development at Red Lane House, the Parish Council’s concerns had been conveyed to the Planning Authorities. As Red Lane House had been identified in the Urban Capacity Study, the Parish Council, in line with its own formal policy, and in the absence of other valid planning reasons against the proposed development, could not object to the principle of development. With regard to the proposed development at Ballakitch, it was commented that this latest in a series of Planning Applications for this total curtilage appeared to be a method of circumventing the requirement for an element of Social Housing on the overall development site. This aspect will be pursued.

December 2006

Planning Concerns:

During the Public participation session, there were representations made by several Residents over the Planning Application that has been submitted to Winchester City Council in respect to the erection of a single four bedroom dwelling at Red Lane House, Pearson Lane, Shawford. Concern was expressed that this development would spoil the character of the area, being an area of large Victorian Houses. Such a development could be seen as the “thin end of a wedge”, resulting in many more developments in the area and thereby destroying the distinct character of this part of Shawford.

It was pointed out that in order for the Parish Council to raise an objection, there has to be specific Planning Grounds upon which to object. In this particular case there appears to be very little specific Planning reasons to object. The issue of Restrictive Covenants is not deemed to be significant Planning Grounds and the issue of increased Traffic has already been addressed by the Architects with the Highways Engineer.

The Parish Council Planning Committee will consider this Planning Application in greater detail and take what action they deem to be appropriate. In the meantime, local Residents who have strong views on this development should make those views known to the Planning Authority, Winchester City Council. They should also contribute their views to the proposed Village Design Statement to be prepared in conjunction with the Parish Plan (which, if adopted will become a “Supplementary Planning Document”).

September 2006


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported upon Planning Applications that had been submitted in July and August. It was noted that a significant number of Planning Applications had been submitted for developments in the Compton Down area. It is believed that these applications had been submitted for consideration before the “Compton Down Local Area Design Statement is adopted.

June 2006


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on Planning issues, the main ones being at Longacre, Hurdle Way, and Littlestowe, Southdown Road. The development at Longacre requires two further Planning Applications, due to the demolition of the original dwelling. The Parish Council concluded that it would support both of these Planning Applications.

The proposed development at Littlestowe has resulted in a high density Planning Application being submitted on the recommendation of the Planning Officers, Winchester City Council; this to comply with the requirements of PPG3. Many local residents are opposed to such a high density development in this location, together with the fact that the proposed development is out of Character with the area. The Parish Council concluded that it would object to this Planning Application and request that it goes to Committee and not decided under “Delegated Powers”. With this in mind it is hoped that the PPG3 requirement can be over-ruled. It should be borne in mind that PPG3 is a guidance only and not necessarily enforceable.

April 2006


Councillor Jeremy Dolphin reported on various Planning matters, one of which concerned the Planning Permission granted for the Old Shawford Goods Yard. This Planning Permission has been granted with numerous conditions imposed which encompass the requirement of low level lighting, restrictions to single tier 20ft containers and road sinage at the entrance. It was pleasing to note that the Planning Authority had taken note of the Parish Council’s and Resident’s submissions in this respect.

February 2006


Councillor Jeremy Dolphin reported on various Planning Applications. A planning Application concerning Shawford Goods Yard had just been submitted to Winchester City Council. This application was for the use of the yard as a storage facility, whereby storage containers could be rented for storage purposes. Concerns were expressed in respect of the likely traffic movement that such a facility would attract. The Planning Committee would examine the detail of the Planning Application and respond appropriately. It was pointed out that this proposal for Shawford Goods Yard may be more acceptable than other possible uses.

December 2005

Parish Plan

(…Discussions on the Parish Plan moved to a separate page)

November 2005


Various Planning issues were discussed including the proposed developments at Ballakitch/Merries, the noise pollution suffered by Southdown School as a result of the development at Mountain Ash and the long running issue of development at Longacre, Hurdle Way. In respect of this last item, it was noted that the land around Longacre had been entirely cleared and that “Speed Strips” had been placed across the road at the beginning of Hurdle Way. It is not known whether these two matters are connected and there has not been any further Planning Application for Longacre submitted to-date.

October 2005

Parish Plan

The Chairman, Cllr. Adrian Walmsley, welcomed Mrs Jo Dixon, of Community Action Hampshire, to the meeting. Jo Dixon had been invited to address the meeting on the issue of producing a Parish Plan. Whilst it is uncertain as to the effectiveness of a Parish Plan in determining the general outcome of Planning Applications within the Parish, it was generally thought that the existence of such a plan might influence the Planning Authorities to greater extent than having no plan at all. The inclusion of a Village Design Statement in a Parish Plan would add weight to the possible influencing of the Planners.

Unfortunately, there are no longer any grants available from Community Action Hampshire for assisting with production of Parish Plans or Village Design Statements. However there may be funds available from the Hampshire Strategic Partnership and it is understood that DEFRA are making funds available, but details of this are unknown at present.

The problem confronting the Parish Council in this issue is determining whether there is sufficient interest within the Parish to undertake the significant amount of work that is involved. Additionally, it is difficult to identify anybody who would be prepared to lead such a project. To this end, consultation with the various Residents Associations will be undertaken to determine the appetite within the Parish for such a project.

September 2005


Cllr. Jeremy Dolphin reported upon numerous planning issues that had arisen over the Summer Recess, most notable being the refusal of the application for higher density development at Highdown, further objections to the high density development on land behind Ballakitch and the Merries and representations to be made at the License Hearing concerning the Bridge Hotel, Shawford.

Cllr. George Beckett, in his capacity as District Councillor, reported upon presentations at Winchester City Council on the Draft Winchester District Local Plan, which appears to have little change in impact upon Compton and Shawford, and the Planning Improvement Plan. In respect of the latter, it appears that there will be less consultation on Planning matters, with less being put to the WCC Planning Committee.

June 2005

District Councillor’s Report

District Councillor George Beckett reported upon the increased pressure from the planners at Winchester City Council on the issue of developers including an element of Affordable Housing in developments of less than 15 dwellings. It is difficult to impose a requirement for Affordable Housing within such developments and therefore it is anticipated that there will be a growing number of exception sites.


