November 2001 PC Meeting Report

Report on the November Meeting
Tuesday 6th November 2001, Shawford Parish Hall

Detached Youth Project

The Meeting commenced with a presentation by Mrs Jackie Porter of the Winchester Detached Youth Work Project, which was arranged by Councillor Martin Bell. The purpose of this was to acquaint the Parish Council with what could be provided by way of assistance in determining the needs of 11 to 15 year old youth within the Parish. This is a subject which is being considered by the Parish Council, the justification of which is yet to be determined. It proved to be an informative presentation and Parish Councillors are considering whether to proceed further.

Co-option of a new councillor

Due to there not being any demand for an election, the “Casual Vacancy” on the Parish Council caused by the resignation of Stuart Jennings, was filled by the co-option of Mrs Jude Vallis. The Chairman, Cllr. N.Campbell-White, welcomed Mrs. Vallis and advised that she would commence her duties at the December meeting by which time all necessary administrative issues will have been completed.

Questions from the public

Questions were raised by members of the Public concerning the Procedures for Elections and the Co-option process. These were satisfactorily answered by the Chairman. Questions were also raised by the Shawford Residents Association concerning the state of the pavements and parking restrictions in Shawford village, opposite the Bridge Hotel. Cllr Celia Simmons is to investigate the matter.

Finance & Admin Subcommittee

Cllr George Beckett reported on the Finance and Administration Sub-committee deliberations in respect of the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that the April meeting, being the yearly meeting where all Parishioners are invited to attend, would now be referred to as the “Annual Parish Assembly”. This to differentiate the meeting from the “Annual Parish Council Meeting” which is held in May each year.

Cllr. Beckett also reported upon proposals for an “Annual Report” of the Parish Council to be produced in advance of the Annual Parish Assembly. This is to be collated by Cllr. Adrian Walmsley from reports submitted by all Parish Councillors, and distributed to every household to provide Parishioners with a more detailed understanding of what the Parish Council is doing. In addition, it is the Parish Council’s desire to encourage greater participation in the Annual Parish Assembly, and ways to achieve this are to be considered.


Much discussion took place concerning the recently published Winchester City Council “Urban Capacity Plan”. This document identifies those pieces of Land within the Parish, which could be considered for development. Significant concern had been raised over this document as it indicated some parcels of land for development which had previously had planning permission refused. Additionally, it had come to light that certain Developers were using this document to pressurise householders and landowners to release such land for development on the premise that such development would not meet with any planning difficulty. This is not necessarily the case. The conclusion was that the “Urban Capacity Plan” will lead to many problems and it was published in an ill-conceived format.

Sports Club Lease

Cllr. George Beckett reported on the deliberations concerning the proposed new Licence for the Sports Club, subsequent to the construction of the New Pavilion. It had been concluded that the Parish Council will have to subsidise the Sports Club as at present, but it is the wish of the Parish Council that ultimately the Sports Club will be self-funding, this being to the extent that no subsidy from the Parish Council will be required to cover the running costs of the New Pavilion. Beyond that, it is considered unlikely that the Parish Council can expect any income by way of rent from the Sports Club. However, discussions are continuing.

Traffic – Old Shepherds Lane

The proposed change in road priorities at the end of Shepherds Lane, at the junction with the access to Southdown School, was a major topic for discussion. The result of which is that more detailed information is to be sought from Hampshire County Council, particularly on the safety issues. With this information, the Sub-committee will convene a meeting with local Residents and 2 Residents Associations to discuss further the matter and list their objections.

Telephone Kiosk – Shawford

Cllr. T.Threlfall advised that the issue of the disappearing telephone Kiosk in Shawford Village, reported upon last month, is being strongly pursued by Mrs Gillian Webster. It was decided that Mrs. Webster should be supported in her quest by the Parish Council. Enquiries have revealed that BT Payphones have given their assurance that the payphone will be replaced, together with an old style red kiosk.

Remembrance Day wreath laying

An article in the recent edition of the Parish Magazine written by the Rector, John Widdows, has caused some upset amongst Parishioners, the details of which were brought to the attention of the Parish Council. This concerns the suggestion by the Rector that the annual Memorial Service on Remembrance Sunday at the Stone Cross on Shawford Down should be discontinued in preference to holding the Remembrance Service in the Church. The Parish Council strongly supports the continuance of the Remembrance Service at the Stone Cross. The Chairman will be writing to the Rector expressing the sentiments of the Parish Council over this matter.