October 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 5th October 2004, Compton Room, Shawford Parish Hall

The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett started the meeting by expressing the Parish Council’s wish that Cllr. Tom Threlfall makes a speedy recovery from his recent accident. Cllr. Tom Threlfall is currently in Southampton Hospital having gone through surgery as a result of his accident.

Itchen Navigation

The matter of the fallen tree in the Itchen Navigation was discussed. It is considered that this matter is not something that the Parish Council should actively address. The local Landowner, in this case the Bridge Hotel, is responsible for the matter and the Parish Council will monitor the situation. It is hoped that the Landowner will do its duty and remove the tree.

Cllr Patricia Caffyn advised the meeting that the appropriate Authorities will be contacted concerning the very low water levels in the Itchen Navigation. The Parish Council was advised that the control of water being diverted to the Itchen Navigation, 60% to the river and 40% to the Navigation, are being monitored at the wrong point.

The recent notification in the Hampshire Chronicle of a Planning Application to discharge treated sewage from the Malms development into the Itchen Navigation caused some concern. The matter is being addressed by the Planning Department, Winchester City Council, and will be monitored by Cllr George Beckett in his capacity as City Councillor.


Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported on his visit to the Planning Department, Winchester City Council. One of the subjects that arose during this visit was the issue of Village Design Statements and Parish Plans. Conflicting information was received from the planners as to the relevance and effectiveness of such projects. As a result, Cllr. Walmsley, with his Planning Committee, will undertake a review of the question of Village Design Statements and Parish Plans with a view to making recommendations as to whether this Parish Council should initiate such Projects. The problem with such activities is the necessity to get people other than Parish Councillors to undertake the significant amount of work.

With regard to recent Planning Applications that had been heard by the Planning Development Control Committee, Winchester City Council, the applications for Highdown and Longacre had been refused on Traffic grounds. The retrospective application in respect of a Garden Pergola at Kynance had been granted permission with the conditions that suitable screening be installed. The Parish Council had received assurances from the householder at Kynance that suitable screening will be installed together with limitations on the use and extent of lighting.

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw put forward proposals for the construction of a BMX Cycle track on the “reclaimed land” in the north-eastern corner of Memorial Playing Field. This proposed project would be funded out of the Open Space Fund held by Winchester City Council on behalf of the Parish. The purpose of such a proposal is to provide facilities for the Youth of the Parish. Significant discussion took place on this subject. Some members felt it was a good use of the land in question, which badly needed clearance, and such a proposal would not necessarily be a permanent structure.

However, other members felt that alternative locations for provision of facilities for the Youth of the Parish should be sought. If this facility was installed, all Parish facilities would be concentrated in the one place at Memorial Playing Field. The potential users of such facilities live predominantly in Compton Village and Shawford, both areas being effectively cut off from the Memorial Playing Field. Cllr Mary Shaw and Cllr. Joanne Ford will undertake a review of the issue and obtain input from the youth of the Parish together with input from local schools.

Bottle Bank

Requests from the Sports Club for the installation of a “Bottle Bank” in the car park at the Jubilee Pavilion are to be researched. Whilst this proposal was welcomed by some members because various Bottle Banks located in local Public House locations had recently been removed and also because of the need to encourage the recycling of waste. However, some members were opposed to the idea because facilities already exist in places such as the Sainsbury Car Park at Badger Farm and because such a facility may increase traffic to and from the Jubilee Pavilion.

Aircraft Noise

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White called for greater involvement in the debate with Southampton Airport on the question of Aircraft Noise. He considered that the time is ripe for the Parish Council to take a lead in representing the concerns of residents over this issue. The formal complaint from a body such as the Parish Council may have greater weight than that of individual residents.

Church Services

Members were advised that this year’s Civic Service being hosted by Otterbourne Parish Council is to be held on the 17th October 2004 and the Remembrance Service will be held on the 14th November 2004.