Queen’s Golden Jubilee

Queen’s Golden Jubilee

July 2002

Jubilee Celebrations

Resultant from the very successful Jubilee Celebrations, a modest surplus of funds has arisen. The Jubilee Celebration Committee have suggested the purchase and installation of two public Bench Seats to act a permanent commemoration of the Queens Golden Jubilee. The Chairman, Cllr. George Beckett will discuss this very kind offer with the Jubilee celebration Committee.

May 2002

Jubilee celebrations

Plans for the Golden Jubilee Celebrations, to be held on the Memorial Playing Field, are proceeding well. It is understood that all tickets have sold out.

April 2002

Jubilee Celebrations

Cllr. G.Beckett also reported upon the progress of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations Sub-committee, which is being led by Mrs Judy Harris. Much work is being undertaken by the Sub-committee, arrangements being made for a dog show, vintage car show, helium balloon race, music from a four-piece Jazz Band and a Children’s Party at which souvenir mugs will be distributed. This is all over and above those items reported last month, which therefore promises to make a memorable occasion in the village on Saturday 1st June 2002.

March 2002

Jubilee Celebrations

Cllr. Mr. George Beckett reported on Mrs Judith Harris’s activities on the Golden Jubilee Celebration Sub-committee. A Marquee together with sufficient tables and chairs has been hired together with a “Spit Roast” for the evening. Musical entertainment is planned together with other attractions such as vintage cars, horse/pony rides, inter village games and a Carousel and barrel organ. These celebrations are to take place on the Memorial Playing Field on the 1st June 2002.

February 2002

Jubilee Celebrations

Councillor Beckett also reported on plans for celebration of the Queens Golden Jubilee. Agreement was unanimously reached that the Parish Council would underwrite the cost of the extensive Celebrations on the Memorial Playing Fields on Saturday 1st June 2002, which are being organised by Judy Harris who heads a Committee under the auspices of the Parish Council. It was noted that the question of Public Liability Insurance for such an event had been researched by the Clerk and was found to be acceptable.

September 2001

Jubilee celebrations

As it was reported that CASCA were unable to lead in the arrangements for a celebration to mark the Queen’s Jubilee next year, it was determined that investigations should be undertaken to establish a Committee to undertake such an event.