July 2003 PC Meeting Report

Report on the Meeting held
Thursday 3rd July 2003, Shawford Parish Hall


The major topic of discussions at this month’s meeting was Planning. There were a number of residents in attendance who are concerned with a Planning Application for the development of twenty-seven dwellings at “Mountain Ash”, Tilden Road, Compton. This development is immediately adjacent to the M3 motorway and it is thought that the resultant noise pollution would be un-acceptable to any prospective purchasers of dwellings on this site. Additionally, the design of the dwellings with their high elevations would serve to increase the reflective noise levels at Southdown School, which is already suffering from excess motorway noise pollution.

This proposed development is considered to be totally unacceptable, not only from the noise point of view, but also more importantly because the proposal is for a far too densely populated development. It was agreed by all those at the meeting that this proposal is out of character with the local area and the current infrastructure is insufficient to support such a development. The views of the Parish Council together with objections from the local residents will be conveyed to the Planners at Winchester City Council.

The Planning Inspector has dismissed the Planning Appeal concerning Mawdlam Lodge. Whilst the Appeal was dismissed by the Inspector, it was interesting to note that the Inspector did not uphold the reasons for refusing the original Planning Application by Winchester City Council. It was notable that the Planning Inspector indicated that the Government guideline of PPG3 is only one consideration to be taken into account. Considerations of local character of the area in which a development is proposed must also be taken into account and this appears to be the reasoning for dismissing this appeal.

Local Area Planning Committee proposal

A proposal for the establishment of “Local Area Planning Committees” has been initiated by New Alresford Town Council. This initiative, being seen as entirely non-political, received the full support of Compton and Shawford Parish Council.

New Pavilion Project

Mr. Paul Murray reported on the New Pavilion Project. Much of the groundwork has been done with the beam and block floor being completed within the next two weeks. After that, it is expected that the Building itself will start to rise.

Bus Shelters

Cllr. Mrs. Celia Simmons reported on her progress regarding the installation of a new Bus shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. The need for this Bus shelter is even more evident now that Compton Stores has closed. Unfortunately, it was reported that one local resident is not entirely happy with the siting. Accordingly, a review of possible locations for this proposed Bus shelter is to be undertaken.

Quality Town and Parish Council Scheme

The issue of The Quality Town and Parish Council Scheme, as put out by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs was discussed. It is understood that joining such a Scheme will entail significant additional work, require additional resources and consequently significantly increase the Parish Council’s costs. However, it was thought that it would be incorrect to dismiss this matter without giving it appropriate consideration. The guidance document put out by DEFRA will be reviewed by Cllr. Mr.G.Beckett with a view to making recommendations to the Parish Council at the September Parish Council meeting.

Next meeting

As there is no meeting of the Parish Council during the month of August, contrary to what had been published in the Parish Magazine, the next Parish Council meeting will be held on 2nd September 2003.