May 2004 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Tuesday 4th May 2004, Shawford Parish Hall

It was noted that this meeting was the last Parish Council meeting of the Present Parish Council. The Parish Council is due for re-election on 10th June 2004.

Public Session – Street Lighting

Mrs. Gillian Webster raised two issues during the session open to the Public; these were the re-instatement of the double yellow lines opposite the Bridge Hotel in Shawford and the question of Street Lighting in Bridge Lane. The Highways Authority had answered the matter of the double yellow lines in that they will be re-instated by the end of the year. With regard to Street Lighting in Bridge Lane, the Parish Council discussed this at length and there was a reluctance to progress the matter on the grounds of Bridge Lane being in a rural area in which Street Lighting is not expected together with reasons of significant initial and ongoing cost.

District Councillors’ reports

District Councillor Murray Macmillan reported on proposed meetings with Mr. David Cummins of Southampton Airport on the question of Aircraft Noise, on the introduction of “Planning Policy Statements” in the planning process of Winchester City Council and on proposed meetings regarding the matter of Shawford Station and the reduced train service.

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey reported upon the draft Open Spaces Report produced by Winchester City Council, which covers the Winchester District. This report does not include a review of the Open Spaces funding, but does identify some potential shortcomings of facilities provided through the Open Spaces scheme.

Finance and Admin Committee

The Parish Council accounts for the financial year 2003 – 2004 had been prepared and circulated to all Parish Councillors. These accounts were formally adopted in preparation for Audit. BKR Haines Watts was again formally appointed as Internal Auditor, in principle.

The Jubilee Pavilion list of outstanding issues was discussed at length. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not pay for items appearing on this list, which were not part of the specification to construct the Jubilee Pavilion. In order to progress these matters, the Clerk was instructed to review with the secretary of the Sports Club the list of outstanding issues and report back to the next Parish Council meeting.

A review of the Parish Council Insurances is to be undertaken by the Finance and Administration Committee with a view to more accurately reflecting the Parish Council Insurance needs. As the Insurance renewal date is the 1st June 2004, the authority to finalise this matter has been delegated to the Finance and Administration Committee.

As part of the forthcoming Audit, the Clerk was instructed to prepare an outline proposal covering the required Risk Assessment procedure to be followed by the Parish Council. The Auditor requires documented procedures and such procedures need to be put in place for approval at the July 2004 Parish Council meeting.


Cllr. Jean Millar reported upon planning matters, mainly upon the further Outline Planning application for three terraced dwellings at “Highdown” and the amendment to the plans for construction of a two-story garage building at Silkstead Priors. Whilst the reduction in dwellings at the “Highdown” proposed development was welcomed, the conclusion was that the same reasons for objecting to this development remained. With regard to the change to the plans covering Silkstead Priors, the Parish Council was concerned and disappointed that such changes to the approved plans were authorised by Winchester City Council without prior consultation with neighbouring residents or the Parish Council.

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported upon her progress in obtaining new signs to be put up around the Memorial Playing Field prohibiting motor vehicles, golf practice, horse riding and dog fouling on the playing fields. People undertaking these activities and causing complaints to be raised have occasioned the need for these signs.

Council Business

The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett, thanked all Parish Councillors for their hard work over the last four years and wished them well in the forthcoming elections should they be standing again. Similarly, the chairman was thanked for undertaking the duties of Chairman for the last two years.

Due to the forthcoming elections due on the 10th June 2004, the Next Parish Council meeting will be held exceptionally on Tuesday 15th June 2004, in the Heathcote Room, Shawford Parish Hall.