The main discussion under Planning, reported upon by Cllr. Jeremy Dolphin, was the Planning Application concerning Overcombe and Rothiemurchus, St.Cross Road. It was originally thought that the Parish Council need not raise an objection. However, in the light of objections raised by The City of Winchester Trust together with further consideration given to the matter, it was agreed at the Parish Council should raise an objection to the Planning Application.

Significant discussion took place on the question of developing a Parish Plan. Cllr. Jeremy Dolphin had attended a seminar on this subject at which it was made clear that a Parish Plan does impact the Planning Process at Winchester City Council. It is envisaged that increased pressure will be brought to bear on those Parishes which do not have such a Plan. Compton and Shawford Parish is one such Parish. The discussions concluded that a Working Party of Parish Councillors will be established to determine the interest from within the Parish to develop such a Parish Plan. It is envisaged that all the Residents Associations will be invited to join this initiative from which it is hoped that a group can be established to undertake the work involved. District Councillor George Beckett will make enquiries within Winchester City Council with regard to obtaining assistance as well as possible funding.

May 2005


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning Issues, including the Appeal concerning Highdown, the proposed extensive development at St. Cross and proposals concerning the Walcon’s Yard in Shawford. The outline proposals advised to the Parish Council by the owners of Walcon’s Yard, involve the establishment of some 80 lockable containers for renting out to individuals and businesses for self-storage. The proposal does not encompass the whole of Walcon’s Yard, the buildings at the far end being the subject of later deliberations. These proposals will be reviewed by the new Planning Committee with a view to establishing a Parish Council position on the proposal.

April 2005


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported on various planning issues, which included Sparrow Grove, Woodlarks, and 10 Attwoods Drove. In addition, Cllr. Walmsley advised the meeting that the Planning Application for the demolition of four houses in St. Cross and the subsequent construction of 34 houses and 30 flats in their place, had been refused by Winchester City Council. It is understood that the reasons for refusal was only on the grounds of increased traffic and access problems, which is cause for concern as such issues could be addressed by the developer.

March 2005

Public Session

During the session for members of the Public to raise issues, Mr Roy Freeland raised the matter of Hampshire County Council granting licenses for the construction of new access points to residential sites. It appears that such licenses are granted without the usual Planning Application and consultation procedures. Having granted such licences, the Landowner is then able to apply for Planning Permission from Winchester City Council who is more likely to grant the necessary Planning Permission as Hampshire County Council has already granted the appropriate license. The Parish Council was requested to investigate this apparent loophole in the Planning process and make appropriate representations.


Cllr. Mr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning matters, the most notable one of which is the proposal to demolish four large houses in St. Cross and build 34 new houses plus 30 flats on the site. This development site is partly in the Parish of Compton and Shawford, but the Parish Council were not advised of this Planning Application, although they are statutory consultees, by Winchester City Council, Planning Department. Appropriate representations have been made to Winchester City Council and details of the proposed development are being sought so that the Parish Council can formally comment.

February 2005


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon various planning issues, one of which concerned the proposal by the Rev. Paul Baird to build a Community Room at Compton Church. This development will require the removal of some very old Yew trees located in the Churchyard. Advice and guidance from the Arborcultural Officer, Planning Department, Winchester City Council, is being sought prior to formal Planning Applications being submitted. The Parish Council are to be kept informed on the tree question, which is significant as the area in question is within the Conservation Area, and also to a listed building.

January 2005


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported upon the Parish Council’s representations at the Planning Development Control Committee meeting, Winchester City Council, which considered the Planning Application concerning Beechcroft, Compton Street, Compton. The Parish Council’s objections were overruled and permission was granted. It was unfortunate that there were no other of the many objectors to this Planning Application in attendance at the meeting to make their objections heard.

December 2004


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported upon various Planning Applications. The proposed development of a single dwelling at Shepherds Grove, Shepherds Lane, received the support of the Parish Council. Proposals, by the developer of Mountain Ash, Tilden Road, to erect a 2.4mtr. high by 12mtr. long advertising hoarding overlooking the M3 motorway is of concern. Councillor George Beckett in his capacity as District Councillor will be making a “Members Enquiry” with the Planning Department, Winchester City Council, to ensure that the Highways Agency are aware of this proposal. It is thought that such advertising over a Motorway is illegal.

Local Area Design Statement

The subject of a “Local Area Design Statement for Compton Down” being pursued by Winchester City Council was discussed at length. It is recognised that such a planning document will be vital in future deliberations concerning Development Planning in the Compton Down area. Also, it was agreed that such Planning documents will also be essential for other areas of the Parish. Consequently, the Parish Council agreed to fully support the initiative for Compton Down and to endeavour to take a leading role in the project. The resultant “Local Area Design Statement for Compton Down” could eventually form one section of an overall document encompassing the whole Parish. Accordingly, it is proposed that initial work will focus on Compton Down and at a later date that work will be expanded to cover Southdown, Shawford and Compton Street.

November 2004


Under Planning issues, the question of the Parish Council embarking upon the production of a “Village Design Statement” / “Parish Plan” was again raised. Councillor Jean Millar is intending to speak with Mrs Mary Davies who had initiated such a Plan for Otterbourne Parish. It is understood that a significant amount of work is involved in the production of such Statements/Plans and numerous volunteers outside the Parish Council would be required to do the work. Failure to have such a Village Design Statement/Parish Plan would preclude this Parish from achieving “Quality Status”. Additionally, if the resultant document were not endorsed by Winchester City Council, the whole exercise would be a waste of time and effort, as the plan could not be “adopted” for planning guidance.

October 2004


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported on his visit to the Planning Department, Winchester City Council. One of the subjects that arose during this visit was the issue of Village Design Statements and Parish Plans. Conflicting information was received from the planners as to the relevance and effectiveness of such projects. As a result, Cllr. Walmsley, with his Planning Committee, will undertake a review of the question of Village Design Statements and Parish Plans with a view to making recommendations as to whether this Parish Council should initiate such Projects. The problem with such activities is the necessity to get people other than Parish Councillors to undertake the significant amount of work.

