November 2002 PC Meeting Report

Report on the November Meeting
Tuesday 5th November Shawford Parish Hall

Affordable Housing

The meeting commenced with a brief presentation from Gordon Richardson, Rural Housing Enabler. As part of Community Action Hampshire, the Rural Housing Enabler assists Parish Councils in determining affordable housing needs within a Parish, assists with identifying areas of land which have the potential for development for such housing and assists in the negotiation with Landowners and the relevant Planning Authorities. Under the management of the Planning Committee it was determined that the subject of providing Affordable Housing within the Parish of Compton and Shawford would be further investigated.

Pavilion Building Committee

Cllr. George Beckett reported that whilst Paul Murray’s Pavilion Building Committee is waiting the outcome of the Lottery bid for funding, further fund raising events are being organised. As one such event falls on the first Tuesday in March 2003, the Parish Council meeting in March 2003 will exceptionally be moved to the Wednesday 5th March 2003. It is hoped that the Lottery Application will be successful and that the Parish Council will be notified of its success on 17th December 2002.

County Councillor’s Report

County Councillor Ann Bailey reported on progress of the M3 noise project, developments proposed in Highways Road, a Waste Training Day and proposals for traffic speed limits in Poles Lane. Some Councillors expressed their objection to the imposition of yet more restrictions such as speed limits in Poles Lane. It was stated that such restriction are seen to be costly and unnecessary. The Parish Council would review the situation once they have received the proposals in writing and comment appropriately as Statutory Consultees.


Cllr. Tom Threlfall reported on the rumours that Rail track are proposing to cut down all trees along the Rail Embankment, commencing at Winchester. Whilst the tidying of the rail embankment is applauded, the removal of all trees is considered excessive. The matter will be investigated with representations being made to retain some deciduous trees in order to retain the rural aspect of the embankment.


Cllr. Nick Campbell-White reported that the recent vandalism to the stone War Memorial had now been repaired. However, it was noted that on the very day that the work had been completed, somebody had ridden a bicycle over the freshly cleaned stonework, leaving rubber tyre marks. This prompted consideration for preventative action to stop such mindless act of vandalism. Actions such as erecting iron railings around the memorial or even moving the memorial had been considered. However, such actions were considered detrimental to the original purpose of the memorial and therefore will be held in abeyance.

Finance & Admin

Cllr. Nick Campbell-White also requested Councillors to consider their required budgets for the next financial year. Also, Councillors are also requested to initiate the preparation of Job Descriptions covering their present duties and to assist in the development of detailed Risk Assessment procedures. These issues need to be clarified in order to conform to the requirements of the new “Lighter Touch Audit Regime”.

Playing Fields

Cllr. Mary Shaw reported on the re-turfing of the Goal Mouths in the Compton Street Play Area, the repairs to the gate in the Compton street Play Area, the replacement of the Liquidambar tree on the Memorial Playing Field which was damaged during the recent high winds and repairs needed to the windows of the storage shed on the Memorial Playing Field. The subject of screening the resurfaced Tennis Courts from the neighbouring properties was further discussed and negotiations with the Tennis Club continues.

Bus Shelters

Cllr Celia Simmons reported on her investigation into the provision of a Bus Shelter at the end of Attwoods Drove. A need has been confirmed and investigations reveal that currently no second hand Bus Shelter is available. A new one, suitably Vandal proofed, would cost approximately £3,500. Grants for 75% of the cost are to be applied for with the remainder being funded by the Parish Council in the next financial year.

Dog Bins

Reviews into the need for “Dog Bins” in Attwoods Drove have resulted in the view that there is insufficient justification for installing such bins. However, notices have been put up drawing the attention of Dog owners to the fact that it is their responsibility to clean up after their dogs.

Rector’s retirement

Cllr. George Beckett advised the meeting that the Rector, The Reverend John Widdows, is leaving the Parish and a farewell party is to be held at Otterbourne School on Monday 18th November 2002 at 7.30 pm.