May 2003 PC Meeting Report

Report on the June Meeting
Tuesday 6th May 2003, Shawford Parish Hall

Annual Election of Chairman and committees

Being the Annual Parish Council Meeting, the main issue to be addressed was the election of a Chairman and Officers for the forthcoming year. Councillor Mr. George Becket was re-elected unanimously as Chairman. Councillor Beckett expressed his appreciation for the support shown him by members and undertook to continue the Chairmanship to the best of his abilities.

It was stated that the Parish Council had been running very smoothly over the last twelve months, all members working harmoniously together. For this reason it was hoped that the present officers were happy to continue in their present capacities for the next twelve months. This proposal was voted upon and unanimously agreed.

Police report

Police Constable Mark Smith reported that there had only been two crimes reported within the Parish during the month, some damage to the Scout Hut and a car broken into at the bottom of Shawford Down when a handbag was stolen.

New Pavilion project

Cllr. Adrian Walmsley reported that the New Pavilion Project is on schedule; construction work is due to commence on the 19th May 2003. To mark this notable event, Mr. Ray Wilmshurst is being invited to “cut the first sod” in a ceremony to mark the commencement of building of the long awaited new Pavilion. This small ceremony will take place on the 19th May 2003 at 7pm.

Bus shelters

Cllr. Celia Simmons reported that plans to install a new Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove are well under way. Hampshire County Council have agreed in principle that the Shelter can be placed on the grass verge and local residents are to be canvassed to ensure that they have no objections.


In response to a written question raised at the Annual Parish Assembly, Cllr. Martin Bell is investigating the matter of “portaloo” cleansing which is said to be being undertaken at Walcon Yard, adjacent to Shawford Railway Station. Whilst no discernable problem is currently noticeable, the matter is a cause of concern to local residents, so the exact planning status of the site is to be ascertained.

Local Elections

The recent local elections caused members to consider the future of the Parish Council. It was reported that many Parish Councils had difficulty in getting people to stand as Parish Councillors. The experience of Otterbourne Parish Council made it apparent that consideration must be given to ways of encouraging new blood onto the Parish Council. Fortunately, this Parish Council is not due for election until May 2004, which gives twelve months for publicising and encouraging Parishioners to take part in their Parish Council. If Parishioners do not show greater interest in Parish Council affairs and retaining influence over matters relating to the Parish, then there must be a question mark over the long term continuance of the Parish Council in its present form.