Aircraft Noise
Aircraft Routing
Table of Contents
September 2009
District Councillor’s Report
District Councillor Eleanor Bailey reported that Southampton Airport is currently consulting councils, local organisations and residents on noise nuisance levels associated with the existing flight paths and approaches. Winchester Air Group (WAG) (Chair Robin Tice) will coordinate a response on behalf of its constituent organisations whilst WCC (Environmental Protection) will also respond. Parish councils and local residents can make their own representations directly or through either of the above routes. A link to the consultation is provided on the WCC website.
January 2008
Airport Update
Councillor Frank Pearson, Winchester City Council, was invited to give a presentation to the Parish Council on his work in respect of Eastleigh Airport and the question of Aircraft noise over the Parish. Councillor Pearson is Winchester City Council’s representative sitting on Eastleigh Airport Consultative Committee. In the past, the activities of the Consultative Committee have concentrated on issues affecting Eastleigh and Southampton and it is Councillor Pearson’s brief to raise the level of influence that Winchester and its surrounding district has on the Committee.
Councillor Pearson made it clear that with the concentration of residential areas surrounding Eastleigh Airport, it is not possible for aircraft never to fly over some residential areas. Current aircraft routing has been designed to minimise the amount of disturbance over residential areas by following a flight path over the least populated areas. Noise surveys have been undertaken, however these have proved to be in-conclusive as such surveys cannot take into account background ambient noise. Similarly, such surveys do not adequately take into account issues such as height above sea level of residential areas which essentially places the over-flying aircraft closer to the dwellings than would be otherwise desired. This is particularly so in the Southdown area of this Parish.
It was commented that complaints about aircraft noise received by Eastleigh Airport appear to always be made by the same few individuals, which in effect dilutes the effectiveness of such complaints. A new computer system at Eastleigh Airport now enables the Airport Authority to clearly identify any aircraft which deviates from the specified flight path. It was pointed out that only aircraft using visual approaches and departures from Eastleigh Airport, are the subject of concern. Aircraft using the Instrument Landing Systems, (ILS) are automatically restricted to the specified flight paths.
Sue Broadbent of Winchester Air Group, attending in the absence of Robin Tice, outlined the objectives of the group and stressed that it is necessary to take a long term view.
October 2006
Southampton Airport
District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported upon the introduction of the new Embraer aircraft to be introduced by Flybe next year. This aircraft is reported to be 35% quieter than the existing Flybe BA146, and produces approximately 20% less pollution.
July 2006
Aircraft Noise
District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported the significant increase in Aircraft Noise over the village. He reported that this increase was due to new trials in Aircraft Routing being undertaken by Eastleigh Airport, which had been in operation for some ten days and is likely to continue until the end of the month. Councillor Macmillan is arranging a meeting with interested parties, (restricted to Parish Councillors and representatives from affected Parishes), on the 18th July 2006 at which the format and content of a resolution to be presented to Winchester City Council for onward submission to Eastleigh Council, will be discussed. In the meantime, it was emphasised that it is vital that as many residents as possible raise complaints concerning the increased levels of noise. Such complaints should be from individual residents as it is the number of complaints received that may have an impact. Councillor Macmillan would be pleased to receive these complaints and he will then forward them to the Airport Authorities as appropriate.
It was pointed out that enquiries of the Community Officer at the Airport resulted in a different answer to that being reported by Councillor Macmillan is being given. It appears that different stories are being given out by the Airport Authorities. Accordingly, Councillor Macmillan will be getting the assurance from Mr. Chris Butler, M.D. Eastleigh Airport, that the increase in noise levels is as a result of the new routing trials and not because of a breakdown in the I.L.S. systems.
June 2006
Southampton Airport
District Councillor Macmillan continues his involvement with the Southampton Airport Stakeholders Conference and keeps the Parish Council informed of developments.
November 2005
Southampton Airport
District Councillor George Beckett reported upon Southampton Airport Master Plan consultation and it was concluded that the Parish Council would make representations similar to those made by Winchester City Council.
July 2005
Aircraft Routeing
District Councillor Murray MacMillan reported on issues relating to Southampton Airport. A new trial period for routing aircraft into and out of Southampton Airport is commencing. This new routing will take the aircraft to the east of the City of Winchester. Written details of this new Trial period are awaited. Councillor MacMillan emphasised the need to raise any complaints in writing to the Airport Authorities.