With regard to recent Planning Applications that had been heard by the Planning Development Control Committee, Winchester City Council, the applications for Highdown and Longacre had been refused on Traffic grounds. The retrospective application in respect of a Garden Pergola at Kynance had been granted permission with the conditions that suitable screening be installed. The Parish Council had received assurances from the householder at Kynance that suitable screening will be installed together with limitations on the use and extent of lighting.

Itchen Navigation

The recent notification in the Hampshire Chronicle of a Planning Application to discharge treated sewage from the Malms development into the Itchen Navigation caused some concern. The matter is being addressed by the Planning Department, Winchester City Council, and will be monitored by Cllr George Beckett in his capacity as City Councillor.

September 2004


Councillor Adrian Walmsley reported on various Planning Issues. It was agreed that the Parish Council will speak at the Winchester City Council Planning Committee on the issue of Planning Applications covering development at Longacre, Hurdle Way, and the retrospective Planning Application concerning Kynance, Compton Street. The Parish Council objects to both these Applications. Additionally, the Parish Council will be objecting to the proposed development at Beechcroft, Compton Street.

Councillor Walmsley also commented that it was curious in that the Winchester City Council application to themselves for planning permission at Attwoods Drove has not been accompanied by the usual display of “Orange Notices” advising the public of the development. The Clerk was instructed to establish why this was.

July 2004


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that an objection to the latest Planning Application concerning Longacre, Hurdle Way, had been submitted to Winchester City Council. This latest Planning Application was very similar to a previous Application and the reasons for previous refusals appeared not to have been addressed.
Cllr. George Beckett and Cllr Jean Millar reported that they had attended the Winchester District Local Plan Review Public Inquiry and it was understood that the points put to the Inspector by Cllr. Jean Millar were well received.

Cllr. Jean Millar attended the two day public inquiry concerning the development of 24 to 27 dwellings at Mountain Ash, Tilden Road. All of these proposed dwellings are intended to be classified as “affordable housing”. Although the Inspector heard all sides of the argument, it is thought that there is a risk that the Inspector will overturn Winchester City Council’s decision to refuse permission. It is feared that this would create a precedent for high density housing within the Parish.

Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that the new Parish Council Planning Committee had met with Winchester City Council Planning Department and received from them a detailed briefing of the Planning process as pursued by Winchester City Council. This had proved most informative and should assist in addressing planning issues in the future.

June 2004


On Planning matters, Cllr. Jean Millar reported upon the latest Planning Application concerning the proposed development at Longacre. This will have to be reviewed by the new Planning Committee.

Concerns over the change in Planning Permission implemented by Winchester City Council without reference to the Parish Council or the neighbours at Silkstead Priors, Shepherds Lane, which are apparently to the detriment of the immediate neighbours was discussed. A review of the correspondence on this issue will be undertaken by the new Planning Committee with a view to establishing the way forward on this matter.

May 2004


Cllr. Jean Millar reported upon planning matters, mainly upon the further Outline Planning application for three terraced dwellings at “Highdown” and the amendment to the plans for construction of a two-story garage building at Silkstead Priors. Whilst the reduction in dwellings at the “Highdown” proposed development was welcomed, the conclusion was that the same reasons for objecting to this development remained. With regard to the change to the plans covering Silkstead Priors, the Parish Council was concerned and disappointed that such changes to the approved plans were authorised by Winchester City Council without prior consultation with neighbouring residents or the Parish Council.

April 2004

District Councillor’s report

District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported on the submission of a major Planning Application concerning Barton Farm by Carla Homes. Whilst this Planning Application is expected to be refused, it is envisaged that there will be subsequent re-submissions of the application together with the possibility of Appeals. As a consequence of this, it is it is hoped for a reduction in pressure for high density housing in existing residential areas such as Compton and Shawford.

Otterbourne Recycling Facility

Councillor George Beckett reported upon the meeting with Integra he attended in conjunction with Otterbourne Parish Council, concerning the recycling site at Poles Lane. The meeting centred upon the obtaining of retrospective Planning Permissions for the site and it was noted that as Hampshire County Council owns the site, such planning permissions can be given by Hampshire County Council to themselves with only nominal reference to the Planning Authority of Winchester City Council. In general, it was considered to be an acrimonious meeting in that Integra appeared dismissive of the Parish Council�s and local resident�s concerns. It was also suggested by Integra that resulting from a snapshot survey of lorries entering and exiting the site, a 20% reduction in traffic volumes had been realised. However, it should be noted that this snapshot survey had been undertaken during the recent bad weather conditions during which refuse collection was suspended in some areas due to snow.


Councillor Jean Millar reported upon several planning issues including the planned Site Viewing Sub Committee on the 19th April at The Merries/Ballakitch, Highways Road, the rejection of the Longacre Appeal, the retrospective Planning Application at Highlands which was refused and the outline Planning Application at Shepherds Grove, Shepherds Lane. Councillor Millar also reported on her visit to the Twyford Parish Council open day in respect of developments and proposed developments at Humphries Holdings. Apparently there have been numerous developments on the site, which have not conformed with usual Planning procedures. This Parish Council will maintain a watching brief and provide support to Twyford Parish Council if requested and considered appropriate.

March 2004


During the session on Planning matters, it was determined that it is necessary for Councillor Mrs. Jean Millar to take over the responsibilities of Convenor of the Parish Council Planning Committee. Councillor Millar will assume this responsibility with immediate effect.

February 2004


Cllr. Martin Bell reported upon various planning applications and decisions. Most notable being the objection lodged by the Parish Council concerning the latest Planning Application concerning Longacre. It is now understood that this latest Planning Application has been withdrawn by the applicant. However, the previous Planning Application is still being taken to Appeal.

January 2004


Councillor Mr. Martin Bell reported on current Planning issues including the development on land at the rear of Ballakitch and The Merries, Highways Road. This application has been pending for some 18 months and it is now understood that the application has now been refused. It was considered that the applicant has been badly served by the planners at Winchester City Council continually delaying this decision.

Councillor Bell also reported that the Planning Application for Mountain Ash, Tilden Road, is to be taken to Appeal. At the same time, a second new and similar Planning Application for the same site has been submitted to Winchester City Council. As this second application is very similar to the first, the Parish Council will again make objections for the same reasons.

