Fouling by Dogs
January 2008
Table of Contents
Highways and Byways
Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported that yet more black sacks of Dog Faeces have been left by the Dog Bins at the bottom of Shawford Down. This continuing problem is of great concern and if the culprits can be identified, action will be taken.
June 2003
District Councillor’s Report
District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported that Dog Bins will be installed on Shawford Down by Hampshire County Council. However, before this can be implemented, all countryside wardens are to be trained so that they will have the powers to stop and fine people who fail to clear up after their dogs. Accordingly, the Dog Bins will only be installed when a properly managed system of enforcement can be provided.
November 2002
Dog Bins
Reviews into the need for “Dog Bins” in Attwoods Drove have resulted in the view that there is insufficient justification for installing such bins. However, notices have been put up drawing the attention of Dog owners to the fact that it is their responsibility to clean up after their dogs.
January 2002
Dog Fouling
The subject of “Dog Fouling”, especially in Compton Street and Shepherds Lane, was raised as it appears that this problem is once again on the increase. Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons will be pursuing the matter in conjunction with Winchester City Council’s Dog Warden, with a view to installing additional Dog Bins in locations that do not impact local householders, but which does assist in resolving this growing problem.
October 1999
Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
Now that Winchester City Council has regulations in place to indict anyone who fails to clear dog excrement from a public place, it was agreed to draw attention to the nuisance that such mess causes on the Memorial Playing Field. Parishioners are politely reminded that the new law, which took effect in June 1999, requires that persons in charge of a dog must clean up after it has fouled on designated land.
Pavements, parks, open spaces, amenity areas, grass verges and playing field are all designated land.
Failure to comply can result in a fixed penalty fine of £25 or prosecution in the magistrate’s court where the maximum fine is £1,000.
May 1999
Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
This discretionary Act will come into force in the Winchester District on 7 June 1999. The intention of the Act is to improve the environment, by education if possible or by coercion if necessary. Encompassed in the Act are all open spaces, playing fields, play areas and verges/highways where the speed limit is 40mph or less. Southdown residents may want a speed restriction in their area in order to come within the terms of the Act, or may wish to see the effect elsewhere before taking such action. It is a matter for their decision.
September 1998
The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
Cllr. Whitaker reported on the Public Meeting and that there is general support for implementation of this discretionary Act, which specifies that it is an offence for owners not to clear up after their pets. Cllr Whitaker to complete a Parish Questionnaire for return to Winchester City Council.
July 1998
The Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
WCC is considering adopting additional controls to reduce dog fouling, and is consulting members of the public, interested organisations and Parish Councils, prior to making a final decision as to whether or not these provisions should be adopted throughout the City Council’s district. The Parish Council are to complete a Parish Council Questionnaire from WCC for discussion at their meeting on 7 September. The Parish Council will arrange for the WCC leaflets to be made available in the Post Offices so that concerned parishioners may make their views known directly to the City Council.
June 1998
Fouling by Dogs.
Winchester City Council are about to start the consultation process as to whether to adopt the Dog (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, and apply penalties of on-the-spot fines or prosecution in the Magistrates Court. The Act covers pavements, playing fields and grass verges but not areas adjacent to 40mph roads or the Down. No mention has been made by WCC about dog litter bins or financial assistance to install and maintain them, but these matters will be raised in the consultation process. The Parish Council will decide their stance in this matter after attending the WCC meetings. The Parish Council would also welcome views of parishioners on this matter.
April 1998
Fouling by dogs
The City Council will be holding a meeting on policy regarding dog fouling to which parishes will be invited. In the meantime Cllr R Whitaker had obtained ‘poop and scoop’ costings: each red bin costs £54 to supply, a further £113 to install and £239 per year in servicing charges.
March 1998
Fouling by dogs
The Council’s policy regarding the matter was raised by a parishioner. Cllr R Whitaker agreed to consult Winchester City Council concerning legislation governing the problem and availability of grants, and obtain ‘poop and scoop’ costings.
October 1997
Fouling by Dogs
Winchester City Council are to consider adopting the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996, and intend to consult with Parish Councils about it. The Parish Council will await the outcome of the City Council’s deliberations before deciding what action is appropriate in our village.
September 1997
Shawford Down – Fouling by Dogs.
Following further complaints about the fouling of Shawford Down by dogs the matter had been discussed with HCC, who stated that even though they had put up appropriate signs, dog fouling remained a problem. HCC advised that they were willing to consider seeking Bylaws to make dog-owners responsible for their pets but would want the support of the Parish Council. After some debate the Council concluded that a general policy on dog fouling over the parish as a whole should be agreed before taking a decision on the imposition of Bylaws on Shawford Down alone.
January 1997
Fouling by dogs.
Following complaints of fouling by dogs on Shawford Down and on the Memorial Playing Fields, it was agreed to republish the notice about health hazards by Dr J O’Sullivan, originally in the Parish Magazine of December 1995.
December 1994
Following investigation of complaints regarding the extent of fouling by dogs, on Shawford Down, members decided to take no further action in view of the costs associated with the provision of special bins and the lack of necessary policing.