Compton’s Ray of Sunshine

It was an event that will be hard to forget, as much for the vicious squall that brought proceedings to an abrupt end as for the significance of the occasion.
A good crowd, of several dozen parishioners, sports club members and officers turned out to see Ray Wilmshurst, president of the Compton & Shawford Sports Club, cut the turf for the new sports pavilion on Monday night.
It was a fitting assignment for Ray. He became cricket club secretary in 1949 and on formation of the Sports Club he was its first secretary and treasurer and has been an officer of the club continuously ever since.
Before turning the first sod, Ray expressed his regrets that the original design, which would have provided more space for community activities, had had to be cut down.
He thanked Paul Murray, chairman of the Pavilion building committee, and everyone else who had contributed to the 20-year campaign for a new pavilion.
Building work proper is expected to start on June 2nd and finish in December.
In an appropriate twist, after the storms passed, the sun appeared and a rainbow could be seen pointing to the site of the new pavilion.
Extracts from the Hampshire Chronicle reproduced by permission of the Editor