Councillor Bell commented that the planning department at Winchester City Council appear to be in a state of upheaval in that their approach to individual Planning Applications appears to lack consistency. This was evidenced by the recent refusal of applications concerning Beechcroft, Compton Street, and Orchard House, Cliff Way. It was concluded that this lack of consistency might have been occasioned by the replacement of PPG’s (Planning Policy Guidelines) with PPS’s (Planning Policy Statements) as reported by District Councillor Mrs. Charlotte Bailey. Whilst the new PPS’s have not been finalised, the officers in the Planning Department are seen to be in a state of uncertainty whilst their definitive policy is determined.

December 2003


During the session on Planning Applications, there was much discussion concerning the request from Mr. John Venn for the Parish Council to support him in his request for the removal of the restrictions on the hours of use of the Grain Dryer at Silkstead Farm. Since the last Parish Council meeting, further information had been received by the Parish Council from the Enforcement Officer, Winchester City Council, concerning the procedures which may be followed by Mr. Venn if he determined there is an emergency need to operate the Grain Dryer outside the hours stipulated in the Planning Permission granted. In view of this information, the Parish Council saw no need to revise its previously determined position. However, if Mr. Venn could show in future that the procedures detailed by Winchester City Council were not satisfactory, then the Parish Council will make suitable representations.

November 2003


There was considerable discussion concerning the request from Mr. J.Venn, the farmer at Silkstead Farm, who requested the Parish Council’s support in the removal of restrictions on the hours of use of the grain dryer at Silkstead Farm. Whilst the Parish Council does not wish to hinder the business activities of Farmers in the area, it must also be cognisant of the needs of residents within the Parish. It is a matter of striking a balance between the wishes of residents and the needs of such local businesses. It was agreed that the previous objection made by the Parish Council now needs to be revised in the light of further information having been presented to the Parish Council. However, due to a point of order, which prevents the Parish Council revisiting a decision within a period of six months, the matter was deferred until the December Parish Council meeting at which it will be discussed further.

October 2003


Cllr. Mr. Martin Bell reported upon the Planning Application for the development of Southdown School. Whilst members had reservations upon the sustainability question together with Traffic Management issues concerning the access roads to the site, the Parish Council were supportive of the project. Comments will be sent to Winchester City Council, Planning Department, supporting the proposal but at the same time expressing the Council’s concerns.

Cllr. Mr. Martin Bell also reported upon the Planning Application concerning the development of three dwellings at Silkstead Priors, Shepherds Lane. Again the Parish Council were supportive of the proposed development and will convey this to Winchester City Council, Planning Department.

September 2003


Once again, the predominant business of the Parish Council was issues concerning Planning. During the Public session, farmer Mr. John Venn made representations to the Parish Council over the planning issue of the hours of operation of the Grain Dryer at Silkstead Farm. Current restrictions prevent its use after 6.00pm and during weekends and Bank Holidays. It was pointed out that use of the Grain Dryer is dependant upon the needs of the harvest, which does not always coincide with the hours allowed for its operation. Farmer Venn’s points were noted and account taken of them for discussion during the session on Planning later in the meeting.

It was made clear during the Planning session that some members were sympathetic to Farmer Venn’s representations. However, it was felt by others that the amenity of existing and future residents must be protected from undue noise at unsociable hours caused by operation of the Grain Dryer. In order to arrive at a just decision on this matter, enquiries are to be made of Winchester City Planning department to establish details of the quantitive noise pollution levels, which caused the original imposition of restrictions on the hours of operation of the Grain Dryer. With this detailed information, the Parish Council will be in a better position to determine its response.

Other Planning matters discussed encompassed the proposal to build a further four dwellings at Highdown, Cliff Way, making a total of six new dwellings; and the proposal to build a four bedroom dwelling in the back garden of Briarlease, Field Way, with a new access. These issues were discussed at length and a suitable Parish Council response will be made.

July 2003


The major topic of discussions at this month’s meeting was Planning. There were a number of residents in attendance who are concerned with a Planning Application for the development of twenty-seven dwellings at “Mountain Ash”, Tilden Road, Compton. This development is immediately adjacent to the M3 motorway and it is thought that the resultant noise pollution would be un-acceptable to any prospective purchasers of dwellings on this site. Additionally, the design of the dwellings with their high elevations would serve to increase the reflective noise levels at Southdown School, which is already suffering from excess motorway noise pollution.

This proposed development is considered to be totally unacceptable, not only from the noise point of view, but also more importantly because the proposal is for a far too densely populated development. It was agreed by all those at the meeting that this proposal is out of character with the local area and the current infrastructure is insufficient to support such a development. The views of the Parish Council together with objections from the local residents will be conveyed to the Planners at Winchester City Council.

The Planning Inspector has dismissed the Planning Appeal concerning Mawdlam Lodge. Whilst the Appeal was dismissed by the Inspector, it was interesting to note that the Inspector did not uphold the reasons for refusing the original Planning Application by Winchester City Council. It was notable that the Planning Inspector indicated that the Government guideline of PPG3 is only one consideration to be taken into account. Considerations of local character of the area in which a development is proposed must also be taken into account and this appears to be the reasoning for dismissing this appeal.

Local Area Planning Committee proposal

A proposal for the establishment of “Local Area Planning Committees” has been initiated by New Alresford Town Council. This initiative, being seen as entirely non-political, received the full support of Compton and Shawford Parish Council.

June 2003


Cllr. Mr. M.Bell reported on various Planning Issues. A recent Planning Appeal in the Eastleigh District appears to set a precedent when considering the implementation of PPG3 in areas such as Shawford Down and Compton Down. The appeal to implement housing densities in accordance with PPG3 guidelines was thrown out, as the proposal was not in keeping with the Character of the area.

The Longacre decision will be delayed until the July meeting of the W.C.C. Planning Committee. It is disappointing that individuals, including the Parish Council representative, will have only three minutes in which to make their representations.

