M3 Action Group Newsletter Spring 2003
M3 Action Group Newsletter Spring 2003

It is time to report on actions taken since our last newsletter in the summer, particularly as, now that Spring is here, most of us are spending more time outside. Our intention is to highlight the need for greater noise mitigation measures along our part of the M3, to have the ‘quiet road surface’ before the projected 10 year period and to have more efficient noise barriers at noise hotspots.. We are asking for a balance to be achieved between the need for an efficient motorway structure and our entitlement under the Human Rights Act to ‘the peaceful enjoyment’ of our property.
Actions since the summer
- The petition is now underway. Thank you to those who are helping. Some roads have not been started and it will be necessary to return to those who were out so please contact one of the committee with your offers of help. We would particularly like more help in Shawford, Southdown and Otterbourne Common. Mark Oaten will help us to present the petition to Government.
- Ann Bailey and Peter Mason as County Councillors have got Hampshire County Council to allocate an Officer, Richard Chinn, specifically to co-ordinate information on the M3 and to meet regularly with Highways Agency officers and Councillors. Hampshire MPs will be invited to the next meeting as they are best placed to lobby for more money to be put into the noise mitigation budget.
- Charlotte Bailey has studied the Draft Regional Transport Strategy for January 2003 and put in comments particularly asking for assessments of noise when monitoring for environmental impacts of motorways. She is also challenging assumptions made by the Highways Agency with regard to predictions for the M3 and highlighting the need to take account of the EU Noise Directive.
- The volume of traffic increased by 2% last year from 111,000 vehicles a day to 113,000. This has the effect of more noise and for a longer period. We are asking Winchester City Council for more noise readings to be taken as a comparison with those taken in the Autumn 2001.
- The welfare of the children at Shepherds Down School continues to concern us. The new buildings are almost complete and we have asked for further readings to be taken in the new classrooms and the old. The last readings showed that almost all classrooms did not meet the standards for noise laid down by the DfEE.
- We have had the benefit of advice from a Highways Engineer so we are able to ask for specific data from the Highways Agency on the condition of the M3 along its whole length. Hampshire County Council publishes its survey results for Principal roads are we are asking for the Highways Agency to do the same.
- Mark Oaten MP has been kept informed of our actions and continues to support our case.
- Compton and Shawford and Otterbourne Parish Councils have been kept up to date with monthly reports.
Charlotte Bailey
Celia Simmons
Peter Walford
and Ann Bailey