March 2005
Aircraft Noise
District Councillor Murray Macmillan and Mr. Robin Tice reported to the Parish Council on issues related to Aircraft Noise. Whilst it appears that the results of last year’s trials were uncertain in their outcome, there was concern that the Airport Authority may not be serious in their attempts to resolve the many complaints from residents living under the flight path of incoming and departing aircraft. The ability of the Airport Authority to enforce restrictive flight paths was questioned. A bi-annual ad hoc meeting between representatives of the affected Parishes, Eastleigh Borough Council and the Airport Authority is to be established so that all parties can work together and achieve a mutually beneficial outcome to the problems. Complaints about not being able to get through to the Airport Authority to register complaints on Aircraft noise, were raised. Mr. Robin Tice was charged with preparing a short article for publication in the Parish Magazine, detailing the process of registering complaints with the Airport Authority.
October 2004
Aircraft Noise
Cllr. Nick Campbell-White called for greater involvement in the debate with Southampton Airport on the question of Aircraft Noise. He considered that the time is ripe for the Parish Council to take a lead in representing the concerns of residents over this issue. The formal complaint from a body such as the Parish Council may have greater weight than that of individual residents.
May 2004
District Councillors’ reports
District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported on proposed meetings with Mr. David Cummins of Southampton Airport on the question of Aircraft Noise, on the introduction of “Planning Policy Statements” in the planning process of Winchester City Council and on proposed meetings regarding the matter of Shawford Station and the reduced train service.
March 2004
Aircraft flight paths
It was reported by Mrs Charlotte Bailey in her capacity as Transport Representative, that a revised flight path will be instigated for a three-month trial period which will result in aircraft entering Southampton Airport on a longer approach avoiding the flying over certain parts of Compton and Shawford, together with steeper rate of climb resulting in aircraft achieving a higher altitude at an earlier point on leaving Southampton Airport. At the end of this three-month trial period, flight paths will revert to the existing patterns. By this means, it is hoped to establish that the revised flight paths will result in fewer complaints than the existing flight paths.
October 2003
Aircraft Noise
General disquiet was voiced over the marked increase in Air Traffic and its failure to keep to the agreed flight path , into and out of Eastleigh Airport. It is understood that the Local Member of Parliament, Mark Oaten, is entering into discussion with the Airport Authorities over the impact the increased Air Traffic is having upon the residents of the Parish.
September 1999
Routeing of Aircraft and Noise – Compton & Shawford
It was generally felt that aircraft using Southampton Airport were taking short cuts. Parishioners who are worried about overflying should continue to report to Grp Capt M Dawson or Mr R Tice with as many details of date, time, type of aircraft and direction of flight as possible.. Our representatives need to be able to submit detailed evidence when talking to the Southampton Airport liaison committee about aircraft movements.
July 1999
Routeing of Aircraft and noise
Robin Tice explained his and Monty Dawson’s policy when dealing with the Southampton International Airport Director. He explained that without precise details of low-flying, noisy or off-course aircraft, their ammunition was limited. In view of the few forms returned for the Aircraft Noise Survey, he wondered whether most residents were tolerant of the aircraft nuisance. If the Parish still wants representation against low flying and off track plans, it is vital hard evidence is provided wither to Monty Dawson (715553) or Robin Tice (713172), the most important information being the precise time of the complaint and whether the plane was taking off or landing. Other details welcomed.
May 1999
Routeing of Aircraft and Noise – Compton and Shawford.
Cllr Walmsley reported that volunteers are being sought to monitor aircraft flying on an agreed experimental route, as skilfully negotiated with Southampton International Airport Authorities by Mr M E H Dawson and Mr RH Tice.
March 1999
Routeing of Aircraft and Noise – Compton and Shawford
Following a letter, dated 15th February to Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport. a meeting and further discussions are to follow
February 1999
Aircraft Noise – Compton and Shawford.
A meeting is to be arranged shortly with the Managing Director of Southampton International Airport.
December 1998
Aircraft Noise-Compton and Shawford.
A copy of a letter from Group Captain MEH Dawson to Mr Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, had been received proposing that a meeting be held in the early part of the New Year and listing suggested matters as a basis for discussion.
November 1998
Aircraft Noise.
Nothing reported regarding a meeting with Mr Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport. Cllr Campbell-White to make enquiries of Group Captain Dawson and Captain Tice.
October 1998
Aircraft Noise Survey.
A report from Group Captain MEH Dawson stated that very few responses had been received covering May, June and July, and that it had been decided to send out a questionnaire to a wide cross section of residents of Compton and Shawford to see if they still feel strongly about the noise levels from aircraft flying over our area. Grp Capt MEH Dawson and Capt R Tice plan to meet with Mr Colin Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, during October/November, when results have been analysed.
April 1998
Transport Representative’s Report
Grp Captain Dawson will be advertising in the May Parish Magazine for volunteers to help with his survey of aircraft overflying the parish in preparation for his meeting with the Managing Director of the Airport later in the summer.
January 1998
Parish Transport Representative’s report.
