January 2011 PC Meeting Report

Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 4 January 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.

The chairman, Councillor Stevens, began by welcoming Councillor Myra Wilkinson to her first council meeting.  She added that she was delighted to announce that Councillor Wilkinson had agreed to become the Parish Council’s second representative on the Compton and Shawford Community Association’s committee.

Police Report

The clerk advised the council that there had been four incidents reported to the police in the past month.  These included one theft (a mobile phone taken from the table of a local public house), two attempted burglaries from garages on Martins Fields and a vehicle had been damaged whilst parked in the Park and Ride car park. PCSO Gavin Cooper is continuing to monitor parking in the Shawford area.  He has requested that members of the public should report vehicles causing an obstruction on the police help line: 0845 045 545.

The council discussed the forthcoming Partners and Communities Together meeting, which is being hosted by Sergeant Chris Hills in Otterbourne Village Hall on 24 January 2011.  It was agreed that Councillors Stevens and Southgate would represent the Parish Council.  Councillor Beckett will attend in his District Council capacity.

County and District Councillors’ Reports

Councillor Beckett briefed the council on the Winchester City Council (WCC) budget meeting.  There will be no increase in district council tax.  But this could mean that the resources available for voluntary organisations will be affected and result in a request for parish councils to work more closely with such bodies.

Councillor Bailey expressed her delight with the result of the Otterbourne Road questionnaire and advised that the public consultation process should begin in February. This will provide a second opportunity for parishioners to comment on the Hampshire County Council (HCC) plans for the reduction in the speed limit to 30 miles per hour.

Councillor E Bell reported that WCC was considering a traffic management programme for the Shawford and Twyford areas.  She was in consultation with Councillor Southgate about the possibility of introducing a restrictive parking policy in Shawford village. It was agreed that Councillor Southgate would organise a meeting of interested parties/residents to try to reach agreement on a plan to overcome the parking problems in the village.  Councillor Bell added that a WCC Internal Scrutiny Group (ISG) would be holding a meeting shortly to discuss tree management within the district: this would include tree preservation orders.


Councillor Southgate reported that several local residents had requested that the security lights, recently installed by South West Trains around Shawford station, should be turned off but that others had welcomed the extra security produced by the floodlights. It had been agreed that, until a solution could be found that was acceptable to most residents, the lights would not be used.  Councillor Southgate added that he had been informed that Network Rail intended to release part of the station house garden: this would provide up to 20 extra parking spaces.

Highways, Byways, M3 and Environment Committee

Councillor Broomfield reported that the meeting with HCC highways officials, Chris Wilson and Neil Broadbent, had gone reasonably well.  There was currently no system for submitting a list of local priorities but he hoped that, having now opened up lines of communication, it might be possible to marry HCC and parish priorities. Councillor Broomfield added that his task would be helped by having recently received a map showing the roads for which HCC had responsibility.

Councillor Evans advised the council that agreement had been reached with the residents of Martins Fields and Attwoods Drove for the construction of extra parking places. Construction, which should commence shortly, will be funded jointly by HCC and WCC.


The council noted John Wilkinson’s footpaths report and agreed that councillors should be given time to reflect on his proposals on improved access networks.  The clerk was asked to ensure that the issue was placed on the agenda for the council meeting on 1 February 2011.  The chairman indicated that she had received one telephone call from a parishioner wondering whether plans to improve disabled access to footpaths would be ‘friendly’ or ‘permissive’.


It was agreed that the Parish Council should aim for a limit on the number of vehicles using Four Dell Farm. Councillor Beckett noted that the inspector had dismissed the appeal against enforcement action at Woodlands Park.

Playing Fields

Councillor Millar advised the council that she had been in contact with the parishioner responsible for the damage to bench at the Memorial Playing Fields: more time had been requested in order to establish the exact position with the insurance company.  Councillors expressed concern at the delay and instructed the clerk to write to the parishioner explaining their desire to see the repairs to be effected in as short a time as possible.

Councillor Evans reported that residents in Martins Fields/Attwoods Drove would be content with the installation of additional netting along the boundary of the Compton Street Play area, which borders Attwoods Drove.  It was agreed that she should ask her husband, who is an architect, to produce a detailed specification.  Councillor Evans confirmed that he would not require any remuneration for this task.

The council also agreed that Councillor Millar should write to the young parishioner, who had requested the construction of a skateboard park at the MPF, indicating that it had received no support for the proposal but several objections.

Rabbit Cull

The council discussed Mr Staunton’s proposal, supported by the Sports Club, for a cull of the rabbits on the Memorial Playing Fields. It was agreed that ‘lamping’ could occur on the MPF, provided that those involved met the following conditions:

Only named individuals to be allowed to participate in the shoot;

Original insurance certificates and fire arms licences of all involved must be produced;

Information must be provided on the type(s) of rifles to be used.

Shooting may only take place within the confines of the MPF and must always be towards the centre of the playing fields and under no circumstances in the direction of the boundaries.

The council also agreed that once the above conditions had been met, it would write to all residents in the vicinity of the MPF, and the police, confirming the date that lamping would commence [provisionally 1 February 2011].

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

It was agreed that the clerk should write to those organisations within the parish (e.g. schools, scouts, sports club, WI etc.) that might be interested in organising an event to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in June 2012.  But it should be clearly understood that, while the council would be prepared to facilitate such an event, and some councillors would be prepared to help, it could not play a leading role in its planning. [Should any parishioner be interested in helping with the planning of a Queen’s Jubilee event, please email the clerk.]


It was noted that Compton School had attained ninth position in the county’s primary school league table.  It was agreed that the chairman should write to the headmistress acknowledging this success.

Date and Venue of the Next Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 1 February 2011 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.

David Drake, Clerk