May 2009 Meeting Report


Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 5 May 2009 in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.


It is ironic that, in the week when MPs' expenses were the subject of intense media interest, the main item on the Parish Council's agenda was fiscal probity! Under local government legislation, every year the Council has to make a number of statements indicating that “public business is conducted in accordance with the law and proper standards, and that public money is safeguarded and properly accounted for, and used economically efficiently and effectively”. I am pleased to say that Council was able to comply with this instruction. (Full details of the eight separate statements that the Council was required to make will be contained within the official minutes that will be published next month on the Council’s web site

Election of Chairman and committees

In addition, every year in May, the Council is required to elect a chairman, vice-chairman and appoint committees. Councillor Nick Campbell-White, chairman, and Councillor, Tricia Caffyn, vice-chairman, received the unanimous support of the other councillors and will serve in those positions for the coming year. Other key appointments included:

Councillor Adrian Walmsley, Finance and Administration Convenor;
Councillor Martin Bell, Planning Convenor;
Councillor Jean Millar, Playing Fields Convenor;
Councillor Tricia Caffyn, Highways & Byways Convenor;
Councillor Sarah Clay, Footpaths Representative;
Councillor Una Stevens, Parish Plan Representative.

Their contact details can be found on the web site.

Police Report

Returning to 'normal' business, PC Mark Smith advised the Council that there had been four crimes reported since the last Parish Council Meeting on 7 April 2009, and one incidence of rowdy behaviour. They included:

  • The theft of a tool from a shed.
  • Criminal damage in a dwelling by a family member.
  • Damage to property within a repossessed dwelling and
  • A landlord had been harassed by a tenant.

District Councillor's Report

District Councillor Eleanor Bell advised the Council that the Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Preferred Options paper had been accepted by Winchester City Council (WCC) on 22 April. It will now go to public consultation from 14th May to 3rd July. A series of exhibitions is planned around the district, including 9th and 13th June in Winchester, 12th June at Colden Common, and 16th June at Badger Farm. She also admitted to some disappointment that the Inspector had allowed the appeal by Highwood Developments to build a large residential nursing home plus four dwellings on the site of the Captain Barnard public house. A new application has been submitted to WCC, using the pub site only without the adjoining dwelling. The nursing home will be placed to the rear of the site and two apartments towards the road will be designed as Coach House to the home.


Councillor Martin Bell recommended, and councillors agreed, that, since the site was not suitable for holiday lets, the Council should object to the proposed development at Woodlands Park. There was a general agreement that the proposed development of Lynchets, Hurdle Way, was of an inappropriate scale for the site and Councillor M Bell was asked to advise the Planning Officers accordingly.

New play equipment

Councillor Evans confirmed that new play equipment had been installed at the Compton Play Area and initial feedback from parishioners had been very positive. Councillor Clay was also pleased to report that the new gates for the footpaths on the Compton Estate had been installed.

Memorial Playing Field

The chairman confirmed that Hampshire County Council had approved the Council’s bid for a grant of £1500 towards the construction of the footpath between the Memorial Playing Fields and Cliff Way. Work would begin shortly. He was also pleased to see that, following the request from Mrs Wyles at the Annual Parish Meeting on 23 April, County Councillor Charlotte Bailey was actively campaigning for Park View and the pavement from Shawford to Twyford to be resurfaced.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall, at 7.15 pm on Tuesday 2nd June 2009.