It was asked if the Parish Council are to raise objections to the Draft Local Plan. It is understood that in this second round of consultations, only comments on the changes to the Draft Local Plan will be accepted. Cllr. M.Bell said he was tempted to comment on the incorrect use of the word “requirement” (for high density development) which he believes to be misleading, as it is only guidance. He will be looking into this matter further. Additionally, many of the changes result in less flexibility in applying the plan and therefore The Parish Council are entitled to object to the plan.

May 2003


In response to a written question raised at the Annual Parish Assembly, Cllr. Martin Bell is investigating the matter of “portaloo” cleansing which is said to be being undertaken at Walcon Yard, adjacent to Shawford Railway Station. Whilst no discernable problem is currently noticeable, the matter is a cause of concern to local residents, so the exact planning status of the site is to be ascertained.

April 2003


Significant discussion on planning matters took place, especially in respect of the Planning Application for the development of 14 dwellings on land to the rear of “The Merries” and “Ballakitch”, Highways Road. The previous Planning Application for this site was for 8 dwellings, but it is understood that this was withdrawn on the advice of Planning Officers at Winchester City Council on the grounds that 8 dwellings was deemed to be insufficiently dense. Higher densities would be more acceptable to the Planners. Consequently, the latest application for 14 dwellings meets with the Planning Officers recommendations and therefore it is difficult to envisage any grounds for refusal for reasons of density. The Parish Council will be responding to this Planning Application in that it is considered to be of too higher density for the size of plot, not in keeping with the surrounding area and will suffer from excessive noise from the M3 motorway and therefore not suitable for such high density residential dwellings.

Councillor Martin Bell also advised that the long awaited Planning Application for Longacre had not as yet been submitted to the Planning Authority. However, it is thought the this application will be for two buildings containing numerous flats. Again, this sort of development is thought not to be in keeping with the surrounding area, but until detailed proposals are published the Parish Council can only maintain a watching brief. The appropriate Residents Association is fully aware of the possible proposals.

March 2003


Cllr. Mr. Martin Bell reported on Planning Applications and Decisions, most notably those covering the proposal to build 14 dwellings off of Highways Road. It was considered that the Parish Council should object to this application due to the fact that 14 dwellings were considered over-development. The Parish Council had previously not objected to a proposal for 8 dwellings on this site. It was noted that the recent Planning Application for a single dwelling at Mawdlam Lodge had been refused permission, but it is understood that this will be appealed.

Cllr. Bell also reported that Twyford Parish Council are seeking Compton and Shawford Parish Council’s support in objecting to the proposed change of use of Agricultural buildings at Humphries Farm, Twyford, to industrial units. Further discussions with Twyford Parish Council will take place as the development is clearly in view from many parts of Shawford.

February 2003


Whilst reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, it was clarified that contrary to what was suggested last month, Mr Roy Freeland was not speaking on behalf of the Southdown Residents Association concerning the Mawdlam Lodge Planning issue, but was speaking on behalf of residents of Southdown who attended the meeting.

Public Session

Mr Tim Hunt made representations concerning a new Mawdlam Lodge Planning application.

Planning Committee

Cllr. M.Bell reported upon the activities of the Planning Committee, making special reference to the Planning issues of Alswitha, Mawdlam Lodge and Longacre.

The council noted with dismay the granting of permission on the site adjacent to “Alswitha”, which had been considered too small and to impose to great effect on the neighbouring property.

Notwithstanding its support for two dwellings on the “Mawdlam Lodge” site, the council voted to support the current application for one dwelling as an alternate proposal, as it followed the council’s policy of supporting those proposals which result in the lowest density development.

The council also noted with further dismay the informal reports that a new application for up to 18 dwellings on the “Longacre”, Hurdle Way, site may shortly be made. The council recognises that there may be differences of opinion as to how high density development should be opposed, but all residents were in favour of efforts being made to minimise development densities. Whilst the Parish Council must accept some modest development within the Parish, development that radically changes the character of the Parish must be resisted.

January 2003

Public Session

This month, the Parish Council meeting was dominated by the public session during which representatives of the Southdown Residents Association voiced their objections to the position adopted by the Parish Council on the “Mawdlam Lodge” Planning appeal. Mr. Roy Freeland spoke on behalf of the Residents present, stating that they objected to any form of development on this site, as they felt it would destroy the character of the Area. Current Planning Policies designate this area as a low-density residential area characterised by large houses in large plots of land and is protected from development by policy proposal EN1 which is currently in force. The requirements of Government Planning policy as stated in PPG3 can be overruled as such policies should not apply to the area in question, which is protected by policy EN1.

Councillor George Beckett explained the Parish Council’s position in that whilst the Parish Council had previously objected to any development on this site, it had been acknowledged that the overall policy situation had changed since the initial objection. The need for higher density housing had to be accepted and it is recognised that the proposed policy of PPG3 is intended to achieve this and thereby prevent extensive development of Greenfield sites. However, in this instance, it is not proposed to implement the full requirements of PPG3, but to allow development of a maximum of two dwellings, which the site can sustain. By this means, it is hoped that the Parish Council can achieve some credibility with the Planning Authority by not objecting to such a modest development, which is in keeping with the surrounding area. Objecting to all Planning Applications and development is a course of action, which is deemed not to be sustainable. For these reasons the Parish Council has supported the Appellant, a position consistent with seeking the lowest density of development, where development is considered inevitable.

December 2002


Councillor Martin Bell reported upon the Dibden Bay planning issue and it was agreed that any further objection would not be appropriate.

Also Councillor Bell reported upon the Planning Appeal concerning Mawdlam Lodge. It was agreed that the Parish Council would support the appellant where possible on this issue.

September 2002


Cllr. Martin Bell reported on his activities in connection with Planning, and advised that he had attended various meetings concerning Planning issues. It was apparent that there is a degree of confusion as to policy and guidelines concerning Planning. The implementation of Central Government guidelines by Winchester City Council Planning Department does not always appear to be consistent.

