April 2009 Meeting Report
Report of the meeting held on Tuesday 7 April 2009 in the Reeves Scout Hall, Compton.
Police Report
Table of Contents
The meeting began with the police report. PCSO Carne advised that three incidents had been reported to the police during the past month.
A shrub stolen from the front garden of a property in Field Way.
A road traffic collision in Compton Street. (A male, without a licence, drove into a stationary vehicle and was subsequently arrested.)
A road traffic collision in Cliff Way.
PCSO Carne also advised that PCSO Cooper continues to monitor parking problems in Martins Fields. However, following poor attendances, police surgeries had been dropped because the expense could not be justified. Nevertheless he hoped parishioners would be reassured in the knowledge that PCSOs patrol regularly throughout the parish and that a police officer is always available for discussion at Parish Council meetings.
Compton School
During the open session, school governor, Jeremy Dolphin reported that Compton school had recently received an excellent report from OFSTED, where the children were particularly praised for helping "to make the school special by being so helpful, enthusiastic and friendly. You are very good at working together, sharing ideas, supporting one another and taking responsibility. Your behaviour and attitudes are excellent." A gold star for the children!
Sparrowgrove Copse
Mr Dolphin also expressed his gratitude to the Council for the donation of £5000 towards the cost of purchasing Sparrowgrove and Oakwood copse. I have subsequently heard from SOCCT that the Trust is now close to achieving its target of raising £100,000. The Trustees are very grateful to all those parishioners who have supported the campaign. Later in the meeting it was agreed that Jeremy should be appointed as the Parish Council's representative on the SOCCT board up to, and including, April 2010.
District Councillor's Report
Unfortunately, Councillor Beckett was unable to report on any progress with regard to the future use of the old post office building, latterly paper shop, in Attwood's Drove. He had been informed that several options were possible, including the sale of the property to a private entity (with WCC retaining control of tenancy) but the City Council is likely to await a government report, scheduled to be published in June, before taking any significant action. The chairman, Nick Campbell- White, expressed concern at the continuing delay in making the building suitable for occupancy. On a more positive note, Councillor Beckett hoped that the Parish Council would be content with the outcome of the Local Development Framework (LDF), which was scheduled to go to WCC's full council on 23 April 2009. The proposed 'Knowledge Farm' at Bushfield Camp, would only occupy 25 of the 107 acres; leaving most of the land free for public use e.g. walkers.
Parish Plan action plan
Councillor Stevens reported that she had made good progress towards implementing the Parish Plan. Volunteers for disabled and youth issues had been obtained. However, she was concerned about a lack of information indicating what activities are/are not permitted at the Memorial Playing Fields (MPF), where litter continues to be a problem. It was agreed that both issues should be addressed by the Playing Fields Committee and appropriate action recommended. Councillor Stevens also wondered whether the general public was aware of the amount of information available on the Council's web site, particularly new arrivals in the community. Councillor Walmsley noted that the web site address is published in the parish magazine and Welcome Packs can be obtained directly from him. He would be happy to provide copies to councillors and parishioners upon request.
Play Equipment
Finally Councillor Millar reported that the installation of new play equipment should begin in the week commencing 20 April. I hope that by the time of my next report, it will be 'up and running'!
The next meeting will take place at 7.15 pm Tuesday 5 May in the Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall.