November 2006 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 7th November 2006, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

Police Support

Concern was expressed about the non attendance of a Police Representative at the Parish Council meetings and the non receipt of any report on crimes within the Parish during the preceding month. This is despite a specific notification of the forthcoming Parish Council Meeting being delivered to Twyford Police Station. The Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with Police Inspector France-Sargent.

Park and Ride

District Councillor George Beckett reported upon the proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility. It is understood that the Itchen Farm (old Tarmac site) is to be the recommended location for this proposed facility. Extensive work on the details of the proposal has yet to be undertaken with a formal Planning Application expected to be submitted to Winchester City Council in January of next year. As the proposal is being driven by Hampshire County Council, the Planning Application is purely a process of informing Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council being able to give themselves the required Planning Permission. It was commented that it is pleasing that efforts by the Parish Council and Parishioners have resulted in the various representations being acted upon.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Charlotte Bailey, although not in attendance, had submitted a written report. Her report covered the Proposed South Winchester Park and Ride facility, The Winchester Transport Review, Adult Social Care and Motorway Diversion Routes.

Finance and Admin Committee

Councillor John Richardson as Convenor of the Finance and Administration Committee reported on numerous issues. Work on the registering of Parish Council Land at the Land Registry continues. A review of the new Fire Regulations indicates that as far as Parish Council owned premises are concerned, all is in order. However, it was considered prudent to draw the attention of CASCA and the Sports Club to these new regulations as it is their responsibility to ensure conformance in the Parish Hall and Jubilee Pavilion respectively.

The Freedom of Information Act was a cause of much discussion. It was determined that further guidance was required in order to ensure acceptable conformance, whilst at the same time not preventing the Parish Council from undertaking its work in an acceptable manner. Councillor Richardson was charged with obtaining the required further guidance.

Significant discussion took place upon the subjects of “Sinking Funds” for the Parish Hall and The Jubilee Pavilion. Further negotiations are to take place with CASCA and the Sports Club respectively, with a view to ultimately seeking a “cash neutral” positioning terms of cash to the Parish Council on both the Parish Hall and the Jubilee Pavilion whilst recognising that the position of CASCA is different to that of the Sports Club. Nevertheless, it is the intention of the Parish Council to reduce to a minimum the financial burden of these Parish owned buildings that is currently put upon the Council Tax payers in the Parish.

Playing Fields

Councillor Mary Shaw reported upon various issues concerning the Playing Fields. Quotations for Grass Cutting over the next three years are being sought, the existing Contractor having already submitted his quotation. Refurbishment of the Bench Seats around the Parish has been undertaken and it was noted that a particularly good job has been undertaken on the Bench seat opposite the Church in Compton Street.

Highways and Byways

Councillor Patricia Caffyn reported upon Highways and Byways issues, most notably the restoration of the Victorian Jubilee Memorial in Shawford Village. Despite assurances that the work would be commenced last month, the contractor has still not started. Discussions on whether the Parish Council should seek an alternative contractor were discounted due to the belief that the chosen contractor is the best for the job in question. As this project has been going on for a very long time, it was concluded to maintain pressure on the chosen contractor in the hope that work will start very shortly.

Councillor Caffyn advised that she would be obtaining six signs covering the issue of Dog Faeces and the cleaning thereof, which would be made available to any Residents Association which had a need for them.

The Stone War Memorial has again been vandalised by the pulling off and breaking of one of the stone plinths with the inscriptions on. This is considered to be most unfortunate at this time of year, just before Remembrance Sunday. The Clerk was charged with initiating the process of repair.

Remembrance Day

The Remembrance Service will be held on Sunday 12th November 2006 and Councillor Adrian Walmsley, together with Councillor Nick Campbell-White will be laying wreaths at the Stone War Memorial and wooden Wayside Cross.