July 2002


Extensive discussion took place over the question of Planning and the interpretation of Government Planning Policy by Winchester City Council. The new guidelines, encapsulated within PPG3, appear to supercede the previous criteria of EN1. Whilst it is accepted that circumstances change in respect of development and the need for housing, such change must be in sympathy with the area in which development is proposed and must be in keeping with the character of that environment. The need to achieve certain Targets by high density development of so called brownfield sites (gardens), is causing many Parishioners considerable concern. The Parish Council will pursue a policy that maintains credibility with the Planners and acknowledges changes in housing requirements, but at the same time endeavour to maintain the character of the Parish and the interests of the Parishioners.

June 2002


In his capacity as Convenor of the Planning Committee, Councillor Mr. Martin Bell reported on the potential for the “Settlement Boundaries” of the Parish to be extended by the inclusion of “Omission Sites” within the Winchester District Local Plan for the Parish. It was the view of the Council that whilst supporting many of the aspects of the Winchester District Local Plan, it was the council’s view that extension of these Settlement Boundaries must be opposed. Councillor Bell will convene a meeting of the Planning Committee and determine a response to the District Council.

April 2002


Extensive discussion took place with regard to Planning Applications and various Building Developments, which have been proposed, within the Parish. Various changes in Planning Policy within the District Council have made it difficult to determine what conforms to policy and what does not. The desire by the Planners to increase the occurrences of High Density housing is apparent. However, such High Density developments must be appropriate to the environment in which they are proposed. Currently, the Parish Council is not fully informed by the Planners as to the criteria on which their policies are determined. Clarification from the District Council has been sought and an answer is awaited.

December 2001


Considerable discussion took place in respect of the Winchester District Local Plan and the Urban Capacity Study. Whilst correspondence with Winchester City Council has taken place, the answers given have not always satisfied the Parish Council’s concerns. As a result, further enquiries are to be made to obtain clarification. In the meantime, copies of the correspondence to date will be circulated to the various Residents Associations within the Parish to assist them in determining any submissions they feel necessary.

November 2001


Much discussion took place concerning the recently published Winchester City Council “Urban Capacity Plan”. This document identifies those pieces of Land within the Parish, which could be considered for development. Significant concern had been raised over this document as it indicated some parcels of land for development which had previously had planning permission refused. Additionally, it had come to light that certain Developers were using this document to pressurise householders and landowners to release such land for development on the premise that such development would not meet with any planning difficulty. This is not necessarily the case. The conclusion was that the “Urban Capacity Plan” will lead to many problems and it was published in an ill-conceived format.

September 2001

Planning Sub-committee

Cllr. Mrs. J. Millar reported on various Planning Applications and decisions. She expanded upon that which was reported by District Councillor Charlotte Bailey by advising that the “on-site” meetings to discuss the issue of Telecommunication Masts had been well handled. District Councillor Charlotte Bailey was asked to draft an article to be used in conjunction with Winchester City Council’s leaflet on Telecommunication Masts, for publication in the Parish Magazine.

Winchester Local Plan review

Cllr. Mrs. J. Millar reported that the Winchester District Local Plan Review is to be published on 12th October 2001 via exhibitions at various locations throughout the district. Whilst a leaflet explaining this subject will not be mailed to every household by Winchester City Council or the Parish Council, it is intended that the information will be disseminated through the various Residents Associations within the Parish by the Parish Council.

June 2001


Cllr. Millar reported upon Planning Applications/Decisions of the preceding month. Of particular interest are the plans covering the road access to the potential Southdown School development. To-date, no formal plans have been pursued, but the Parish Council continues to actively monitor the situation due to the possible implications to local residents.

April 2001


Planning issues discussed were the appeal against Winchester City Council’s rejection of the Planning Application submitted by Shawford Park for a Stable Block and accommodation. The Planning Inspector has now rejected this appeal. Further Planning Applications in respect of Longacre, Hurdle Way, have not been submitted to-date. Similarly, Planning Applications for expansion of Southdown School have not as yet been submitted.

January 2001


Very little has taken place with regard to Planning Applications this month. However, the Parish Council have expressed their objections to Winchester City Council in respect of proposed developments at Longacre, Hurdle Way, Compton, where clearance work had started before plans had been approved.

December 2000

Planning Sub-committee

It was reported that the Shawford House enquiry ran out of time and will be reconvened for summing up on January 23 at the Parish Hall. Site clearance at Longacre appears to have commenced prior to planning approval and the planning officer was informed.

November 2000

Planning Sub-committee

It was suggested that planning applications and decisions were posted on the parish notice boards. The Public Enquiry concerning the proposed equestrian centre at Shawford Park takes place from 21 November at the Parish Hall. The parish council is opposed to the development and will be represented at the appeal by Tom Threlfall.

October 2000

Planning Sub-committee

At the recent WCC Planning Control meeting, the Chilterns Dyslexic Unit application was granted and the Shawford Park application refused (see *).
Cllr Bailey reported on progress on the Bushfield Camp site. Cllr Bell reported on the WCC Brownfield Site Housing seminar.

* The applicant is appealing against the decision. The appeal will start on the 21 November and last for three days. It will be held at the Parish Hall.

September 2000

Planning Sub-committee

Three major items were discussed: Chilterns dyslexic unit, Shawford Park equestrian centre and a proposal submitted for consideration in the Local Plan review for development around Shepherds Lane. The Chilterns and Shawford Park applications will be decided at the City Council Planning Control meeting. In the absence of our City Councillor, it was decided to send a parish council representative to speak against both applications. A motion was proposed and passed opposing any development on the Shepherds Lane sites (this proposal is considered unlikely to succeed). A Brownfield Housing seminar will be attended by two councillors.

July 2000

Planning Sub-committee

Councillor Millar said the main cause of concern was the retrospective planning application to increase the size of the Chilterns, Southdown Road that is run as a school for dyslexic children. This application has been made to regularise the position and it is a question as to whether this is an acceptable practice in what is deemed to be a residential area.

The main objections from residents are:

  • The restrictive covenant on the property prohibiting the use of the building for business purposes.
  • High level of noise affecting the immediate neighbours
  • Traffic problems on a blind corner caused by parked cars, speeding vehicles and the site access across the public footpath to Shawford Down.
  • Damage caused by the children to the boundary fences with neighbouring properties.

The Council have written to Winchester City Council stating there is considerable opposition to the current application and asking for the overall position to be reviewed.

