January 2001 PC Meeting Report

Report on the January Meeting
Tuesday, 2nd January 2001, Shawford Parish Hall

Councillor N.Campbell-White was in the chair and was pleased to welcome eight members of the public to the meeting.


Resultant from the resignation of Councillor R.Wilmshurst in December 2000, the meeting was advised that an election had been called for. Nominations have to be received by the Returning Officer at the Electoral Services Unit, W.C.C., City Offices, Winchester, no later than Friday 12th January 2001. The election is to take place on Thursday 8th February 2001.

County Councillor’s Report :

County Councillor Mrs. Ann Bailey reported that within the Parish there had not been any serious incidents in respect of Flooding. The Area Office had managed to find some money to stop the flooding at the junction of Place Lane and the Main Road, completion being achieved just before the heavy rains. Due to the Flood alert, all non-urgent road works had been suspended until the weather improves. An up-dated Flood Plain Map has been produced which shows Shawford Park within the Flood Plain area. This is significant when considering the Planning Enquiry for the Polo Centre.

City Councillor’s Report:

District Councillor Charlotte Bailey submitted a written report. The Shawford House Appeal resumes on the 23rd January 2001. The Environment Agency at WCC has agreed to measure noise levels along the M3.

Transport Representative:

Due to the resignation of the Transport Representative, Councillor Celia Simmons has agreed to take on this role on a temporary basis until a permanent replacement can be found.

Trees and footpaths:

With regard to the Parish Trees, Footpaths and Compton Lock, there was nothing specific to report. The only matter worth mentioning was the Flooding along the Towpath, this is now receding. Walkers, wear your wellington boots.


The Finance Sub-committee had worked extensively upon the Budgets and Annual Precept for the year 2001/2002. As a result the Parish Council were able to ratify the Precept at £22,000-00, an increase of only 2.326% over the year 2000/2001. Accounts for 1999/2000 have been finalised for Audit presentation to the Audit Commission on 11th January 2001.

New Pavilion:

With the establishment of Paul Murray’s Pavilion Building Committee, significant progress has been made in determining precisely what type of development and cost the Parish can pursue. Once all appropriate options have been fully evaluated, final decisions can be made. A separate fuller report on the Pavilion proposals will appear in the next Parish Magazine.

Playing Fields:

Quotations for replacement Children’s Play Equipment on the Memorial Playing Fields have been accepted. Work on the new Children’s Play Area will commence within the next few months. Unfortunately, due to the state of repair of the swing, it will have to be taken out of service for safety reasons. A weekly recorded inspection of the condition of all play equipment will now be carried out.


The Notice Boards around the Parish have been examined and a project initiated to renovate/replace them where considered appropriate.


Very little has taken place with regard to Planning Applications this month. However, the Parish Council have expressed their objections to Winchester City Council in respect of proposed developments at Longacre, Hurdle Way, Compton, where clearance work had started before plans had been approved.

Michael Langford, Clerk