May 2000 PC Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting Reports
May 2000
Table of Contents
The Annual Parish Meeting held on 2 May 2000
Parish Council Elections on 4 May 2000
Annual meeting of the Parish Council on 9 May 2000
Annual Parish Meeting
The Chairman Councillor Campbell-White welcomed 72 parishioners to the meeting and reported that the year has been dominated by three events; the heart attack of Dennis Richman; the modernisation of the Parish Hall and the proposals for a new pavilion. He thanked those who had covered for Mr Richman during his absence. Councillor Campbell-White reported the refurbishment of the Parish Hall was complete and praised the energy and enthusiasm of the CASCA committee. Finally he announced that the modified bid for a Sport England Lottery bid was near completion.
The Chairman then asked Convenors to report on the work of their respective subcommittees:
Finance & Administration Subcommittee. Councillor Walmsley explained the audited accounts for 1998/1999 and these were adopted. The Parish finances stand at approximately £100,000 most of which is committed to the pavilion project. The financial responsibility for the Parish Hall has passed to CASCA but the Parish Council will act as a financial longstop and has budgeted £1,000 as cover. Finally, Councillor Walmsley pointed out that the Parish Council is tightly controlled on what it could spend its finances. However, it has agreed to grant Compton Primary School £2,000 for the next three years towards the building fund.
Planning Subcommittee Councillor Millar stated that beside the normal applications throughout the year there were currently two applications to build stables. The one on the Western side of the parish may well be granted, with restrictions, but the application in Shawford Park awaits a decision while experts study the environmental issues.
Playing Fields Subcommittee Councillor Wilmshurst confirmed that all parish play equipment meets the safety regulations and was passed as safe by the Insurance Company inspector. A plan is being formulated, with expert advice, to improve the two play areas with £14,000 available to the parish from the Open Space Fund.
Highways, Byways & Environment Subcommittee Councillor Ellis reported that the most serious complaints are concerning the pumping of sewage sludge and controlled waste on farmland within the parish. The Environment Agency investigated these complaints but decided there is no contravention of the regulations. The lighting at the junction of Compton Street and Main Road is now completed. Two new notice boards have been installed as part of a replacement programme and a fully enclosed bus shelter, opposite Shepherds Lane Bridge, is to be installed by Hampshire County Council in the near future.
Footpath Representative and Tree Warden Councillor Threlfall reported that fallen trees on footpaths and the Itchen Navigation were being quickly removed by the respective agencies. The Hockley Railway Viaduct now has a pleasant footpath and is about to be furnished with a viewing platform. The Environment Agency is to start work on the restoration of Compton Lock in the near future.
Parish Hall Mr Matthews, Chairman of CASCA, reported that the Parish Hall and car park are virtually completed but there is a dispute over the colours of the paviers on the terrace. The Heathcote Room is to be brought back into use by September and an audio system and stage are planned depending on the success of a grant application. Over the last 6 months income is up by 50% on last year.
New Pavilion Subcommittee Councillor Staunton said the Parish Council is working towards providing suitable sporting facilities in keeping with the new millennium standard and needs. The new draft would be presented at the next Parish Council meeting for discussion and would be available to the electorate through local councillors. The bid, once agreed by the Parish Council, will be submitted in its final form to Sport England.
The Chairman then introduced Mr Gazzard, Headmaster of Shepherds Down School, who gave an excellent presentation on the imminent expansion of the school and answered questions from the audience.
School Governor’s Report Councillor Wilmshurst said the Parish was very fortunate to have such a successful school. At the recent mini Ofsted the inspectors concluded that academic standards are high, the head teacher is providing effective leadership and the quality of teaching is a major strength of the school.
Police Report Police Constable Barham gave a brief review of crime statistics in the parish over the past four years. In general crime has reduced significantly. Twyford and Alresford Police sections are to amalgamate into the Itchen Valley Section but the Twyford police station is to remain.
There being no further reports the Chairman asked for questions to be answered by members of the Parish Council and the meeting closed at 10.05 pm.
Parish Council Elections
On 4 May 2000 Parish Council elections took place with the following being elected councillors:
Mr M. Bell
Mr N. Campbell-White
Mr S. Jennings
Mrs M. Millar
Mrs M. Shaw
Mrs C. Simmons
Mr T. Threlfall
Mr A. Walmsley
Mr R. Wilmshurst
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The Chairman welcomed the new councillors, Councillors Simmons and Bell, to the meeting and announced that he had received letters of apology from Councillors Shaw and Jennings. The question of proxy voting for Councillors Shaw and Jennings was raised but ruled to be unlawful and not allowed. The Chairman stated that the first point of business was the election of chairman. Councillor Walmsley proposed and Councillor Millar seconded Councillor Campbell-White as Chairman. There were no other nominations. After some debate Councillor Campbell-White was unanimously elected as Chairman of the Parish Council.
Councillor Bell was elected unopposed as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council.
The following convenors and subcommittee members were elected and appointed:
Subcommittee | Convenor | Members |
Finance and Administration | R Wilmshurst | M Bell & A Walmsley |
Playing Fields Management | TBD | M Shaw, C Simmons & R Wilmshurst |
Planning | J Millar | T Threlfall, M Shaw or S Jennings |
New Pavilion | A Walmsley | M Bell, C Simmons & T Threlfall |
Highways, Byways & Environment | TBD | Under consideration |
Footpaths | S Jennings | T Threlfall |
M3 Quiet Surface | C Simmons | City Councillor C. Bailey co-opted |
Other appointments | |
School Governor | R Wilmshurst (already appointed till Sept 2001) |
Rep to Sports Club | M Bell |
Transport Rep | M Eyre |
Tree Warden | T Threlfall |
Rep to CPRE | M Bell |
Winchester Rural District Trust | Mrs Spickernell |
Reps to CASCA | N Campbell-White, J Millar |
New Pavilion subcommittee
Mr Staunton handed over the draft Lottery Bid to the Chairman at the meeting and it will now be copied and given to Councillors who will have it available for public viewing. It was agreed that the bid would be placed on the Parish Council’s website for viewing. Councillor Walmsley, the new convenor, said he would be consulting widely on the project but he did not want the subcommittee to become too large.
Public Session
During this part of the meeting a number of parishioners voiced the opinion that the Parish Council would be expected to work harmoniously together and represent the electors on all matters, despite representing a diverse spectrum of opinions. The Chairman said that it was his expectation as well and all Councillors agreed with this view.