April 2000


No news has been received from Winchester City Council which is still considering the planning application from Shawford Park for a stable block for polo ponies. The Parish Council has decided to object to the application to build stables adjacent to Silkstead Farm because of the close proximity to residential properties.

Southdown Residents Association has agreed to take a common approach to planning applications for the Southdown area. Other residents’ associations may like to consider this approach as it would greatly help the Parish Council in reaching their decisions on planning matters.

March 2000


The application for a stable block in that part of Shawford Park which lies in our parish is currently being processed by Winchester City Council, following objections by this Council and others. There has to be an assessment on environmental issues and this is being done by English Nature. The Highways Authority is also evaluating the increase in vehicle movements associated with the stable block.

February 2000


Shawford Park has applied for planning permission to build a stable block, situated close to Park View and Bridge Terrace, to house 30 polo ponies. Although Shawford Park itself is in Twyford parish, the proposed site for this development lies within our parish. Following representations from local parishioners who would be affected by the siting of the stables close to residential houses, and because of the creation of increased traffic through the villages and the ecological effect on the Itchen’s SSSI, the Council has written to Winchester City Council opposing this development.

October 1999


Concern was expressed that a permanent camp site may be established on land at Shepherds Lane without the protection of planning restraints because of lack of action by the Winchester City Council. s Enforcement Officer. It was agreed that a letter should be sent detailing the parish council. s concerns.

June 1999


Permission granted for a detached dwelling on land adj Ty-Gwyn, Southdown Road, and the following two applications have been withdrawn: Extensions, triple garage with games room above and conservatory at Cornersway, Southdown Road ; Annexe to existing house, 3 no. stables and garage, at Meadow Barn, Shepherds Lane.

April 1999

Planning Permission

has been granted for the parish hall boundary landscaping scheme following negotiations between Cllr NJ Campbell-White and the City Planning Department.

Planning Application re Meadow Barn, Shepherds Lane.

Decided that the Council oppose this application for an extension annexe on grounds of objection to new residential development. in the countryside.

March 1999

Winchester District Local Plan – Providing for Housing Requirements

A letter had been received from the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, seeking to involve Parish Councils in the process of identifying appropriate sites. This matter will be debated by the PC Planning Committee.

February 1999

Winchester District Local Plan.

Adopted by WCC on 22 April 1998 until 2001 and confirms the Parish Council past views but strategic gaps are to be reviewed which matter will be watched by the Council.

December 1998

Planning matters.

The subcommittee is to consider the application of Mr A Butler for the erection of a five bedroom dwelling and double garage on land adjacent to Highdown, Cliff Way; and noted that permission had been granted to Mr and Mrs J Venn for the construction of a grain drier with elevator pit and reception hopper with associated landscaping on land at Silkstead Farm, Hursley.

November 1998

District Councillor’s Report.

Chairman to write Chief Executive, WCC, regarding, yet again, lack of consultation with the Parish Council over the future of Bushfield. Mrs Campbell-White reported on the retrospective planning application by Mr Venn for construction of a grain drier with elevator pit and reception hopper with associated landscaping on land at Silkstead Farm, and indicated support for the Parish Council’s proposed comments.

October 1998

Planning Department Parish Open Day.

Cllrs Mrs JM Millar and R Whitaker attended this event on 18 September and reported that it had proved worthwhile and interesting. The Parish Council completed and returned a questionnaire from Winchester City Council about possible future seminars.

September 1998

Planning objection.

The parish council agreed to write to the Local Planning Authority pointing out that earlier planning decisions had explicitly excluded the use of the ancillary residential annexe (originally constructed as a garage) at Kingsmere Acres, Shawford, as self-catering accommodation.

July 1998

Planning process.

The meeting commenced with a talk by Mr Steven Bee, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, on the planning process and references were made to various matters raised by members, including the WCC proposal for park-and-ride scheme on Bushfield Camp, and the alternative former Tarmac office site suggested by the Parish Council, also, the meaning of “density” and “less density” within the EN1 planning designation. Appreciation and thanks were expressed to Mr Bee who is to look into the park-and-ride issues raised by the Parish Council, arrange a seminar for councillors, and hold another Open Day in the planning department.

Planning matters.

It was decided to object to the application for the provision of self-catering accommodation at Kingsmere Acres, Shawford as such use appeared to be in direct conflict with the conditions applied to the original planning permission. Also as a general principle to apply for Tree Preservation Orders on trees surrounding and shielding communication mast(s).

June 1998

Planning matters

received much attention. The Council was concerned that its views about the redevelopment of Appleshaw House into 9 flats had been misrepresented to the City Council Planning Committee. It was decided to write to Winchester Housing Group and the City Council regarding the lack of contact and expressing concerns that the current exit to the main road is dangerous and that any development should incorporate a wider driveway with good sight lines along the main road. The Council will also write to the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, expressing concern over the delays in handling the planning application for the site by at the Parish Hall, which could jeopardise our grants, and inviting him to talk to the Parish Council about the planning process.

March 1998

Planning – Patchings. Compton Street.

The planning officer’s improvement on the previous submission were welcomed, with the hope that the plans will be strictly followed and inspected for conformance.

Planning regulations enquiry

The Council had finally received a response from the City Council clarifying the type of use that is currently permitted at Kingsmere Acres and Cliff House.

February 1998

Planning – Appleshaw House.

After Mr Nigel Sloper of the Winchester District Housing Association explained the proposals for the site, the Council decided to support the application for nine self-contained flats with associated parking on the condition that planning permission be restricted to use for affordable housing for rent, with preference given to applicants having strong local connections. Mr. Sloper pointed out that the 1996 Housing Act gives the Association greater powers concerning tenants who prove unsuitable or disruptive.

January 1998

Amended Plans – Patchings, Compton Street.

In view of the previous history and controversy arising from planning applications for this site, the Council considered that any variation, however small, to the application granted on 9 December 1993, should be considered as a fresh application, and is writing to the Planning Authority accordingly.

November 1997

District Concillor’s report

City Councillor Mrs. M Campbell-White reported that WCC are obtaining Counsel’s opinion on the situation over planning permission for the grain drier erected at Silkstead Farm. She also reported that Hockley Viaduct may become a public amenity providing a walkway and viewing area.