No report this month but Grp Capt Dawson had published, in the January Parish Magazine, a detailed account of negotiations over noise disturbance with the Airport management.
December 1997
Routeing of Aircraft
The Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, reported that he and Captain R Tice had had an useful meeting with Mr. C. Hobbs, Managing Director, Southampton International Airport on 20 November. The airport do now understand our concerns and that we are monitoring air traffic over the village. They have committed to do their best to minimise noise disturbance although clearly they have to consider all the communities involved. One positive factor is the planned introduction of quieter aircraft by Air UK, KLM and British Airways.
November 1997
Routeing of Aircraft.
A letter had been sent by the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, to Eastleigh Borough Council, enclosing an article on the considerable rate of expansion of traffic at Southampton Airport expected over the next six or seven years. The noise problems will be discussed at a meeting to be held on 19 November, between the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, Eastleigh Borough Council and the Parish Council. A group of local volunteers is collecting details of aircraft flying over our village so that we can assess for ourselves adherence to flight path restrictions.
October 1997
Aircraft Noise
It was reported by the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, that the meeting planned for 2 October, with the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, had been postponed until 19 November, when the Parish Council’s detailed recommendations will be submitted.
September 1997
Aircraft Noise.
Group Captain MEH Dawson, and Robin Tice are to meet the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport, Colin Hobbs, and T Wright of Eastleigh Borough Council on 2 October
July 1997
Aircraft Noise.
Further letters of complaints of aircraft overflying the Southdown area and Hurdle Way, Compton Down, are to be passed by the Chairman to the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, who is to arrange a meeting with the Managing Director, Southampton International Airport.
June 1997
Aircraft Noise
Complaints of aircraft departing from the flight path and flying over Hurdle Way and other parts of the parish have been passed to the Parish Transport Representative, Group Captain MEH Dawson, who plans to arrange a meeting with the Southampton Airport management
October 1996
Aircraft Noise
A report from the transport representative, Group Capt M Dawson, showed concern that aircraft approaching Southampton Airport were not adhering to the new flight paths. Group Capt Dawson is to take the matter up with Eastleigh Borough Council and with Colin Hobbs, who recently replaced Paul Barlow as airport Managing Director.
May 1996
A letter, with enclosure, had been received from Eastleigh Borough Council, setting out approved proposals for the routing of aircraft using Southampton International Airport. The agreed routing scheme will be introduced over the coming months and will result in less noise from aircraft flying over the parish. A regular review of the routing scheme will be undertaken by Eastleigh Borough Council. Members again expressed appreciation and grateful thanks for the work done by Group Captain MEH Dawson and Mr R Tice on behalf of the Parish to alleviate aircraft noise.
February 1996
A consultation document had been received from Eastleigh Borough Council. The document already reflects much of the input submitted by Group Captain MEH Dawson and Robin Tice, who have been acting for the Parish Council on this matter. They are broadly satisfied with the document. We hope that the input from our representatives, which will be of long term benefit to the Parish, will be included in the final Agreement governing routes for aircraft using Southampton International Airport.
November 1995
A report by Group Captain M E H Dawson and Mr R Tice, on behalf of the Parish Council, has been submitted to the Managing Director of Southampton Airport, when agreement in principle was reached on modifying approach patter on Runway 20 which should lead to an increase in noise alleviation in the parish. Southampton Airport also agreed to consider, without commitment at this stage, proposals for the departure route of aircraft on Runway 02 which would avoid overflying Shawford, Compton and Winchester. Minutes of the meeting on 25th October, are awaited from the Managing Director, Southampton Airport, which will indicate further action to be taken. It was also reported that Eastleigh Borough Council had not accepted the Parish Council recommendations concerning the proposed extension of the Agreement with Osprey Aviation, for a period of two years expiring December 1997, enabling continuation of repairs to noisy Viper engined HS125 Aircraft. The Parish Council might make further representations if the noise of these aircraft combined with other airport traffic made a significant difference to the noise in the area.
October 1995
The report of Group Captain M E H Dawson, Parish Transport Representative, concerning noise alleviation, landings and departures, was adopted together with his recommendation that he meet with the Director, Southampton Airport, to discuss the report. The Council expressed grateful thanks to Group Captain Dawson and to Mr R Tice for their interest and actions in this issue.
September 1995
Group Captain MEH Dawson (acting as Parish Council representative), submitted a written report on the Southampton Airport Pressure Group meeting held 21st August, concerning noise alleviation, landings and departures, with recommendations for approval of the Parish Council. It was decided to defer a decision on the matter until discussions had taken place with Twyford Parish Council and Colden Common Parish Council.
July 1995
Following a letter from Airport Pressure Group, concerning routing of aircraft, it was agreed to join with the Group and that Cllr N J Campbell-White represent the Parish Council at meetings.