Parish says thanks to Ray
Parish says thanks to Ray

Compton and Shawford parish council said goodbye to one of its long-serving members with the presentation of a White Star Line plaque.
Ray Wilmshurst is pictured showing off the plate – a souvenir of the Titanic’s shipping line – which was presented to him by Chairman Nick Campbell-White to mark his resignation after 34 years on the Council.
As Chairman for ten of those years, Ray masterminded the parish’s Jubilee celebrations in 1977.
Ray has also long been a driving force behind the Compton Sports Club. He became secretary in 1949 as a teenager and has since served the club continuously as treasurer, chairman and now President.
As the Parish Council’s nominated school governor for nearly 20 years, and the only former pupil on the board of our local primary school, Ray’s down-to-earth advice has been valued by successive head teachers and chairmen of governors.
Ray also found time to reform the long defunct local Horticultural Society.
Thanks to his drive and infectious enthusiasm, the society was an immediate and continuing success. Its annual show is now one of the highlights of the year.
“Although we will miss his knowledge and advice on the Parish Council, it is good to know that Ray plans to continue to serve the community through the Horticultural Society”, said Adrian Walmsley, a past chairman of the council.
Extracts from the Hampshire Chronicle reproduced by permission of the Editor