October 1997

Planning Appeal

The Appeal lodged by Mr and Mrs N Wells against the planning refusal by WCC for the erection of a detached house and garage and new access on land next to Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road, Shawford was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate on 2 September 1997. The Inspector considered that the main issue in this appeal is the effect of the proposed development on the character and appearance of the area.

September 1997

Pavilion Replacement.

Reported that, as resolved at the July meeting, the planning application had been submitted and would come before the City planning committee on 4th September, where a decision was expected to be deferred for site viewing.

Planning Appeal by applicant

Cllr Mrs Millar reported that she had attended the Appeal against refusal for a house and garage and new access on land adjoining Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road, and that the decision is awaited.

July 1997

Proposed grain drier on land adj Shepherds Lane.

A site meeting was held on 20 June to consider positioning of the drier when it was learnt that planning permission was not required for this agricultural building. However, it will be moved from the original proposed site but still near a house owned and occupied by Mr Ah who has been invited to choose colour for painting.Although the landowner and farmer, Mr JG Venn, Silkstead Farm, has a proper right of way through Shepherds Lane for any vehicles he has advised that there are no plans in the immediate future for increasing the usage of Shepherds Lane for vehicles and given an undertaking that the new grain drier and storage will be approached from Poles Lane through Four Dells Farm.

June 1997


City Cllr Mrs Campbell-White circulated plans of a proposed underground Intech building at Bushfield Camp, which she advised has the tacit approval of HCC. The plans are opposed by WCC because of traffic and parking problems.

Cllr Mrs Millar reported that in future the orange planning application site notices will carry the name of a local contact, which for our area will be her. Mrs Millar also reported that a site meeting is to held about the position of a proposed grain drier on land adjacent to Shepherds Lane, and that the appeal by Mr Saunders had been granted for the erection of two houses on the site of Wytchwood, Highways Road, Compton.

May 1997

Planning application

It was decided to raise no objection to the erection of a 24.7 metre high aerial tower complete with 3 no. dual polar antennae, 3 no. radio equipment cabinets, 2 no. dish antennae and ancillary works, at Compton House, Otterbourne Road, Compton.

April 1997

Planning Appeals

Prior to the Appeal Hearings, members of the Parish Council are to have discussions with local residents regarding the application for a house on land at Wytchwood, Highways Road, and the application for a house on land adjacent to Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road.

January 1997

Planning application – use of Appleshaw House as private school.

Parish Council to be represented at the Site Viewing Meeting on 17 January, and will raise objection unless we can be convinced that the traffic management can be handled satisfactorily.

November 1996

Planning Procedures.

Mr SJ Birch, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, addressed Members on planning procedures, criteria to determine decisions, and on a possible scheme of a multi-development for Bushfield Camp with a view to making a bid to the Millennium Commission to attract grant. Members were greatly concerned that that no regard had been made to their submission on Bushfield Camp, to the Chief Planning Officer, on 26 January 1996. It was unanimously resolved to write to the Chairman of the Planning Committee, and the Chairman of the Leisure, Arts and Community Committee, making strong objection to the inclusion of the hotel and park-and-ride elements of the current scheme, also, expressing grave concern as to lack of consultation with the Parish Council over the Bushfield proposal which is on land mainly within the parish.

Appleshaw House, Compton – planning application for use as a private school

Matter to be discussed by Planning Sub-Committee who are to co-opt Cllr Wilmshurst. The possible traffic impact is an important consideration.

October 1996

Planning applications

Reports were submitted on various applications including that for a proposed house and garage on land adjoining Laurel Cottage, Southdown Road, to which objection had been made by the Parish Council and others. The PC were also very concerned and dissatisfied with the planning procedures adopted in respect of the application concerning land adjoining Laurel Cottage and had written to the Chairman of the City Planning Committee accordingly. Also, a letter is to be sent to the Chief Executive, WCC, questioning the planning procedures adopted following the site viewing sub-committee meeting. An invitation is to be sent to the Chief Planning Officer to attend a meeting of the Parish Council.

March 1996

Planning Applications

It was, for various reasons, decided to object to the application to demolish one house ‘Wytchwood’, Highways Road, and its replacement with two; and not to object to the application for a two storey extension to 15 Attwoods Drove, but to write to remind the applicants that for the safety of the children, and to prevent any damage to the grass, access for builder’s or other vehicles across the adjoining children’s playing field could not be permitted.

February 1996

Planning Application re Wytchwood,Highways Road

It was decided to object to this application to demolish the existing house and build two, on the grounds that this would create overcrowding on the site and conflict with the designation in the new Winchester Local Plan which provides for the area to be less dense and well treed.

October 1995

It was decided to write to the Chief Planning Officer, WCC, asking that the application of Vodafone Ltd. to erect a free standing eight metre high telecommunications mast etc. on land adjacent to Otterbourne Road be screened from the village road between Compton village and Bushfield roundabout. Also, if appropriate, that Tree Preservation Orders be made in respect of trees affording screenings.

June 1995

Strategic Gap

Mr Simon Birch, Chief Planning Officer, WCC, addressed councillors and 30 members of the public on issues concerning the proposed exclusion of land forming part of the Winchester/Compton Strategic Gap (land between Shawford and the M3) and inclusion with the Countryside Policy of the Winchester District Local Plan. He explained that legal planning advice recommended the exclusion in order to protect the status and definition of the Strategic Gap land, and that the Countryside proposals gave a large measure of protection against development other than small scale or agricultural buildings. Also, that the owner of the excluded land, HCC, has expressed no intention or desire for development and had not sought to have the land allocated for development in the Local Plan. Mr Birch apologised to members for the lack of the customary consultation process on this matter, but in view of the amount of issues and the speed of events at the current Public Inquiry there was no time for consultation; but a City Planning Panel meeting will take place shortly when representatives of the Parish Council will be invited to attend and submit views. Mr Birch took questions from the floor and responded to all accordingly.

January 1995

The Council noted that a Tree Preservation Order had been made in respect of The Quinton, Southdown Road, Shawford, covering all trees of all species within the curtilage.