January 2008 Meeting Report
Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 8th January 2008, Shawford Parish Hall, Shawford.
Airport Update
Table of Contents
Councillor Frank Pearson, Winchester City Council, was invited to give a presentation to the Parish Council on his work in respect of Eastleigh Airport and the question of Aircraft noise over the Parish. Councillor Pearson is Winchester City Council’s representative sitting on Eastleigh Airport Consultative Committee. In the past, the activities of the Consultative Committee have concentrated on issues affecting Eastleigh and Southampton and it is Councillor Pearson’s brief to raise the level of influence that Winchester and its surrounding district has on the Committee.
Councillor Pearson made it clear that with the concentration of residential areas surrounding Eastleigh Airport, it is not possible for aircraft never to fly over some residential areas. Current aircraft routing has been designed to minimise the amount of disturbance over residential areas by following a flight path over the least populated areas. Noise surveys have been undertaken, however these have proved to be in-conclusive as such surveys cannot take into account background ambient noise. Similarly, such surveys do not adequately take into account issues such as height above sea level of residential areas which essentially places the over-flying aircraft closer to the dwellings than would be otherwise desired. This is particularly so in the Southdown area of this Parish.
It was commented that complaints about aircraft noise received by Eastleigh Airport appear to always be made by the same few individuals, which in effect dilutes the effectiveness of such complaints. A new computer system at Eastleigh Airport now enables the Airport Authority to clearly identify any aircraft which deviates from the specified flight path. It was pointed out that only aircraft using visual approaches and departures from Eastleigh Airport, are the subject of concern. Aircraft using the Instrument Landing Systems, (ILS) are automatically restricted to the specified flight paths.
Sue Broadbent of Winchester Air Group, attending in the absence of Robin Tice, outlined the objectives of the group and stressed that it is necessary to take a long term view.
Police Report
Police Constable Nigel Harding reported upon incidents within the Parish since the last Parish Council meeting. In essence there were some seven incidents ranging from thefts from motor vehicles to a sudden death in a nursing home. Constable Harding again requested people to be vigilant when using the Car Parks within the Parish and not to leave valuables in their cars which present opportunities to would be thieves who are often waiting for such opportunities to arise.
District Councillor’s report
Councillor George Beckett advised the Parish Council that the proposed sale of Land by Southern Water at Sparrowgrove is unlikely to impact the continued existence of the “gap” between Compton and Shawford and Otterbourne. When Sparrowgrove was developed, agreements were put in place whereby continued access to the woodlands by the public was assured.
Registration of Parish Council Land
Councillor Nick Campbell-White reported on his work in registering the Parish Council owned land at the Land Registry. Previous intentions to claim a strip of land opposite the Church between Compton Street and Church Field have now to be discontinued as it has been established that the Church Commissioners own that Land and hold it in Trust for the Parochial Church Council. Due to the complexities of registering the various parcels of Land around the Parish, it was agreed that the services of John Steel, the Parish Council’s Solicitor of Blake Lapthorn Tarlo Lyons, will be used. Whilst this will add to the costs, it is considered necessary to get this matter resolved.
Finance Committee
Councillor John Richardson reported on his progress in negotiating a new rent/contribution payable by the Sports Club to the Parish Council for the use of the Jubilee Pavilion. Since the construction of the Jubilee Pavilion, the Sports Club have enjoyed a reduced rent/contribution in order for the Sports Club to establish itself on a sound financial footing. This concession was agreed for the first five years and the original agreement stipulated a review on the five year anniversary, this being due in April 2008. At a recent meeting with the Sports Club, agreement was reached as to the proposed increase in Sports Club contribution, but the Sports Club could not agree to the ultimate situation whereby the Parish Council could enjoy a “cash neutral” position in respect of the Jubilee Pavilion and surrounding Playing Fields. Written confirmation from the Sports Club is awaited.
Highways and Byways
Under the item concerning Highways and Byways, the suggested Parish Council contribution towards the resurfacing of Shepherds Lane was discussed. Shepherds Lane is a private road and it was concluded that the Parish Council could not contribute towards such resurfacing work, as such a contribution would set a precedent should similar work be required on other private roads.
Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported that yet more black sacks of Dog Faeces have been left by the Dog Bins at the bottom of Shawford Down. This continuing problem is of great concern and if the culprits can be identified, action will be taken.